Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
No. 1)
Filed by the Registrant þ |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o |
Check the appropriate box: |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): |
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
Dear fellow stockholder,
You are cordially invited to attend the Federal Signal
Corporation 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The meeting
will be held
on , ,
2009, at a.m., local time,
at .
Details regarding admission to the meeting and the business to
be conducted are more fully described in the accompanying notice
of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.
At this years Annual Meeting, you will be asked to vote on
the election of directors and the ratification of
Ernst & Young LLPs appointment as Federal
Signals independent registered public accounting firm for
We hope you will be able to attend the meeting, but if you
cannot do so, it is important that your shares be represented.
We urge you to read the proxy statement carefully, and to use
the WHITE proxy card to vote for the Board of Directors
nominees by telephone or Internet, or by signing, dating, and
returning the enclosed WHITE proxy card in the postage-paid
envelope provided, whether or not you plan to attend the Annual
Meeting. Instructions are on the WHITE proxy card.
You should know that Warren B. Kanders has notified us that he
intends to nominate three nominees, including himself, in
opposition to the Boards recommended nominees for director.
We strongly urge you to vote for the nominees proposed by the
Board by using the enclosed WHITE proxy card and not to return
any proxy card sent to you by Mr. Kanders. If you have
previously returned a proxy card sent to you by
Mr. Kanders, you can revoke it by using the WHITE proxy
card to vote by telephone or Internet, or by signing, dating and
returning our Companys WHITE proxy card in the
postage-paid envelope provided. Only your last-dated proxy will
Thank you for your continued support of our Company.
William H. Osborne
President and Chief Executive Officer
1415 West 22nd Street
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders
To Be Held
on ,
To the Stockholders of
Federal Signal Corporation:
The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Federal Signal Corporation
for the year 2009 will be held at
on , ,
2009, at a.m., local time, for the following
1. To elect three (3) Class I directors;
2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as our independent registered public accounting firm for
2009; and
3. To transact such other business that may properly come
before the meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) of
such meeting.
The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on
March 3, 2009 as the record date for the meeting. This
means that if you owned shares of our common stock on that date,
you are entitled to receive this notice, and to vote at the
meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) of the meeting.
In order to be admitted to the meeting, you must be a Federal
Signal stockholder or hold a proxy. If you are not a registered
holder, you should bring proof of stock ownership.
A copy of our Annual Report to our stockholders for the year
ended December 31, 2008, a proxy statement and a WHITE
proxy card accompany this notice.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the
nominees for director proposed by the Board and FOR the approval
of the independent registered public accounting firm, using the
WHITE proxy card.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy
Materials for the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders to be Held
on ,
The following materials, also included with this Notice, are
available to be viewed, downloaded, and printed, at no charge,
by accessing the following Internet address:
1. Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, and
2. 2008 Annual Report to Stockholders
* * * Important Note * * *
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT! Whether or not you expect to attend
the meeting, you are urged to vote as promptly as possible in
one of the following ways:
Use the toll-free telephone number shown on the WHITE proxy
Go to the website address shown on the WHITE proxy card and
vote via the Internet; or
Sign, date and promptly return the enclosed WHITE proxy card
in the postage-paid envelope provided. Any proxy may be revoked
at any time prior to its exercise at the Annual Meeting.
Instructions for voting are contained on the enclosed WHITE
proxy card. If you have any questions or need assistance in
voting your shares of our common stock, please call Innisfree
M&A Incorporated, which is assisting us, toll-free at
(877) 800-5186
(banks and brokers may call collect at
(212) 750-5833).
By order of the Board of Directors,
Jennifer L. Sherman
Corporate Secretary
1415 West 22nd Street
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Proxy Statement for Annual Meeting of Stockholders
To Be Held
on ,
The Board of Directors of Federal Signal Corporation is
furnishing this proxy statement to you in order to solicit your
proxy for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held
on , ,
2009 at a.m., local time, and any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s) of such meeting. The purpose
of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders is:
To elect three (3) Class I directors. The Board of
Directors has nominated James E. Goodwin, William H. Osborne and
Joseph R. Wright as its candidates for election as Class I
To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for 2009.
To transact any other business that may properly come before the
Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) of such
This proxy statement and the accompanying WHITE proxy card were
first mailed to stockholders on or
about ,
Your Shares
You may vote on the above matters in the following ways:
By Telephone or Internet: You may vote by
telephone or Internet by following the instructions included on
the enclosed WHITE proxy card.
By Written Proxy: You may vote by written
proxy by signing, dating and returning the enclosed WHITE proxy
card in the postage-paid envelope provided.
In Person: If you are a record stockholder,
you may vote in person at the Annual Meeting. You are a record
stockholder if your shares are registered in your name. If your
shares are in the name of your broker or bank, your shares are
held in Street-name and you are not a record
stockholder. If your shares are held in Street-name and you wish
to vote in person at the Annual Meeting, you will need to
contact your broker or bank to obtain a legal proxy allowing
attendance at the Annual Meeting. If you plan to attend the
Annual Meeting in person, please bring proper identification and
proof of ownership of your shares.
You will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting only if you
held shares of our common stock of record at the close of
business on March 3, 2009, the record date. You
will be entitled to one vote for each share you owned on the
record date for each of three directorships to be elected and on
each other matter presented at the meeting. On the record date,
there were 47,592,751 shares of our common stock issued and
Our By-Laws provide that a majority of the outstanding shares,
present in person or by proxy, will constitute a quorum at the
Annual Meeting. For purposes of determining if a quorum is
present, we will count all proxies designated as
withholding authority to vote for a nominee or
nominees or abstaining from any proposal, as well as
broker non-votes, as shares represented at the
Annual Meeting and counted toward establishing the presence of a
You can direct how your shares will be voted at the Annual
Meeting by signing, dating and returning the enclosed WHITE
proxy card. If you return a WHITE proxy card, but no specific
voting instructions are given with respect to a proposal, your
shares will be voted for each of the three nominees
named on the WHITE proxy card and for the
ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as our independent auditors for 2009, as applicable.
If you hold your shares in more than one account, you will
receive a WHITE proxy card for each account. To ensure that all
of your shares are voted, please vote by telephone or Internet
for each account, or sign, date and return a WHITE proxy card
for each account in the postage-paid envelope provided.
We have received notice from Warren B. Kanders, a stockholder of
our Company, that he intends to nominate at the Annual Meeting,
and to solicit proxies in favor of, his own slate of three
nominees for election to your Board of Directors as Class I
directors. As a result, you may receive proxy solicitation
materials from Mr. Kanders, including a proxy statement and
alternate proxy card. To ensure stockholders have our
Companys latest proxy information and materials to vote,
the Board expects to conduct multiple mailings prior to the date
of the Annual Meeting, each of which will include a WHITE proxy
card regardless of whether or not you have previously voted.
Only the latest dated proxy card you vote will be counted.
previously signed a proxy card sent by Mr. Kanders, you
have every right to change your vote by using your WHITE proxy
card to vote by telephone or Internet, or by signing, dating and
returning the enclosed WHITE proxy card in the postage-paid
envelope provided. Only the latest dated proxy card you vote
will be counted. We urge you to disregard any proxy card sent to
you by Mr. Kanders.
The Board of Directors has NOT endorsed
Mr. Kanders nominations and urges you to vote
FOR the Boards nominees for director using the
WHITE proxy card TODAY. Please do not return any proxy card sent
to you by Mr. Kanders even as a protest vote.
Under the rules that govern brokers who have record ownership of
shares that they hold in Street-name for clients who
beneficially own such shares, a broker may vote such shares in
its discretion on routine matters if the broker has
not received voting instructions from its client, but a broker
cannot exercise its own discretion to vote such shares on
certain non-routine matters absent voting
instructions from its client. When a broker votes a
clients shares on some but not all of the proposals
presented at the meeting, each non-routine proposal for which
the broker cannot vote because it has not received a voting
instruction from the client is referred to as a broker
If Mr. Kanders solicits proxies, then each of the proposals
will be considered a non-routine matter for any
brokerage accounts solicited by Mr. Kanders. Thus, if your
shares are held through a broker and Mr. Kanders provides
you with proxy solicitation materials through your broker and
you do not provide instructions to your broker as to how your
shares are to be voted in the election of directors, your broker
would not be able to vote your shares on any of the proposals
after the time Mr. Kanders commences that solicitation.
If Mr. Kanders does not solicit proxies, each of the
proposals will be considered a routine matter, and a broker will
be permitted to vote its clients shares in the
brokers discretion absent instructions from its client.
We urge you to provide instructions to your broker to ensure
that your votes will be counted on these important matters. If
Mr. Kanders solicits proxies to elect one or more of his
nominees to our Board of Directors, and a broker cannot vote a
clients shares because the broker has not received voting
instructions from the client on any of the proposals presented
at this meeting, then such clients shares will not be
voted in person or by proxy and will not count for purposes of
determining whether a quorum is present. You should vote your
shares by following the instructions provided on the WHITE proxy
card and returning your WHITE proxy card to your broker to
ensure that a WHITE proxy card is voted on your behalf.
Required to Elect Directors and Ratify the Appointment of
Ernst & Young for 2009
Our By-Laws provide that, in an uncontested election, a nominee
for director shall be elected to the Board if a quorum is
present and if the votes cast for such
nominees election exceed the withhold votes
cast against such nominees election. In addition, our
Corporate Governance Guidelines include a director resignation
policy that requires each director nominee, prior to each
election of directors at an annual meeting, to submit to the
Board an irrevocable letter of resignation from the Board which
will become effective if that director does not receive the
necessary votes and the Board determines to accept such
resignation. In such circumstances, the Boards Nominating
and Governance Committee will evaluate and make a recommendation
to the Board with respect to the submitted resignation. The
Board will take action on the recommendation within
180 days following the stockholders meeting at which
the election occurred. In such circumstances, we will publicly
disclose the Boards decision including, if applicable, the
reasons for rejecting a resignation.
The majority voting standard does not apply, however, if the
number of nominees for director exceeds the number of directors
to be elected. Our By-Laws provide that in such circumstances,
directors will instead be elected by a plurality of the votes
cast. Because the number of nominees timely nominated for
election at the Annual Meeting exceeds the number of directors
to be elected at the meeting, the election of directors at the
Annual Meeting is a contested election. As a result, directors
will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the Annual
Meeting, meaning that the three (3) nominees receiving the
most votes will be elected. Shares cannot be voted for more than
three (3) nominees for the election of directors at the
Annual Meeting, and only one vote per share may be cast for a
given nominee. If you return more than one proxy card, only the
latest dated proxy card you vote will be counted.
Only votes cast FOR a nominee will be counted at the
Annual Meeting. Unless indicated otherwise by your WHITE proxy
card, if you vote using a WHITE proxy card, your shares will be
voted FOR the three (3) nominees recommended by
the Board of Directors and named in this proxy statement.
Stockholder instructions on the accompanying WHITE proxy card to
withhold authority to vote for one or more of the nominees, and
abstentions, will result in those nominees receiving fewer
FOR votes but will not count against a
nominees election.
If Mr. Kanders were to withdraw his nomination of three
nominees for director prior to the election of Class I
directors at the Annual Meeting, then the election would be
uncontested and the majority voting standard described above
would apply.
The proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm
for 2009 will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the
votes cast affirmatively or negatively at the Annual Meeting for
approval. An abstention will not count as a vote cast against
these matters.
