Brandy Nelson is co-author of Default Industry Leaders first edutainment book about foreclosures and the Real Estate Owned (REO) industry and earned the ranking of No. 1 bestseller and No. 1 Hot New Release upon its debut in multiple categories including Real Estate Sales and Selling, Economics Development and Growth, Economics Urban and Regional, and Econometrics.
Default Industry Leaders Authors in order of chapters include Kristen Conti, Lana Cook Detro, Alyson Silverman, Kimberly Brunson, Tammy Seymour, Jennifer Patnode, and Louis Fontaine.
Nelson contributed her chapter “Challenge Accepted” to the project.
Brandy Nelson is joined by co-authors Kristen Conti, Lana Cook Detro, Alyson Silverman, Kimberly Brunson, Tammy Seymour, Jennifer Patnode, and Louis Fontaine.
The entertainment chapters in order of appearance include “Hurry Up and Wait” by Kristen Conti; “Hoarding, Haunting, and Dead Man Walking” by Lana Cook Detro; “Nine Cops Guns Drawn, 8 Chickens A-Laying, 2 Evictions and a Partridge in a Pear Tree” by Alyson Silverman; “How to Win Friends and Influence Foreclosured Home Buyers in Today’s Marketplace” by Kimberly Brunson; “Tails of the Wild” by Tammy Seymour and Jennifer Patnode; “Someone Has to Clean Up the Mess” by Louis Fontaine, and “Challenge Accepted” by Brandy Nelson.
The educational chapters include market updates for each location represented by the authors, client testimonials, and a glossary of default industry real estate terms.
About Brandy Nelson
As the team leader of Brandy Nelson Associates, Brandy Nelson is a Broker Associate with Windermere Homes & Estates and Windermere Commercial.
As a consistent Top Producer, Brandy’s business consists of residential real estate, bank-owned properties, commercial sales, and commercial leases. Successfully selling more than 2000 transactions since being licensed in 2005.
Brandy has earned the distinctive titles of Executive Premier Director for REO and Foreclosures, as well as the Executive Director for Commercial Properties and the Premier Director of Premier Properties Luxury Division.
With diversified clients including corporations, financial institutions, distressed sellers, and motivated buyers and sellers, Brandy and her dynamic team can provide solutions to difficult situations.
Brandy has earned a high level of recognition over the years including serving on NAWRB, NAHREP board, REOBROKER Director, Women Council of Realtor’s board, Default Industry Leaders, DS Pros, CDPE, AREAA A-Lister, and being in the National Top 50 for number of real estate closed transactions.
State of the Market in California Coachella Valley/Greater Palm Springs Area
“I cover the Southern California area specifically the Coachella Valley/Greater Palm Springs area,” said Brandy Nelson.
“Our market still has low inventory, but we are in the middle of a shift in the market. We went from a strong seller’s market to a more level market. Days on the market are increasing and multiple offers on homes are decreasing.”
She added, “With gas prices at almost $6.00 a gallon and interest rates rising, there is a lot of uncertainty in the market. A lot of buyers are on the fence about buying currently and sellers are on the fence about selling without knowing where else to go.”
“With that being said, we are still in a strong market and in a desirable area, which is less than three hours away from major markets like Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County, but with more affordable housing. This brings many buyers to our market from out-of-state as well,” Nelson said.
The Greater Palm Springs area is a destination area with famous golf courses, beautiful architecture, and amazing mountain views.
“ I do believe that our market will continue to be strong in this area, but prices are slightly decreasing. Demand is still strong and will stay strong in our market for a while, “she said.
“Now that moratoriums have ended, eventually, inventory will increase which will bring prices down,” Nelson said. “We are heading into a buyer’s market. Real estate always has cycles and will go up and down, but it is still a good time to buy real estate.”
About Default Industry Leaders
Default Industry Leaders is a non-profit organization. Any proceeds from this book will be donated to charitable causes. The purpose of the group is to support other REO brokers, to open the doors to newer agents who may wish to break into the default segment of the market but have been denied access, and to market Default Industry Leaders effectively to potential clients and the buying public.
Features and benefits of DIL for Professionals:
- Nationwide networking with the most experienced REO/Default Realtors at all conferences, gatherings, and events.
- Several proprietary (in-house) networking events give you a chance to interact with REO vendors and decision-makers.
- Exposure to our Agent Directory (which can also help your online SEO presence)
- Interaction with REO/Default leaders on our website and Facebook Group.
- Our website and Facebook page will give you the ability to stay on top of all breaking news related to REO/Default.
- Help contribute to our many charitable causes to feed the hungry, help women’s shelters, donate to disaster-stricken areas, and take care of our soldiers.
Learn more about Default Industry Leaders.
Location Info:
Brandy Nelson, Windermere Homes & Estates
73-725 El Paseo Ste 23A, Palm Desert, CA 92260