Held in 401(k) Plan
On March 3, 2009, our 401(k) Plan, which is called the
Federal Signal Corporation Retirement Savings Plan, held
1,305,337 shares of our common stock in the name of
Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, as trustee of the 401(k)
Plan. If you are a participant in the 401(k) Plan, you may
instruct Vanguard how to vote shares of common stock credited to
your 401(k) Plan account by indicating your instructions on your
WHITE proxy card and returning it
by ,
2009. A properly executed proxy card will be voted by Vanguard
as directed. If no proper voting direction is received,
Vanguard, in its capacity as the 401(k) Plan Trustee, will vote
your shares held in the 401(k) Plan in the same proportion as
votes received from other participants in the 401(k) Plan.
of Proxy
You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted by:
voting by telephone or Internet on a later date, or delivering a
later-dated proxy card prior to or at the Annual Meeting,
filing a written notice of revocation with our Corporate
Secretary, or
attending the Annual Meeting and voting your shares in person.
Attendance alone at the Annual Meeting will not revoke a proxy.
of Proxies
The Securities and Exchange Commission has adopted rules that
permit companies and intermediaries such as brokers to satisfy
delivery requirements for annual reports and proxy statements
with respect to two or more stockholders sharing the same
address by delivering a single annual report
and/or proxy
statement addressed to those stockholders. This process, which
is commonly referred to as householding, potentially
provides extra convenience for stockholders and cost savings for
companies. We and some brokers may household annual reports and
proxy materials, delivering a single annual report
and/or proxy
statement to multiple stockholders sharing an address unless
contrary instructions have been received from the affected
Once you have received notice from your broker or us that they
or we will be householding materials to your address,
householding may continue until you are notified otherwise or
until you revoke your consent. You may
request to receive at any time a separate copy of our annual
report or proxy statement, by sending a written request to
Federal Signal Corporation, 1415 West 22nd Street,
Suite 1100, Oak Brook, IL 60523, Attn: Corporate Secretary,
or call
If, at any time, you no longer wish to participate in
householding and would prefer to receive a separate annual
and/or proxy
statement in the future, please notify your broker if your
shares are held in a brokerage account or us if you hold
registered shares. You can notify us by sending a written
request to Federal Signal Corporation,
1415 W. 22nd Street, Suite 1100, Oak Brook,
IL 60523, Attn: Corporate Secretary, or call the number above.
If, at any time, you and another stockholder sharing the same
address wish to participate in householding and prefer to
receive a single copy of our Annual Report
and/or proxy
statement, please notify your broker if your shares are held in
a brokerage account or us if you hold registered shares. You can
notify us by sending a written request to Federal Signal
Corporation, 1415 West 22nd Street, Suite 1100,
Oak Brook, IL 60523, Attn: Corporate Secretary, or call the
number above.
Costs and Manner of Solicitation
We will bear all costs relating to our solicitation of proxies.
We have retained the services of Innisfree M&A Incorporated
to solicit proxies for the Annual Meeting for a fee not to
exceed $300,000 and agreed to reimburse them for certain
expenses. Innisfree M&A Incorporated will employ
approximately 80 people for the solicitation. Proxies may
be solicited by mail, in person or by telephone or other
electronic means.
As discussed above, Mr. Kanders has indicated that he will
nominate three directors to stand for election at the Annual
Meeting. As a result, we have and will continue to incur
substantial additional costs in connection with the Annual
Meeting. Increased costs will include increased fees of outside
counsel and public relations advisors, increased printing and
mailing costs for additional solicitation materials, including
the reimbursement of reasonable expenses of banks, brokerage
houses and other agents incurred in forwarding solicitation
materials to beneficial owners as described above, and the costs
of retaining an independent inspector of election. We estimate
that the aggregate cost (exclusive of litigation, if any) to us
for the solicitation of proxies will be approximately
$1,800,000, of which approximately $500,000 has been incurred to
date. The additional costs do not include the costs represented
by the regular salaries and wages of our employees and officers.
Appendix A to this proxy statement sets forth
certain information relating to our directors, nominees and
executive officers who may be soliciting proxies on our behalf.
These persons will not receive any additional compensation for
assisting in the solicitation, but may be reimbursed for
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the
If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting or if you
need additional copies of this proxy statement or the enclosed
WHITE proxy card, please contact the firm assisting us with the
solicitation of proxies:
(877) 800-5186
(212) 750-5833)
The following table sets forth information as of March 3,
2009 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock by:
each person we know to beneficially own more than five percent
of our common stock, which is our only class of outstanding
voting securities;
each of our directors and Board-proposed director nominees;
each of our executive officers named in the Summary Compensation
Table; and
all of our directors and executive officers as a group.
Amount and
Percent of
Nature of
Beneficial Owners of More than Five Percent of our Common Stock:
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC
101 John F. Kennedy Parkway
Short Hills, NJ 07078
Heartland Advisors, Inc.
789 N. Water Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Dimensional Fund Advisors, LP
Palisades West, Building One
6300 Bee Cave Road
Austin, TX 78746
Barclays Global Investors, NA
400 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Keeley Asset Management Corp.
401 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1201
Chicago, IL 60605
Each Director, Director Nominee and Named Executive Officer and
Directors and all Executive Officers as a Group: (8, 9)
James C. Janning, Chairman and Director
Charles R. Campbell, Director
Robert M. Gerrity, Director
James E. Goodwin, Director
Robert S. Hamada, Director
Paul W. Jones, Director
Dennis J. Martin, Director
John McCartney, Director
Brenda L. Reichelderfer, Director
Joseph R. Wright, Director
William H. Osborne, President and CEO
William G. Barker, III, Senior Vice President and CFO
Stephanie K. Kushner, former Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer
David R. McConnaughey, President, Safety and Security Systems
Peter R. Guile, President of former subsidiary
Jennifer L. Sherman, Senior Vice President, Human Resources and
General Counsel
Mark D. Weber, President, Environmental Solutions Group
All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group
(18 persons)(10)
(1) |
Totals include shares subject to stock options exercisable
within 60 days of March 3, 2009, as follows:
Mr. Janning, 34,941; Mr. Campbell, 27,553;
Mr. Gerrity, 19,553; Mr. Goodwin, 61,104;
Mr. Hamada, 19,553; Mr. Jones, 27,553;
Mr. McCartney, 11,996; Ms. Reichelderfer, 2,817;
Mr. McConnaughey, 35,867; Ms. Sherman, 63,392;
Mr. Weber, 88,817; and all directors and executive officers
as a group, 448,548. Totals also include shares of restricted
stock awarded pursuant to our benefit plans which are subject to
certain restrictions under the plans, as follows:
Mr. Janning, 1,461; Mr. Campbell, 1,169;
Mr. Gerrity, 1,169; Mr. Goodwin, 1,169;
Mr. Hamada, 1,169; Mr. Jones, 1,169;
Mr. McCartney, 1,169; Ms. Reichelderfer, 906;
Mr. Osborne, 58,159; Mr. Barker, 12,590;
Mr. McConnaughey, 43,100; Ms. Sherman, 15,700; and
Mr. Weber, 26,000. Totals also include shares held in our
401(k) Plan and the
Retirement Savings Plan (a former Company subsidiary), as
follows: Mr. Guile, 1,000; Ms. Sherman, 10,707; and
Mr. Weber, 6,251. Totals do not include shares held in our
Savings Restoration Plan (formerly Rabbi Trust), as follows:
Mr. Hamada 2,772; Mr. Osborne, 13,062;
Ms. Sherman, 2,284; Mr. Weber, 261. Excludes 29,000
restricted stock units granted to an executive officer which
vest in full on the third anniversary of the date of grant. |
(2) |
Based upon 47,592,751 shares of common stock issued and
outstanding as of March 3, 2009 and, for each director or
executive officer or the group, the number of shares subject to
stock options exercisable by such director or executive officer
or the group within 60 days of March 3, 2009. The use
of * denotes percentages of less than 1%. |
(3) |
Based solely on a Schedule 13G, Amendment No. 4, filed
on January 15, 2009 with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in which the stockholder reported that as of
December 31, 2008, it had sole voting and dispositive power
over all these shares in its capacity as an investment adviser
to investment companies registered under the Investment Company
Act of 1940 and other managed accounts. Franklin Mutual
Advisers, LLC disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares. |
(4) |
Based solely on a Schedule 13G filed on February 11,
2009 with the Securities and Exchange Commission in which the
stockholder reported that as of December 31, 2008,
Heartland Advisors, Inc. had shared voting power with respect to
3,654,350 shares and shared dispositive power with respect
to 3,689,050 shares as a registered investment advisor.
These shares may be deemed beneficially owned by both Heartland
Advisors, Inc., by virtue of its investment discretion and
voting authority granted by certain clients, which may be
revoked at any time; and William J. Nasgovitz, as a result of
his ownership interest in Heartland Advisors, Inc. Heartland
Advisors, Inc. and Mr. Nasgovitz each specifically disclaim
beneficial ownership of these shares. |
(5) |
Based solely on a Schedule 13G, Amendment No. 2, filed
on February 9, 2009 with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in which the stockholder reported that as of
December 31, 2008, it had sole voting power with respect to
3,030,213 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
3,146,852 shares in its capacity as an investment advisor
registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 to
investment companies and as investment manager to certain other
commingled group trusts and separate accounts. Dimensional
Fund Advisors disclaims beneficial ownership of these
shares. |
(6) |
Based solely on a Schedule 13G, filed on February 5,
2009 with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Barclays
Global Investors, NA and a group of affiliated entities reported
that they had sole power to vote and to dispose of shares as of
December 31, 2008 as follows: (a) Barclays Global
Investors, NA had sole voting power with respect to
1,073,138 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
1,260,216 shares, (b) Barclays Global
Fund Advisors had sole voting power with respect to
1,379,931 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
1,648,348 shares, (c) Barclays Global Investors, Ltd.
had sole dispositive power with respect to 32,726 shares,
and (d) Barclays Global Investors Australia Limited had
sole voting and sole dispositive power with respect to
1,532 shares. The common stock reported is held by the
Barclays entities in trust accounts for the economic benefit of
the beneficiaries of those accounts. |
(7) |
Based solely on a Schedule 13G, Amendment No. 1, filed
on February 13, 2009 with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in which the stockholder reported that as of
December 31, 2008, it had sole voting and dispositive power
over these shares as an investment company registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940 and as an institutional
investment manager. The filing was made on behalf of the
stockholder and Keeley Small Cap Fund, a Series of Keeley Funds,
Inc. |
(8) |
The information contained in this portion of the table is based
upon information furnished to us by the named individuals above
and from our records. Except as set forth herein, each director
and officer claims sole voting and investment power with respect
to the shares listed beside his or her name. |
(9) |
All of our directors and officers use our Company address which
is 1415 West 22nd Street, Suite 1100, Oak Brook, IL
60523. |
(10) |
Excludes Ms. Kushner and Mr. Guile who left the
Company on December 30, 2008 and August 5, 2008,
respectively. |
Our Companys Board of Directors consists of ten directors
divided into three classes. Classes I and II each
consist of three members and Class III consists of four
members. Each class is elected for a term of three-years and the
classes together are staggered so that one class term expires
each year.
James E. Goodwin, William H. Osborne and Joseph R. Wright have
been nominated by our Board of Directors as a Class I
director for election at the Annual Meeting for a term of
three-years to expire at the 2012 Annual Meeting or until his
successor is elected and qualified. Mr. Osborne has served
as our President and Chief Executive Officer since
September 15, 2008, and Messrs. Goodwin and Wright are
current directors standing for re-election. All of the nominees
have been recommended for nomination by the Board of Directors
acting on the recommendation of the Nominating and Governance
Committee of the Board of Directors, which consists solely of
independent members of the Board of Directors. Current
Class I director James C. Janning is not standing for
reelection at the Annual Meeting.
Unless you withhold authority to vote for the election of
directors, your WHITE proxy card will be voted FOR
the election of Messrs. Goodwin, Osborne and Wright. Each
of the nominees has consented to serve if elected. If any of the
nominees should decline or be unable to serve as a director, the
persons named as proxies in the accompanying WHITE proxy card
will vote in accordance with their best judgment. We have no
reason to believe that any of the nominees will be unwilling or
unable to serve. However, if any nominee is not available for
election, the Board may name a substitute nominee for whom votes
will be cast.
Pursuant to our By-Laws, in an uncontested election, a nominee
for director shall be elected to the Board if a quorum is
present and if the votes cast for such
nominees election exceed the withhold votes
cast against such nominees election. The majority voting
standard does not apply, however, if the number of nominees for
director exceeds the number of directors to be elected. Our
By-Laws provide that in such circumstances, directors will
instead be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. Because the
number of nominees timely nominated for election at the Annual
Meeting exceeds the number of directors to be elected at the
meeting, the election of directors at the Annual Meeting is a
contested election. As a result, directors will be elected by a
plurality of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting, meaning that
the three (3) nominees receiving the most votes will be
elected. Shares cannot be voted for more than three
(3) nominees for the election of directors at the Annual
Meeting, and only one vote per share may be cast for a given
nominee. If you return more than one proxy card, only the latest
dated proxy card you vote will be counted.
and Certain Contacts with Mr. Kanders
In early 2008, in connection with the Companys search for
a new Chief Executive Officer, one of the Companys
then-largest stockholders submitted Mr. Kanders to the
Company as a potential candidate for such position. On
February 22, 2008, the Companys investment bank also
informed the Company of Mr. Kanders interest in being
considered as a candidate for Chief Executive Officer.
On April 24, 2008, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the
Company, introducing himself and submitting his candidacy for
Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company.
On May 15, 2008, Mr. Kanders met with the
Companys CEO Search Committee (comprised of
Messrs. Campbell, Goodwin, Janning and McCartney) and
presented his credentials as a candidate for Chief Executive
On May 21, 2008 the Company, through the executive search
firm it had retained, requested that, in connection with the CEO
Search Committees consideration of his candidacy for Chief
Executive Officer, Mr. Kanders participate in certain
interviews and psychological testing and complete a related
questionnaire in advance of such interviews and testing. On
May 23, 2008, in connection with such interviews and
testing, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the executive search
firm requesting, among other things, that the Company and each
member of the Board agree that the results of such interviews
and testing be held in the strictest confidence. In a letter
dated May 30, 2008, the executive search firm confirmed to
Mr. Kanders that all finalists under consideration would
undergo the same tests and interviews, and that the results of
the interview would be held in the strictest confidence. In a
letter dated May 30, 2008, Mr. Kanders informed the
executive search firm that he would not be able to complete the
questionnaire prior to the scheduled interview date, but would
be willing to discuss his answers to the questionnaire as part
of the interview, or provide such answers by telephone prior to
such interview.
On June 12, 2008, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the
Company describing certain events on June 10, 2008 relating
to the proposed psychological tests. Among other things,
Mr. Kanders noted that the third party firm engaged by the
Company to administer such testing requested that
Mr. Kanders sign such firms form confidentiality
agreement in connection with such testing, and that
Mr. Kanders declined to sign the agreement without prior
review by his legal counsel. Consequently, the psychological
testing was not completed. Mr. Kanders also noted that,
although his counsel and counsel for the third party testing
firm had subsequently agreed to terms of the confidentiality
agreement, Mr. Kanders schedule for the remainder of
the month would not allow him to complete the testing.
On June 13, 2008, the Company sent a letter to
Mr. Kanders informing him that the psychological testing
referred to above comprised an important component of the Chief
Executive Officer Search Committees evaluation process
and, therefore, Mr. Kanders should make arrangements to
complete such testing on or before June 25, 2008 in order
to continue to be considered for the position. In a letter dated
June 17, 2008, Mr. Kanders, among other things,
expressed his disappointment in the Companys June 13,
2008 letter. In a letter dated June 20, 2008, the Company
reiterated to Mr. Kanders that the Chief Executive Officer
search process applied to all candidates and that
Mr. Kanders must participate in the psychological testing
by June 25, 2008 in order to remain a candidate. In a
letter dated June 24, 2008, Mr. Kanders indicated that
he would not be participating in the testing, but would still
like to be considered as a candidate for Chief Executive
Officer. In a letter of June 26, 2008, the Company informed
Mr. Kanders that, since he did not complete the
psychological testing during the requested time frame, the
Company would be moving forward with its selection and
recruiting process with the remaining Chief Executive Officer
candidates. The letter also noted that the Board would welcome
the opportunity to meet with Mr. Kanders to hear his ideas
and recommendations for addressing the issues confronting the
Company, and invited the scheduling of such a meeting.
In a letter to the Company dated July 9, 2008,
Mr. Kanders, among other things, expressed his continued
interest in the Chief Executive Officer position. In a response
dated July 14, 2008, the Company reiterated the offer to
meet with Mr. Kanders to discuss his ideas about the
Company and noted that if Mr. Kanders would not be
available to meet in person, a telephone conference could be
arranged at Mr. Kanders convenience. On July 16,
2008, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the Company in which,
among other things, he proposed to meet with the Board during
the week following the Companys earnings announcement on
July 25, 2008 to discuss his ideas and his candidacy for
Chief Executive Officer.
On July 23, 2008, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the
Company in which, among other things, he expressed
disappointment over the purchase price the Company received from
its sale of its subsidiary,
E-ONE, Inc.,
and the Companys stock performance. In a response dated
July 28, 2008, the Company noted and disputed a number of
assertions in Mr. Kanders July 23, 2008 letter
and reiterated the Boards willingness to meet with
Mr. Kanders, but noted that such meeting would not include
a discussion of the Chief Executive Officer position, as
Mr. Kanders was no longer a candidate for such position.
In letters dated August 4, 2008, August 15, 2008,
September 2, 2008, and October 28, 2008,
Mr. Kanders, among other things, criticized what he
asserted were: a variety of shortcomings in the Boards
governance of the Company; poor performance by the
Companys management; a lack of candor on the part of the
directors and members of management; and lapses of the
directors performance of their duties in connection with
previous changes in the management of the Company (as to which
he called for an investigation to be conducted by directors that
were not disabled by what Mr. Kanders asserted was a
conflict of interest). In addition, he called for
Mr. Janning to resign as Chairman and a member of the
Board. During this same period the Company and members of its
management publicly disputed Mr. Kanders assertions
and expressed unanimous support for Mr. Janning through
letters to the Companys employees and other public
On January 16, 2009, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the
Company, notifying the Company of his intent to nominate himself
and each of Steven Gerbsman and Nicholas Sokolow for election to
the Board at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
On February 5, 2009, the Company sent a letter to
Mr. Kanders inviting each of Messrs. Kanders, Gerbsman
and Sokolow to meet with the Nominating and Governance
Committee, in order for the Committee to evaluate each
nominees qualifications for director and potential
contributions to the Company. In subsequent correspondence
between February 6, 2009 and February 11, 2009, the
Company and Mr. Kanders agreed that February 24, 2009
would be a convenient date to hold the interviews, and that
Mr. Kanders would also meet with Messrs. Osborne and
Barker in advance of the interviews, on February 23, 2009.
On February 13, 2009, the Company sent a letter to
Mr. Kanders, enclosing the form of Director and Officer
Questionnaire to be completed by each of Mr. Kanders
nominees, in accordance with the Companys By-Laws.
Each of Messrs. Kanders, Gerbsman and Sokolow returned a
completed questionnaire to the Company on February 20, 2009.
On February 23, 2009, Mr. Kanders met with
Messrs. Osborne and Barker to discuss the Company generally.
On February 24, 2009, the Nominating and Governance
Committee and Mr. McCartney met with and interviewed each
of Messrs. Kanders, Gerbsman and Sokolow, in order to
evaluate each nominees qualifications for director and
potential contributions to the Company.
On February 25, 2009, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the
Company, thanking the members of the Nominating and Governance
Committee that participated in the interviews on
February 24, 2009 for the opportunity to present the
credentials of Messrs. Kanders, Gerbsman and Sokolow.
On March 5, 2009, the Company sent a letter to
Mr. Kanders, thanking him, Mr. Gerbsman and
Mr. Sokolow for meeting with the Nominating and Governance
Committee on February 24, 2009 and informing
Mr. Kanders that the Board, upon the recommendation of the
Nominating and Governance Committee, had determined to nominate
Messrs. Goodwin, Osborne and Wright as its candidates for
election as Class I directors at the upcoming Annual
On March 9, 2009, Mr. Kanders sent a letter to the
Company, requesting the opportunity to inspect a list of the
Companys stockholders and other materials pursuant to
Section 220 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, and
requesting certain information pursuant to
Rule 14a-7
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. On March 16,
2009, the Company sent a letter to Mr. Kanders, stating
that it would make available to Mr. Kanders such
information referred to in the March 9, 2009 letter that is
currently available to the Company and that a stockholder of the
Company is entitled to examine under Section 220 of the
Delaware General Corporation Law, and providing certain
information in accordance with
Rule 14a-7
under the Securities Exchange Act.
of the Board of Directors
Our Board believes that the re-election of Messrs. Goodwin
and Wright, and the election of Mr. Osborne, our President
and Chief Executive Officer, will further the best interests of
all of our stockholders, as opposed to the election of the
nominees proposed by Mr. Kanders. As part of its regular
governance process for the Annual Meeting, the Board evaluated a
number of candidates in order to determine a slate of nominees
that would best represent Federal Signal stockholders. The
Boards Nominating and Governance Committee and
Mr. McCartney met with and considered a number of
individuals, including Messrs. Goodwin, Osborne and Wright,
and the three individuals nominated by Mr. Kanders,
including Mr. Kanders himself.
After careful consideration, the Board unanimously determined
that Messrs. Goodwin, Osborne and Wright are the most
qualified candidates as they have, in the opinion of the Board,
the requisite experience and a deeper knowledge of the
Companys business than the nominees proposed by
Mr. Kanders. In addition, the Board believes that
Messrs. Goodwin, Osborne and Wright would serve the
interests of all of the Companys stockholders better than
the nominees proposed by one stockholder.
Our Board urges you to vote to elect Messrs. Goodwin,
Osborne and Wright as Class I directors by marking,
signing, dating and returning the enclosed WHITE proxy card only
and not to sign or return any proxy card provided by
Mr. Kanders.
Regarding Directors and Nominees
Information regarding the Board-recommended nominees for
election and the directors continuing in office is set forth
Principal Occupation or Employment for Last Five Years(1)
Class I Director Nominees:
James E. Goodwin
Mr. Goodwin served as interim President and Chief Executive
Officer of our Company from December 2007 through September 15,
2008. Prior to that, he was an independent business consultant
from October 2001 to December 2007. From July 1999 to October
2001, Mr. Goodwin served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of United Airlines, a worldwide airline operator (NASDAQ: UAUA).
Mr. Goodwin also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of
AAR Corp., a manufacturer of products for the aviation/aerospace
industry, that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:
AIR); John Bean Technologies Corporation (NYSE: JBT); and First
Chicago Bank & Trust, serving in such positions since April
2002, September 2008, and May 2002, respectively.
William H. Osborne
Mr. Osborne serves as the Companys President and Chief
Executive Officer, and has served as such since September 15,
2008. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Osborne held a number
of senior level positions with Ford Motor Company. Most recently
from February 2008 to September 2008, he served as President and
Chief Executive Officer of Ford of Australia. From November 2005
to January 2008, he served as the President and Chief Executive
Officer of Ford of Canada; and from December 2003 to November
2005, he served as the Executive Director, Pickup Truck and
Commercial Vehicles, North American Truck Business of Ford Motor
Joseph R. Wright
Mr. Wright is Chief Executive Officer (since January 1, 2009)
and serves as a director (since September 2004) of Scientific
Games Corporation, a supplier of technology-based products,
systems and services to the gaming industry, that is traded on
the NASDAQ (NASDAQ: SGMS). He also serves as a Vice-Chairman of
the Board of Directors (since April 2000) of Terremark Worldwide
Inc., a global provider of utility-enabled managed IT
infrastructure solutions, that is traded on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ:
TMRK). Mr. Wright previously served as Chairman of the Board of
Intelsat Ltd., the worlds leading provider of fixed
satellite services, from July 2006 to May 2008 and, prior to
this position, from August 2001 to July 2006, he served as Chief
Executive Officer of PanAmSat, a publicly-listed satellite-based
services business, which was acquired by Intelsat in 2006. Mr.
Wright served in the U.S. Government under President Reagan as
Deputy Director then Director of the Federal Office of
Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President
and a member of the Cabinet, and earlier as Deputy Secretary of
Commerce. He received the Distinguished Citizens Award from
President Reagan.
Principal Occupation or Employment for Last Five Years(1)
Class II Directors
John McCartney
Mr. McCartney serves as Chairman of A.M. Castle & Co.,
a specialty steel products distributor that is traded on the New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CAS), serving as a member of the
Board of Directors beginning in April 1998 and as Chairman
thereof since January 2007. From January 2001 until March 2009,
Mr. McCartney served as Chairman of Westcon Group, Inc., a
specialty distributor of networking and communications
equipment, and remains a member of its Board of Directors.
Mr. McCartney was the Vice-Chairman of Datatec Limited, a
technology holding company whose shares are listed in
Johannesburg and London (JSE: DTC), from October 1998 to March
2004. Mr. McCartney currently serves as a non-executive
director of Datatec Limited, which directorship began in July
2007. Mr. McCartney also serves on the Board of Directors
of Huron Consulting Group Inc., a financial consulting company
that is traded on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ: HURN), since October 2004.
Robert M. Gerrity
Mr. Gerrity is a director and a principal in Gerrity
Partners, a consulting business, and has served as such since
May 1995. Mr. Gerrity also serves as the Chairman of the
Industrial Products Group of Glencoe Capital, a private equity
firm, a position he has held since January 2002. He is a
director of Standard Motor Products, Inc., an auto parts company
that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: SMP);
Rimrock Corporation, a supplier of automation products and
integration services; and Polyair Inter Pack Inc., a
manufacturer and distributor of protective packaging products
that is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: PPK), serving
in such capacities since July 1996, February 2002, and May 2004,
respectively. Mr. Gerrity also served as interim Chief
Executive Officer of Polyair Inter Pack Inc. from October 2008
to December 2008.
Robert S. Hamada
Mr. Hamada is the Edward Eagle Brown Distinguished Service
Professor of Finance Emeritus and Dean Emeritus, University of
Chicago Graduate School of Business, following his retirement in
July 2003. Mr. Hamada serves as a consultant for Hamada
Management Consulting, beginning in September 1966. He is
currently a director of A.M. Castle & Co., a specialty
steel products distributor that is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE: CAS), and of Flying Food Group, a provider of
in-flight catering services, serving in such capacities since
1984 and September 1989, respectively.
Class III Directors:
Charles R. Campbell
Mr. Campbell is a retired consultant previously working for
The Everest Group, a management consulting firm. He was a
partner in The Everest Group from 1997 to 2004.
Principal Occupation or Employment for Last Five Years(1)
Paul W. Jones
Mr. Jones is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of A.O. Smith
Corporation, a manufacturer of water heating systems and
electric motors that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE: AOS), serving as such since January 2006. From January
2004 until December 2005, Mr. Jones was President and Chief
Operating Officer of A.O. Smith Corporation. Mr. Jones has
served on the Board of Directors of A.O. Smith Corporation since
December 2004. Mr. Jones serves as a director of Bucyrus
International, Inc., a manufacturer of mining and construction
machinery that is traded on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ: BUCY), which
directorship began in July 2006. Mr. Jones also serves as a
member of the Board of Directors of the United States Chamber of
Commerce (since March 2008), and the National Association of
Manufacturers (since October 2007), and on the Board of Trustees
of Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI (since March 2006), and as a
member of the Business Roundtable (since January 2006).
Brenda L. Reichelderfer
Ms. Reichelderfer is Senior Vice President and Managing Director
of TriVista Business Group, a boutique management consulting and
advisory firm, a position she has held since June 2008. Ms.
Reichelderfer also serves as a member of the Technology Transfer
Advisory Board of The Missile Defense Agency, a division of the
United States Department of Defense, and has served as such
since November 2008. Until May 2008, Ms. Reichelderfer was
Senior Vice President, Group President (from December 2002) and
Chief Technology Officer (from October 2005) of ITT Corporation,
a global engineering and manufacturing company that is traded on
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ITT).
Dennis J. Martin
Mr. Martin has been an independent business consultant since
August 2005. From August 2005 to December 2008, Mr. Martin
served as Vice President of BD Martin Group LLC, a consulting
firm. From May 2001 to August 2005, Mr. Martin was the Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of General Binding
Corporation, a manufacturer and marketer of binding and
laminating office equipment. Mr. Martin also serves as a
director of HNI Corporation, a provider of office furniture and
hearths that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:
HNI), and of Coleman Cable, Inc., a manufacturer and innovator
of electrical and electronic wire and cable products that is
traded on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ: CCIX), serving in such capacities
since July 2000 and February 2008, respectively. Mr. Martin
also served on the Board of Directors of A.O. Smith Corporation,
a manufacturer of water heating systems and electric motors that
is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: AOS), from
January 2004 until December 2005.
(1) |
The data contained in this table is based upon information
furnished to our Company by the individuals named above. |
Each of Messrs. Martin and Wright was appointed to the
Board in 2008 pursuant to the terms of a Settlement Agreement,
dated March 12, 2008, between the Company and certain
stockholders of the Company, including RCG Starboard Advisors,
LLC, Ramius, LLC and certain entities and individuals affiliated
with them (such stockholders collectively, the Ramius
Group). Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement and as of the
date thereof, the Board appointed Mr. Martin as a
Class I director to fill the then existing vacancy on the
Board. The Company also agreed to increase the size of the Board
from nine to ten directors effective as of the date of the
Companys 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. To fill the
new position resulting from the increase in the size of the
Board, the Company
nominated Mr. Martin for election at the 2008 Annual
Meeting as a Class III director for a three-year term
expiring at the Companys Annual Meeting of Stockholders in
2011. Following the 2008 Annual Meeting and pursuant to the
terms of the Settlement Agreement, the Ramius Group recommended,
and on April 23, 2008 the Board appointed, Mr. Wright
to fill the vacancy in Class I on the Board resulting from
the election of Mr. Martin as a Class III director at
the 2008 Annual Meeting. The Settlement Agreement was filed as
an exhibit to the Companys current report on
Form 8-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
March 13, 2008.
of Members of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has determined that all of our directors
and all of the Board-recommended nominees for director, other
than Mr. Osborne, qualify as independent. In making this
determination, the Board of Directors considered the rules of
the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange
Commission, and reviewed information provided by the directors
and nominees in questionnaires and other certifications
concerning the relationships that we may have with each director
or nominee (including each directors immediate family
members and other associates), including any charitable
contributions that we may have made in the past
continue to make to organizations with which such director or
nominee is affiliated.
of the Board of Directors and Committees
During 2008, our Board of Directors held a total of thirteen
meetings. The Compensation and Benefits Committee held seven
meetings; the Nominating and Governance Committee held five
meetings; the Audit Committee held seven meetings; and the
Executive Committee held no meetings. Our Corporate Governance
Guidelines require each director to regularly attend meetings of
the Board of Directors and all Board Committees upon which the
director serves. Each director attended at least 75% of the
meetings of the Board and of each Committee of which he or she
was a member. In addition, all of our directors attended our
2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
of the Board of Directors
Pursuant to our By-Laws, we have established standing Audit,
Nominating and Governance, Compensation and Benefits, and
Executive Committees. Descriptions of our standing committees
Audit Committee The Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring:
the integrity of our financial statements;
the qualifications and independence of our independent
registered public accounting firm;
the performance of our internal audit function and independent
registered public accounting firm; and
our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including
our Code of Business Conduct for all employees and Code of
Ethics for the Chief Executive Officer and senior financial
In fulfilling its role, the Audit Committee reviews the design
and operation of internal control processes and the manner in
which we control our major financial risk exposures. The Audit
Committee has direct and regular access to our financial
executives, including the Vice President of Internal Audit and
the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
Additionally, the Audit Committee has direct and regular access
to the independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit
Committee has the sole authority to appoint or replace our
independent registered public accounting firm, and is directly
responsible for overseeing the work of and determining the
appropriate compensation for our independent registered public
accounting firm. In addition, the Audit Committee considers and
approves the performance of non-audit services by our
independent registered public accounting firm, taking into
consideration the effect that the performance of these services
may have upon the independence of the independent registered
public accounting firm.
The Board of Directors has determined that all of the members of
the Audit Committee are independent as defined under the
applicable New York Stock Exchange and Securities and Exchange
Commission rules. The members of the Audit Committee are Charles
R. Campbell (Chairman), Robert M. Gerrity, James E. Goodwin,
Robert S. Hamada and Dennis J. Martin. James C. Janning was a
member of the Audit Committee until April 21, 2008 when he
was replaced by Mr. Martin, who joined our Board in March
2008. Mr. Goodwin joined the Audit Committee on
October 27, 2008, after he resigned from service as our
interim President and Chief Executive Officer. The Board of
Directors has determined that Mr. Campbell qualifies as an
audit committee financial
expert as defined by the Securities and Exchange
Commission. None of the Audit Committee members serves on more
than three public companies audit committees (including
our Company).
The Board of Directors has adopted a Charter for the Audit
Committee to comply with the requirements of the New York Stock
Exchange and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, a copy of which is
available on our website at
Nominating and Governance Committee The
Nominating and Governance Committee is responsible for
recommending guidelines to the Board of Directors for corporate
governance, including the structure and function of our Board of
Directors, its Committees and the management of our Company, as
well as identification and recommendation to the Board of
Directors of candidates to be elected as directors. The
Committee also advises the Board of Directors as to appropriate
compensation for serving as a member of our Board of Directors.
Stockholders may recommend individuals for the Nominating and
Governance Committee to consider as potential directors by
giving written notice to our Corporate Secretary at least
90 days but not more than 120 days prior to the first
anniversary of the preceding years Annual Meeting, along
with the specific information required by our By-Laws,
including, but not limited to, the name and address of the
nominee; the number of shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by the stockholder (including associated persons)
nominating such nominee; and a consent by the nominee to serve
as a director if elected that would be required for a nominee
under the Securities and Exchange Commission rules. If you would
like to receive a copy of the provisions of our By-Laws setting
forth all of these requirements, you should write to our
executive offices, Attn: Corporate Secretary. The Nominating and
Governance Committee has not adopted any specific procedures for
considering the recommendation of director nominees by
stockholders, but will consider stockholder nominees for new
directorship on the same basis as other nominees.
The Nominating and Governance Committee has set no specific
minimum qualification for a nominee to the Board of Directors
although under our revised Corporate Governance Guidelines, no
person may stand for election as a director after attaining
age 72 without a waiver from the Board. Generally, in
evaluating a director candidate, the Nominating and Governance
Committee considers the current
make-up of
the Board of Directors, the skills and business experience of
the particular nominee, and the potential value the nominee
would add to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has
determined that all of the members of our Nominating and
Governance Committee are independent as defined under the
applicable New York Stock Exchange rules. The members of the
Nominating and Governance Committee are Robert S. Hamada
(Chairman), James C. Janning, Robert M. Gerrity, Brenda L.
Reichelderfer and James E. Goodwin. Mr. Goodwin joined the
Nominating and Governance Committee on October 27, 2008,
shortly after he resigned from service as our interim President
and Chief Executive Officer.
The Board of Directors has adopted a Charter for the Nominating
and Governance Committee to comply with the requirements of the
New York Stock Exchange and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, a
copy of which is available on our website at
Compensation and Benefits Committee The
Compensation and Benefits Committee is responsible for the
establishment and oversight of our Companys compensation
and benefits philosophy. With respect to our executive officers,
the Compensation and Benefits Committee has the authority to
establish the objectives of compensation, to determine the
components of compensation, and to establish and evaluate
performance goals. The functions of the Compensation and
Benefits Committee are further described in this proxy statement
under the heading Compensation Discussion and
Analysis beginning at page 19. The Board of
Directors has determined that all of the members of our
Compensation and Benefits Committee are independent as defined
under the applicable New York Stock Exchange rules. The members
of the Compensation and Benefits Committee are John McCartney
(Chairman), James C. Janning, Paul W. Jones, Brenda L.
Reichelderfer and Joseph R. Wright. Mr. Campbell was a
member of the Compensation and Benefits Committee until
April 21, 2008 when he was replaced by Mr. Janning.
Mr. Wright joined the Compensation and Benefits Committee
in connection with his appointment to the Board in April 2008.
The Board of Directors has adopted a Charter for the
Compensation and Benefits Committee to comply with the
requirements of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, a copy of which is available on our
website at
Executive Committee The Executive Committee
generally exercises the power and authority of the Board in the
intervals between full Board meetings. The members of the
Executive Committee are James C. Janning (Chairman), Charles R.
Campbell, Robert S. Hamada and John McCartney. Mr. Goodwin
was a member and chaired this committee until October 27,
2008, when Mr. Janning was appointed Chairman.
Compensation in the Last Fiscal Year
The following table sets forth information concerning
compensation earned by our non-employee directors in fiscal year
2008. Mr. Goodwin was appointed the interim President and
Chief Executive Officer of our Company on December 11, 2007
and served in that capacity until September 15, 2008.
Mr. Goodwin, while serving as our interim President and
Chief Executive Officer, did not receive compensation as an
independent director. With the appointment of Mr. Osborne
as our new President and Chief Executive Officer beginning
September 15, 2008, Mr. Goodwin resumed receiving
independent director compensation. Mr. Goodwins
compensation as an executive officer for 2008 is disclosed in
the Summary Compensation Table for executive officers.
Director Compensation in Fiscal Year 2008
Fees Earned
or Paid
Option Awards ($)
in Cash ($)(1)
Stock Awards ($)(2)
Total ($)
James C. Janning(4)
Charles R. Campbell
Robert M. Gerrity
James E. Goodwin(5)
Robert S. Hamada
Paul W. Jones
Dennis J. Martin(6)
John McCartney
Brenda L. Reichelderfer(7)
Joseph R. Wright(6)
(1) |
Includes the following share amounts which were awarded in lieu
of cash fees: Mr. Gerrity, 1,538 shares;
Mr. Hamada, 3,628 shares; Mr. Martin,
2,534 shares; Mr. McCartney, 2,962 shares;
Ms. Reichelderfer, 6,424 shares; and Mr. Wright,
(2) |
Reflects the dollar amount recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2008 in accordance with SFAS 123(R). The following awards
were granted to the directors on April 22, 2008, at a
closing share price of $13.85: 5,416 shares of common stock
to Mr. Janning as Chairman; and 4,333 shares of common
stock to each of Messrs. Campbell, Gerrity, Hamada, Jones,
Martin, McCartney, and Ms. Reichelderfer. As of
December 31, 2008 each director had the following aggregate
number of unvested restricted shares: Mr. Janning,
1,461 shares; Mr. Campbell, 1,169 shares;
Mr. Gerrity, 1,169 shares; Mr. Goodwin,
1,169 shares; Mr. Hamada, 1,169 shares;
Mr. Jones, 1,169 shares; Mr. Martin,
0 shares; Mr. McCartney, 1,169 shares;
Ms. Reichelderfer, 906 shares; and Mr. Wright,
0 shares. As of December 31, 2008 each director held
the following aggregate number of shares (excluding unvested
restricted stock): Mr. Janning, 34,303 shares;
Mr. Campbell, 40,550 shares; Mr. Gerrity,
17,053 shares; Mr. Goodwin, 22,688 shares;
Mr. Hamada, 21,215 shares; Mr. Jones,
24,764 shares; Mr. Martin, 6,867 shares;
Mr. McCartney, 23,972 shares; Ms. Reichelderfer,
16,132 shares; and Mr. Wright, 4,460 shares. |
(3) |
Reflects the dollar amount recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2008 in accordance with SFAS 123(R). In connection with his
appointment to our Board, Mr. Martin received a stock
option grant for 5,000 shares of our common stock on
March 12, 2008 at an exercise price of $12.39, the closing
price of our common stock on the date of grant. Similarly,
Mr. Wright received a stock option award for
5,000 shares of our common stock on April 23, 2008 at
an exercise price of $13.81, the closing price of our common
stock on the date of grant, in connection with his appointment
to the Board. As of December 31, 2008 each director had
options for the following number of shares outstanding:
Mr. Janning, 36,323; Mr. Campbell, 30,159;
Mr. Gerrity, 20,659; Mr. Goodwin, 62,210;
Mr. Hamada, 20,659; Mr. Jones, 30,159;
Mr. Martin, 5,000; Mr. McCartney, 13,102;
Ms. Reichelderfer, 9,226; and Mr. Wright, 5,000. |
(4) |
Includes annual cash retainer of $87,500, Committee membership
fees of $18,616, meeting fees of $21,500, and total per diem
fees of $35,000. |
(5) |
While serving as our interim President and Chief Executive
Officer, Mr. Goodwin did not receive compensation as an
independent director. Mr. Goodwin began receiving
independent director compensation after his resignation as an
interim officer on September 15, 2008. |
(6) |
The annual retainers paid to each of Messrs. Martin and
Wright were prorated based on their respective dates of election
or appointment, as applicable, to the Board. |
(7) |
Ms. Reichelderfer deferred receipt of all of her
2008 share amounts, i.e., 10,757 shares, until
January 30, 2009, at which time these shares were
distributed in full on a one-for-one basis. |
Information About Director Compensation
The Nominating and Governance Committee of our Board of
Directors advises our Board on the annual compensation for our
non-employee directors. In order to set competitive compensation
for our non-employee directors, our Nominating and Governance
Committee may consult third party advisors, generally available
source material, proxy statements and data from peer companies.
Our non-employee directors receive both cash and equity
compensation as detailed below. Our Chairman, based on his key
role and time commitment, receives additional compensation in
cash and equity on a per diem basis for other time spent on
Board matters.
Pursuant to our director stock ownership program, each
non-employee director who does not own shares of our common
stock equal in value to at least three times the annual retainer
paid to non-employee directors is required to receive at least
50% of annual fees earned in any given year in stock.
Compensation of Our Non-Employee Directors(1)
January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008
Board Meeting
Board Meeting
Per Diem
Attended in
Attended by
Chairman of the Board
Non-employee director (excluding the Chairman)
Compensation & Benefits
Nominating and Governance
(1) |
The table sets forth our Companys general policy with
respect to cash compensation payable to our directors. Directors
are also reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses relating to
attendance at meetings. |
(2) |
The Chairman of the Board also receives a per diem fee for other
time spent on Company business of $2,500 (up to a maximum of
$150,000 per year). |
Effective January 1, 2009, our Board, after considering the
current challenging economic conditions, reduced the cash fees
payable to the directors as noted below.
Compensation of Our Non-Employee Directors(1)
Effective January 1, 2009
Board Meeting
Attended by
Per Diem Fee
in Person
Chairman of the Board
Non-employee director (excluding the Chairman)
Compensation & Benefits
Nominating and Governance
(1) |
Effective January 1, 2009, the table sets forth our
Companys general policy with respect to cash compensation
payable to our directors. Directors are also reimbursed for
their out-of-pocket expenses relating to attendance at meetings. |
(2) |
The Chairman of the Board also receives a per diem fee for other
time spent on Company business of $2,250 (up to a maximum of
$150,000 per year). |
Upon appointment or election to our Board, each non-employee
director receives an initial stock option grant to purchase
5,000 shares of our common stock, all of which vest on the
third anniversary of the date of grant. Mr. Martin, elected
to our Board on March 12, 2008, received his initial stock
option grant on March 12, 2008 at an exercise price of
$12.39 per share, the closing stock price of our common stock on
the date of grant. Mr. Wright, elected to our Board on
April 23, 2008, received his initial stock option grant for
5,000 shares on April 23, 2008 at an exercise price of
$13.81 per share.
Annual Equity Awards of our Non-Employee Directors(1)
January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008
Common Stock
Chairman of the Board
Non-employee director (excluding the Chairman)
(1) |
The table sets forth our Companys general policy with
respect to equity awards payable to our directors. These awards
are made on the date of our Annual Meeting of Stockholders. |
The common stock awards for service as a director were made on
the date of our 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders,
April 22, 2008. Pursuant to our Director Compensation
Policy, the number of shares of the common stock awarded was
determined by dividing the amount of the award by the closing
market price of our common stock on the date of grant which was
$13.85 per share. Accordingly, for 2008, each non-employee
director (excluding the Chairman) on the date of our Annual
Meeting of Stockholders received a common stock award of
4,333 shares and the Chairman received a common stock award
of 5,416 shares.
We are committed to good corporate governance. We believe that
the foundation of our corporate governance is the independence
of our directors, responsible corporate citizenship, and a
commitment to the interests of our stockholders. In accordance
with the requirements of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, our Board of Directors has adopted
Corporate Governance Guidelines as well as charters for the
Nominating and Governance Committee, the Compensation and
Benefits Committee and the Audit Committee. These guidelines and
charters, as well as our Business Conduct Policies and a Code of
Ethics applicable to our Chief Executive Officer and our senior
financial officers, are available for review on our website at
In addition, these guidelines, charters and polices (including
the Code of Ethics) are available in print to any stockholder
who requests them in writing from our Corporate Secretary at the
address provided below. We timely submitted our annual
certification by the Chief Executive Officer to the New York
Stock Exchange within 30 days of our Annual Meeting of
Stockholders in 2008. The certification stated our compliance
with the New York Stock Exchanges corporate governance
listing standards without qualification.
The non-employee directors of the Board meet in executive
session without management, as appropriate. The Chairman of the
Board of Directors presides over executive sessions. Directors
may be contacted as a group, by Committee or individually, and
the presiding director or the non-employee directors as a group
may be contacted on an anonymous
confidential basis by addressing a letter to Federal Signal
Corporation, 1415 West 22nd Street, Suite 1100,
Oak Brook, IL 60523, Attn: Corporate Secretary. All such letters
will be forwarded to the directors. We encourage our directors
to attend the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. All of our
directors attended the 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
There were no compensation committee interlocks or insider
participation on the part of the members of our Compensation and
Benefits Committee. The members and functions of our
Compensation and Benefits Committee are set forth above under
Committees of the Board of Directors.
During the year ended December 31, 2008, it was determined
that none of our directors, Board-proposed nominees for
director, executive officers, stockholders owning more than 5%
of our common stock, or immediate family members of any such
persons engaged in a transaction with us in which such director,
nominee for director, executive officer, stockholder owning more
than 5% of our common stock, or immediate family member of such
persons had a direct or indirect material interest which
required disclosure under applicable Securities and Exchange
Commission rules.
We maintain various policies and procedures relating to the
review, approval or ratification of transactions in which our
Company is a participant and in which any of our directors,
executive officers, 5% stockholders (if any) or
their family members have a direct or indirect material
interest. Our Company Policies for Business Conduct, which are
available on our website at,
prohibit our directors and employees, including our executive
officers, and in some cases, their family members, from engaging
in certain activities without prior written consent. These
activities typically relate to situations where a director,
executive officer or employee, and in some cases, an immediate
family member, may have significant financial or business
interests in another company competing with or doing business
with our Company, or who stands to benefit in some way from such
a relationship or activity. Specifically, our Company Policies
for Business Conduct include prohibitions against the following:
receiving or giving gifts or prizes above a nominal value from
or to customers or suppliers; working for a customer or supplier
or engaging in outside profit making activities in any area of
business in which our Company operates; representing any outside
commercial interest during normal business hours or when
traveling on Company business; lending or borrowing money from
individuals affiliated with an entity with whom the Company
conducts business; owning any part of any customers or
suppliers business (excluding routine investments in
publicly traded companies); using Company property, information
or positions for improper personal gain or benefit; and engaging
in Company business with any entity in which a family member has
an executive position or a significant financial interest unless
approved in advance. Since all types of prohibited transactions
cannot be listed, we encourage our employees to seek advice
before proceeding if there is any doubt regarding the
appropriateness of an arrangement under our Company Policies for
Business Conduct.
Pursuant to our Company Policies for Business Conduct and the
Audit Committee Charter, the Chairman, Chief Financial Officer
and General Counsel implement our Company Policies for Business
Conduct, and the Audit Committee reviews, approves, ratifies and
makes recommendations to our Board of Directors regarding
related person transactions.
Additionally, each year we require our directors and executive
officers to complete a questionnaire which identifies, among
other things, any transactions or potential transactions with
our Company in which a director or an executive officer or one
of their family members or associated entities has an interest.
We also require that directors and executive officers notify our
Corporate Secretary of any changes during the course of the year
to the information provided in the annual questionnaire as soon
as possible.
We believe that the foregoing policies and procedures
collectively ensure that all related person transactions
requiring disclosure under applicable Securities and Exchange
Commission rules are appropriately reviewed.
Presented below is a summary of our 2008 business highlights,
which provides context for our 2008 pay actions and changes thus
far to our 2009 executive compensation program.
Executive Compensation Program Highlights
2008 was a year of important change for our Company.
Despite facing unprecedented economic conditions, including an
extremely challenging municipal market, our Board of Directors
and our management team undertook a series of actions that we
believe will position our Company for sustainable and profitable
growth and enhance stockholder value.
In 2008, we disposed of underperforming assets, including the
cyclical and nonstrategic Tool business and the unprofitable
E-ONE, Inc.
business, and liquidated its municipal leasing portfolio. In
addition, we completed a sale leaseback for two of our
manufacturing facilities and captured a large after-tax gain,
benefiting from the utilization of capital loss carryforwards.
The proceeds from these actions were used to enhance liquidity
and strengthen the balance sheet. We reduced debt by
approximately $150 million, or approximately 35%, from
December 31, 2007 to December 21, 2008. As of
December 31, 2008, our net debt was approximately
$245 million.
We also took steps to improve our cost structure. In November
2008, we announced a planned reduction of salaried personnel
related costs. This built upon the procurement and selling,
general and administrative expense savings initiatives that were
also enacted throughout 2008.
In 2008, the Company took measures to achieve what it believes
is a more focused business portfolio, a leaner capital structure
and enhanced financial flexibility. Today, we believe we have
leadership positions in most markets, strong brands, an
increasing global presence and a strong installed base of
A number of actions were taken in 2008, including the following:
William H. Osborne joined us as our new President and Chief
Executive Officer replacing interim President and Chief
Executive Officer James E. Goodwin. Additionally, William G.
Barker, III joined us as Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer. Each received a letter or employment
agreement setting forth the initial terms of his employment with
our Company.
Based on our Companys financial performance, our Company
and its business groups failed to meet threshold Economic Value
goals under the existing management incentive plan. As a result,
the named executive officers received no bonus under the
Economic Value program for 2008.
In June 2008, the Compensation and Benefits Committee amended
the management incentive plan such that plan participants would
be eligible to receive up to 20% of their target bonus if our
Company or the applicable business group failed to meet Economic
Value thresholds under the existing Economic Value bonus
program. This new bonus opportunity was based upon ratings of
competencies and the achievement of individual performance
A further change to the management incentive plan was the
adoption of an amendment which provides the Compensation and
Benefits Committee with the discretion to reduce the amount of
the bonus earned by any named executive by up to 20%.
The 2008 long-term equity incentive grant structure was modified
to include performance shares such that approximately one-third
of the annual equity grant value is contingent upon relative
total shareholder return performance. This change was designed
to enhance the direct performance connection between the named
executive officers and our stockholders.
Due to our Companys weaker than desired performance, the
value of the 2008 long-term equity incentive grants paid to our
named executive officers was targeted at the
35th percentile of the value of long-term incentives paid
to companies in our comparator group, down from the
50th percentile in the prior year.
Compensation Program Modifications in 2009
For 2009, our Company continues to manage our executive
compensation program under difficult market conditions. To date,
we have made the following decisions with respect to our
executive compensation program:
Named executive officers did not receive a 2009 base salary
increase. Our new President and Chief Executive Officer elected
to reduce his base salary by 5% beginning in 2009.
We modified our management incentive plan to replace the
Economic Value program with a new plan under which bonuses are
paid upon the achievement of financial measures and individual
objectives. This new plan, the Short Term Incentive Bonus Plan,
will pay bonuses based upon a combination of earnings (50%),
cash flow (20%) and individual performance (30%).
The new Short Term Incentive Bonus Plan includes a
clawback or payment recapture feature under which
our Company will require, to the extent practicable, a named
executive officer to repay a portion of his or her performance
bonus payment plus a reasonable rate of interest upon the
occurrence of an accounting restatement or a determination by
our Board that the performance results were materially
inaccurate resulting in an overpayment in the amount of any such
performance-based bonus.
The mix of awards between stock options, restricted stock and
performance shares shifted slightly in 2009 such that stock
options were weighted at 40%, with restricted stock and
performance share awards each weighted at 30%.
We adopted a prospective policy under which we will not enter
into agreements with named executive officers that provide for
tax gross-up
payments (excluding
pursuant to a relocation or expatriate tax equalization plan,
policy or arrangement). This policy also provides that we will
not enter into compensation arrangements with named executive
officers which provide for severance payments (excluding the
value of any accelerated vesting of any equity based awards) in
excess of 2.99 times base salary and bonus unless stockholder
approval has been received.
In an effort to align our pay practices and our
stockholders interests, we have evidenced a commitment to
a pay for performance philosophy by: (i) the
Compensation and Benefits Committees reviewing all
components of our President and Chief Executive Officers
compensation, and reviewing tally sheets for all named executive
officers that reflect payments under various termination
scenarios; (ii) disclosing performance measures for all
performance-based compensation; (iii) granting to all named
executive officers
equity compensation of which more than 50 percent is a
combination of performance shares (i.e., relative total
shareholder return) or conventional stock options; and
(iv) the Compensation and Benefits Committee has the
authority to hire or fire our compensation consultant.
Philosophy and Objectives
Our executive compensation and benefits programs are designed to
drive and reinforce our business goals and strategies for
success in the marketplace and to enable growth, thus motivating
management to maximize total stockholder return. As a key
component of our executive compensation system, we have adopted
a financial performance based philosophy which includes
individual objectives designed to develop an efficient culture
that emphasizes entrepreneurship, innovation, teamwork, and
creativity, and rewards employees who think and act like owners.
This program also encourages collaboration and the maximization
of long-term stockholder value, which in turn supports the
attraction, motivation, and retention of the best global talent.
Our executive compensation philosophy can be summarized as
To create alignment between compensation and business
performance by rewarding executives for the achievement of
strategic and tactical goals that successfully drive growth in
stockholder value for our Company;
To attract, motivate, and retain highly experienced executives
who are vital to our short and long-term success, profitability
and growth;
To differentiate executive rewards based on actual
performance; and
To provide targeted overall compensation levels that are
comparable to competitive market practice.
Role of
our Compensation and Benefits Committee
Our Compensation and Benefits Committee establishes and oversees
our general compensation and benefits philosophy, and approves
compensation and benefits for our executive officers.
Specifically, our Compensation and Benefits Committee is charged
in its charter with the authority and responsibility to:
Establish the philosophy and set the broad objectives of our
executive compensation program to ensure that the compensation
program complies with and promotes our goals and objectives;
Determine the various elements of the executive compensation
program, including base salary, annual incentive awards,
long-term incentive compensation, benefits and perquisites;
Establish performance goals for the President and Chief
Executive Officer and oversee the establishment of performance
goals for the other executive officers and for each business
Evaluate annually each executive officers performance in
light of the goals established with respect to the officer for
the most recently completed year;
Establish each executive officers annual compensation
level, based upon the executive officers performance, our
financial results and relative stockholder return, the value of
compensation paid to a comparable executive officer at
comparable companies, the awards given to the executive officer
in past years and our capacity to fund the compensation; and
Review an annual report prepared by the President and Chief
Executive Officer on succession planning and related development
The President and Chief Executive Officer annually reviews the
performance of each executive officer. Recommendations based on
these reviews, including those with respect to base salary
adjustments, annual incentives and long-term incentives, are
presented to the Compensation and Benefits Committee. The
Compensation and Benefits Committee can exercise its discretion
in modifying any recommended adjustments or awards to these
executive officers. The compensation of the President and Chief
Executive Officer is determined by the Compensation and Benefits
Committee, meeting in executive session without the President
and Chief Executive Officer present.
for Executive Compensation
Compensation levels for our executives are compared to the
compensation paid to executives at the peer companies specified
below. The market for experienced talent is highly competitive.
We aim to attract and retain the most highly qualified
executives to manage our business functions. In doing so, we
draw upon a pool of talent that is
highly sought after by large and established companies. We draw
upon a market that is global in scope. Our recently hired
President and Chief Executive Officer was the president of Ford
Motor Company, Australia and our Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer was the chief financial officer of the
Sun-Times Media Group, Inc. We recognize that we compete for
candidates based upon several criteria, including competitive
compensation, potential for future growth and success, culture
and Company values. In order to develop a compensation plan
which would succeed in attracting the best global talent, the
Compensation and Benefits Committee engaged Hewitt Associates,
an outside global human resources consulting firm, to formulate
a market-competitive pay package in connection with our search
for a chief executive officer. The Compensation and Benefits
Committee referred to December 2007 reports prepared by Hewitt
Associates with respect to market data and other information
contained in such reports when reviewing compensation matters.
In making compensation decisions, the Compensation and Benefits
Committee compares each element of compensation against a peer
group of publicly traded manufacturing companies. The comparator
group, which is periodically updated by the Compensation and
Benefits Committee, consists of companies against which we
believe we compete for talent. The companies currently
comprising the comparator group are:
A.O. Smith Corporation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
L-3 Communications Corporation
BorgWarner Inc.
Motorola, Inc.
Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Oshkosh Corporation
Caterpillar Inc.
Cooper Industries, Inc.
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Cummins Inc.
Raytheon Company
Deere & Company
Sauer-Danfoss Inc.
Dover Corporation
Teleflex Incorporated
Eaton Corporation
Tennant Company
Emerson Electric Company
Thomas & Betts Corporation
Honeywell International Inc.
The Timken Company
Hubbell Inc.
Valmont Industries, Inc.
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Woodward Governor Company
Ingersoll-Rand Company
Worthington Industries, Inc.
Because of the large variance in size among the companies
comprising the comparator group, regression analysis is used to
adjust the compensation data for differences in revenues. This
adjusted data is used as the basis of comparison between our
Company and the companies in the comparator group.
We also use published survey data to supplement the
determination of competitive levels of compensation in the
of Executive Compensation
Our compensation program consists of five components: base
salary, annual cash incentives, long-term equity incentives,
retirement and health and welfare benefits, and perquisites and
other personal benefits. Our programs balance individual,
business unit and Company-wide goals and achievements.
Base salary levels for our executive officers, including our
President and Chief Executive Officer, are based primarily on
external market data and on the individual performance of each
executive officer during the previous year. Base salaries are
targeted to be at the 50th percentile of competitive market
data. In 2008, actual base salaries for named executive officers
ranged from 92% to 111% of market midpoint targets. In addition
to the executives individual performance, the Compensation
and Benefits Committee also considers the following factors in
setting base salaries and in recommending annual base salary
adjustments: the executives current base salary relative
to the targeted level, the executives level of
responsibility, the executives prior experience and the
executives breadth of knowledge. However, in light of
general macroeconomic conditions, for 2009, there were no
increases to base salaries awarded to the named executive
officers. Mr. Osborne voluntarily elected a 5% reduction of
base pay beginning in 2009.
Cash Incentive Payments
Value Program
From 2005 through 2008, annual cash incentive payments have been
based exclusively on objective measures of financial performance
that relate to the year-over-year increase in Economic Value.
Annual cash bonuses to the named executive officers are paid
under our management incentive plan. The threshold, target and
maximum levels of bonus payable are determined based on the
Economic Value of our Company. We believe that Economic Value is
tied to the creation of stockholder value because it encompasses
both earnings growth and efficient use of capital. Economic
Value is the net amount of value earned or lost on an investment
after deducting the cost of holding that investment. The
underlying rationale for utilizing an Economic Value program for
annual cash incentive compensation is to align management and
employee interests with the interests of our stockholders.
Typically, annual cash incentive payments are approved in
February and paid in a lump sum in March.
Economic Value is calculated by using three key inputs:
Cost of Capital, which is the return required to appropriately
compensate investors for investing in our Company. We use a
single Cost of Capital for all operating units and for the
consolidated Company, which is based on a weighted average of
the after-tax cost of our debt and our stockholders
expected return on equity. The Cost of Capital was set at 10%
for the 2008 fiscal year.
Average Capital Employed, which is the investment made by
stockholders and debt holders of our Company in the operations
of the business. For our Company and its operating units, the
capital that is included in the calculation of Average Capital
Employed includes the aggregate value of certain assets
(principally accounts receivable, inventories, fixed assets,
goodwill and other intangibles, and assets held for sale) less
the sum of certain non-interest bearing liabilities (principally
accounts payable, customer deposits and other non-interest
bearing liabilities). Average Capital Employed is calculated as
a simple average of the capital employed at each month end in a
Net Operating Profit after Tax, which is the after-tax operating
profit of our Company or a particular operating unit. It is
calculated by adding operating income and non-operating income
and subtracting from this sum non-operating expense and income
Economic Value is calculated by subtracting a Capital Charge
from Net Operating Profit after Tax. The Capital Charge is
derived by multiplying the Cost of Capital by the Average
Capital Employed.
We previously retained Shareholder Value Advisors, a financial
and compensation consulting firm, to assist in developing
Economic Value improvement goals for our Company and for each of
the key operating units of our Company. The targeted Economic
Value improvement goals were established based on the estimated
improvement needed to give investors a Cost of Capital return on
the market value of our Company or business unit. The Economic
Value improvement value multiples (the estimated
investor wealth gains per $1 of Economic Value improvement) used
in deriving the improvement goals were based on statistical
models of peer company data.
For 2008, the target incentive compensation awards for all
executive officers were set at 100% of the Economic Value
improvement goal for the business unit or our Company, with
threshold set at 50% of the target goals and maximum set at 200%
of the target goals.
The incentive compensation of our President and Chief Executive
Officer, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and
Senior Vice President, Human Resources and General Counsel is
based on the achievement of Economic Value goals which have been
set for our Company as a whole. The incentive compensation for
our other named executive officers have threshold, target and
maximum Economic Value goals for their respective business
groups and for our Company as a whole, with their aggregate
annual incentive award weighted at 70% for achievement of their
individual business group goals and 30% for our Company goals.
This weighting encourages executives to collaborate across
business groups and functions in order to achieve business
objectives at the enterprise level as well as in their own
business group.
The achievement of the threshold, target and maximum Economic
Value goals results in a cash incentive award equal to a pre-set
percentage of the executives base salary. The target
percentages of base salary to be paid out upon the achievement
of various levels of Economic Value are determined based on
competitive market data for each executive position. Economic
Value results that fall in between the threshold, target and
maximum goals are extrapolated from those points to determine
the actual cash incentive award for the executive. In 2008, the
target annual cash incentive percentage for the interim
President and Chief Executive Officer was set at 95% of his base
salary and the target annual cash incentive percentage for
Mr. Osborne was set at 90%, to be paid, in each case, on a
pro-rata basis for 2008 service. The target annual cash
incentive for our other named executive officers ranged from 55%
to 60% of their respective base salaries.
In order to support the achievement of long-term goals,
executives are given the opportunity to carry forward the unmet
portion of their maximum annual incentive opportunity. One-half
of the difference between the maximum opportunity and the actual
incentive earned for a particular year can be re-earned over
each of the next two years if our Company or the related
business group achieves an Economic Value amount for the
subsequent year that is at or above target for that year and the
result is above the relative level of Economic Value attained by
our Company or the business group during the initial year. Any
carry forward opportunity that is not earned in either of the
two immediately subsequent years is forfeited by the executive
In June of 2008, based on the difficult environment faced by our
Company, including management changes, divestitures and
cost-cutting initiatives, the Compensation and Benefits
Committee amended our Companys management incentive plan
for fiscal year 2008 to provide an opportunity for participants
to receive a bonus if our Company or the primary business group
to which the participant was assigned failed to achieve its
threshold Economic Value goal. In the event that our Company or
the business group failed to meet its threshold Economic Value
goal, the participant would still be eligible to receive up to
20% of his or her target bonus for the year based upon two
components of the Companys existing annual performance
review process (the ratings of competencies and the achievement
of the participants individual performance objectives for
the year).
In connection with this new bonus opportunity, our Company
utilized its existing annual performance review process
including competency evaluation and the individual performance
objectives previously set in the first quarter of 2008. The
competencies are determined based upon executive level and
evaluated once annually by such named executive officers
manager, except in the case of the interim President and Chief
Executive Officer and President and Chief Executive Officer,
whose competencies are reviewed by the Compensation and Benefits
Committee. The individual performance objectives were derived
for each participant and approved by his or her manager, except,
again, in the case of the interim President and Chief Executive
Officer and President and Chief Executive Officer, whose
individual performance objectives were approved by the
Compensation and Benefits Committee. These individual objectives
are specifically tailored to the participants job duties
and include such things as the achievement of planned
transactions and financial goals, the management of functional
responsibilities within pre-established budgeted amounts, the
resolution of particular projects within the participants
job responsibilities, successful implementation of growth
strategies, achievement of strategic goals such as
consolidations, acquisitions or divestitures, product or
division launches, technology transitions, cost reductions, and
successful procurement programs.
Also effective for the 2008 plan year, the Compensation and
Benefits Committee authorized an amendment to the management
incentive program under which the annual incentive awards earned
by any executive officer, including the named executive officers
in our Companys proxy statement for the 2008 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders, will be subject to a possible reduction
of up to 20% of the amount earned under the management incentive
program in the sole and absolute discretion of the Compensation
and Benefits Committee.
Term Incentive Bonus Plan
Upon review of research provided by Hewitt Associates, an
outside compensation consultant, the Compensation and Benefits
Committee has replaced the Economic Value incentive program
beginning with the 2009 fiscal year. The new program, the Short
Term Incentive Bonus Plan (STIP), will determine bonuses based
upon the achievement of both financial measures and individual
objectives. Financial measures will be based upon earnings and
cash flows at our Company, business group and division levels,
depending upon the position of the participant within our
Company. Bonus compensation under the STIP will link to our
Companys annual operating plan with 50% based on earnings
and 20% based on cash flow measures determined in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles. The remaining 30%
will be based on individual objectives with 21% based on
performance goal ratings and 9% based on competency ratings as
measured by a numeric score received in the annual performance
review process. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Compensation
and Benefits Committee retains complete discretion with respect
to the STIP. Furthermore, the Compensation and Benefits
Committee approves all awards to named executive officers.
Over the course of several months during 2008, the Compensation
and Benefits Committee undertook a review of the Companys
Economic Value program. The Compensation and Benefits Committee
received input from the Board of Directors, Hewitt Associates
and management. In addition, it reviewed external market data.
The Compensation and Benefits Committee decided to implement a
new short term incentive bonus plan. This decision was based on
number of factors including the complexity of the Economic Value
program, the desire to add
individual performance objectives and competencies to the bonus
program, and establishment of a program tied to generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The STIP will focus on
specific milestones as well as individual objectives which will
allow us to reward outstanding individuals with a bonus even in
years where our overall financial performance may be low. The
Compensation and Benefits Committee believes that rewarding
employees upon the successful achievement of individual
objectives should increase individual accountability and
encourage excellence. The STIP is based upon goals that are
easily understood and can be modified each year to reflect our
current business plan and market conditions. Payments under the
STIP are expected to be approved in February of each year and
paid in a lump sum in March.
At our Company level, the 50% earnings component will be based
on consolidated income before income taxes. As tax adjustments
are largely impacted by external factors outside of the control
of the participants, the Compensation and Benefits Committee
determined that tax adjustments should not factor into the
calculation. Our Companys cash flow financial measure,
weighted at 20%, will be based on consolidated net cash provided
from continuing operations as reported in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K.
At the business group level, the 50% earnings component will be
based on earnings before interest and taxes thereby excluding
taxes and debt, neither of which are generally impacted by
participants at this level. The business group cash flow
measure, weighted at 20%, will be based on average primary
working capital as a percentage of sales (the sum of accounts
receivable and inventory less accounts payable and customer
deposits divided by net sales for the year).
The incentive compensation under the STIP for our President and
Chief Executive Officer, Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer, and Senior Vice President, Human Resources
and General Counsel is based 70% on the achievement of our
Company financial measures and 30% on individual performance
measures. The incentive compensation for our other named
executive officers is based on the achievement of our Company
and business group financial measures weighted 28% for
achievement of Company goals, 42% for achievement of applicable
business group goals, and 30% for achievement of individual
performance measures. The Compensation and Benefits Committee
believes that this weighting encourages executives to
collaborate across business groups and functions in order to
achieve business objectives at the enterprise level as well as
in their own business group. The incentive compensation for our
executives is based on threshold, target and maximum goals for
business groups and for our Company as a whole.
The achievement of the threshold, target and maximum goals
results in a cash incentive award equal to a pre-set percentage
of the executives base salary. The target percentages of
base salary to be paid out upon the achievement of various
levels of goal achievement are determined based on competitive
market data for each executive position. Results that fall in
between the threshold, target and maximum goals are extrapolated
from those points to determine the actual cash incentive award
for the executive. Performance goals under the STIP are expected
to be determined in the first quarter of 2009.
Payments under the STIP are subject to a clawback
policy under which our Company will require, to the extent
practicable, upon the occurrence of specified events, a named
executive officer to repay a portion of his or her performance
bonus payment plus a reasonable rate of interest. The clawback
policy is triggered by (i) an accounting restatement or a
determination by our Board that the performance results were
materially inaccurate and (ii) a determination that the
amount of such performance-based bonus would have been less than
the amount previously paid to such named executive officer
taking into account the restated financial results or otherwise
corrected performance results.
Equity Incentives
Equity ownership plays a key role in aligning the interests of
executives with our stockholders. A further purpose of our
long-term incentive plan is to provide a means through which our
Company may attract the best talent to become our employees, to
encourage our employees to engage in the business strategy and
success of our Company, and to provide a retention tool through
vesting requirements for executives. Accordingly, the
Compensation and Benefits Committee has granted equity awards to
our executives on an annual basis under our long-term incentive
plans. Equity grants are also periodically made to new employees
and to existing employees in connection with promotions. In
order to ensure continued ownership of the equity granted under
the long-term incentive grants, we have instituted stock
ownership guidelines for our executive officers as discussed
below under the caption Stock Ownership Guidelines for
Executive Officers.
Beginning with the 2008 annual awards, the Compensation and
Benefits Committee revised the structure of the long-term equity
incentive program such that the awards consist of three
components: an option to purchase shares of our common stock, a
restricted stock award, and a performance-based restricted stock
unit. The overall value of the long-term incentive award has
been allocated one-third to each of the three components. The
Compensation and
Benefits Committee believes that this mix of equity awards will
further align each executives goals with the intermediate
and long-term goals of our stockholders. The award provides an
incentive to the executive to drive long-term performance over
the vesting and payment periods embedded in the award.
Options vest in equal installments over a three-year period.
These options have an exercise price equal to the closing price
of our common stock on the date of grant. Restricted stock
awards and restricted stock units vest in full on the third
anniversary of the date of grant and are valued using the
closing price of our common stock on the date of grant. These
awards are subject to forfeiture and cancellation if the named
executive officers employment is terminated prior to
The overall value of the 2008 long-term equity incentive awards
was targeted for the named executive officers at the
35th percentile of the value of long-term incentives paid
to comparable executives at companies in the comparator group.
The decision to target the 2008 award at the
35th percentile instead of the 50th percentile used in
prior years was based upon our relatively weak financial
performance during 2007. The 2008 equity incentive awards were
granted under a long-term incentive plan which was approved by
our stockholders in 2005.
The Compensation and Benefits Committee may grant other equity
incentives, on a
basis, as deemed appropriate. For example, the Compensation and
Benefits Committee may award restricted stock units to our
employees, international executives in particular, in
substitution for one or more components of the standard grant
described above to promote long-term performance and employee
retention. Award value and type of grant will take into account
applicable law, administrative issues and competitive market
data for the specific country at issue.
The performance-based restricted stock units are tied to the
achievement of a pre-determined three-year relative performance
metric approved by the Compensation and Benefits Committee based
upon relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR). The formula to
determine TSR is set forth below.
in Stock Price plus dividends paid over the performance
Stock Price
Change in Stock Price is the difference between the
Ending Stock Price and the Beginning Stock Price.
Beginning Stock Price is the closing stock price on
the trading day before the first day of the performance period.
Ending Stock Price is the closing stock price on the
last trading day of the performance period.
At the conclusion of the performance period, our Companys
TSR is calculated for that period and compared to the TSR
achieved by the publicly-traded companies included in our
comparator group. Our Companys percentile rank is then
assigned based on its relative TSR achievement. At the end of
the three-year performance period, each executive officer will
be awarded shares, if any, as a percentage of the pre-determined
target shares for that executive ranging from 0% to 200%
determined by our percentile rank. For the three-year
performance period 2008 to 2010, the TSR achieved for the first
performance year, 2008, was negative 0.25 which was in the
75th percentile of the comparator group.
For a general description of the award agreement provisions
setting forth certain Company payment obligations with respect
to specified termination events including death, disability,
retirement and change in control, please see page 41 of
this proxy statement in the section titled Executive
Compensation in the Last Fiscal Year under the heading
titled Other Potential Post-Employment
and Health and Welfare Benefits
We recognize that our employees are the driving force behind the
profitable growth of our Company and that our ability to sustain
our success is dependent on each individuals well being.
To that end we offer a competitive package of Company-sponsored
health and welfare benefits to all eligible employees including
our executive officers.
Retirement Plans In January 2007, we
introduced two new plans, the Retirement Savings Plan and the
Savings Restoration Plan. The Retirement Savings Plan is a
defined contribution plan that combines a 401(k) plan with a
points-weighted Company contribution. Under this plan,
executives receive a Company-paid retirement contribution based
on their years of service, age and employee status paid as a
percentage between 1% and 4% of their eligible compensation.
Executives are also eligible to receive a Company-
matching contribution of up to 50% of the first 6% of the
participants compensation that the participant voluntarily
determines to contribute to the plan.
For 2007 through 2009, executives who participated in our 401(k)
Retirement Plan-Elgin Sweeper Company or in our now frozen
defined benefit plan (the FSC Retirement Plan) are eligible to
receive a supplemental transitional contribution to our new
Retirement Savings Plan and Savings Restoration Plan equal to 1%
to 2% of their salary based on age and service as of
December 31, 2006.
Upon a voluntary employee deferral, the non-qualified Savings
Restoration Plan restores Company contributions limited under
the Internal Revenue Code through a notional Company
contribution and notional earnings from investments. Certain
executives also continue to participate in defined benefit plans
that have been frozen for age and service effective
December 31, 2006, and will be frozen for wage increases
effective December 31, 2016. Effective December 31,
2006, the profit sharing component of the 401(k) Retirement
Plan-Elgin Sweeper Company was terminated. Under both the
Savings Restoration Plan and the Retirement Savings Plan, based
upon their age and years of service, Stephanie K. Kushner, our
former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Peter
R. Guile, President of former subsidiary
E-ONE, Inc.,
Jennifer L. Sherman, Senior Vice President, Human Resources and
General Counsel, and Mark D. Weber, President, Environmental
Solutions Group, received a supplemental transitional
contribution equal to 2% of their eligible compensation in 2008.
Health and Welfare Plans Executives
participate in the same broad-based, market-competitive health
and welfare plans (medical, prescription, dental, vision, life
and disability insurance) that are available to all eligible
and Other Personal Benefits
We provide executives with perquisites and other personal
benefits that the Compensation and Benefits Committee feels are
reasonable and consistent with its overall compensation program
to better enable us to attract and retain the best talent for
key executive positions. The Compensation and Benefits Committee
periodically reviews the levels of perquisites provided.
Perquisites provided may include:
Vehicle Allowances Executives receive a
monthly vehicle allowance benefit in an amount that is
consistent with the executives position and level in the
organization and prevailing market practices.
Relocation Assistance The Compensation and
Benefits Committee has authorized reimbursement of relocation
expenses pursuant to our Executive Relocation Reimbursement
Program or approved by the Committee.
Actual Compensation for the Named Executive Officers
The specific compensation decisions made for each of the named
executives for 2008 and year-to-date in 2009 reflect our
managements and our Compensation and Benefits
Committees assessments of performance against market
benchmarks, performance relative to Company and business group
financial and operational measurements, and achievement of
individual performance objectives. Our compensation actions for
our named executive officers are summarized below.
With respect to the terms of employment of Messrs. Osborne
and Barker and the final compensatory arrangements for
Mr. Goodwin, our former interim President and Chief
Executive Officer; Ms. Kushner, our former Senior Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer; and Mr. Guile,
President of
E-ONE, Inc.,
a business divested in August, 2008, please also see the section
titled Executive Compensation in the Last Fiscal
Year under the heading Additional Information
About the Compensation Paid to the Named Executive
Officers beginning on page 36 of this proxy
Mr. James E. Goodwin, a Company director since 2005, served
as our interim President and Chief Executive Officer from
December 11, 2007 through September 15, 2008. During
his service as an interim officer, Mr. Goodwins
annual base salary was $700,000.
On September 15, 2008, our Board of Directors appointed
William H. Osborne as the President and Chief Executive Officer
of our Company. Mr. Osbornes initial annual base
salary was $650,000. Mr. Osbornes compensation,
including his base salary, was determined by the Compensation
and Benefits Committee based upon a report prepared by Hewitt
Associates, an outside global human resources consulting firm,
in connection with our executive search for a CEO.
In determining base salary increases, the Compensation and
Benefits Committee reviews performance, level of responsibility
and actual salary as compared to the targeted level
(50th percentile) of the comparator group. In January 2008,
the Compensation and Benefits Committee set the base salary of
our former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
Ms. Stephanie K. Kushner, at $338,700, which represented an
increase of 2.5% from her prior years base salary of
$330,460. Effective December 10, 2009,
Ms. Kushners service as our Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer ended and William G. Barker, III
was appointed as our Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer. Mr. Barkers initial base salary was set at
$325,000 per year. Mr. Barkers base salary was
determined based upon a review of his pay history, experience
and comparable positions in the comparator group.
The base salary of David R. McConnaughey, our Safety and
Securities Systems Group President, was raised to $328,000
during 2008, an increase of 2.5% from his 2007 base pay of
$320,000. The base salary of Peter R. Guile, President of our
former subsidiary,
E-ONE, Inc.,
was raised to $247,200 during 2008, an increase of 3.0% from his
2007 annual base salary of $240,000. The base salary of Jennifer
L. Sherman, Senior Vice President, Human Resources and General
Counsel, was raised to $279,231 during 2008, an increase of 2.5%
from her 2007 base pay of $272,420. The base salary of our
Environmental Solutions Group President, Mark D. Weber, was
raised to $305,784 during 2008, an increase of 6.0% from his
2007 base pay of $288,475.
In February 2009, the Compensation and Benefits Committee
determined that there would be no base salary increases in 2009
for our named executive officers. In fact, Mr. Osborne
voluntarily elected to take a 5% base pay reduction from
$650,000 to $617,500 effective January 1, 2009. The
Compensation and Benefits Committees decision was based in
part on general macroeconomic conditions, our overall financial
position and as part of a cost savings initiative.
Cash Incentive Payments Economic Value
In 2008, the Economic Value target for our Company was negative
$8.4 million. The Economic Value targets for the four main
business groups were as follows: $16.9 million for Safety
and Security Systems, negative $15.8 million for Fire
Rescue, $3.5 million for Environmental Solutions and
negative $3.6 million for Tool. In 2008, our Company and
each of the four business groups failed to meet their applicable
2008 Economic Value thresholds. Accordingly, each of the named
executive officers (excluding Ms. Kushner and
Mr. Guile as a result of their departures from our Company)
was eligible to receive up to 20% of his or her 2008 target
bonus based upon the achievement of the performance objectives
for the year.
The target bonuses for Messrs. Goodwin, Osborne, and Barker
and Ms. Sherman were based entirely on the performance of
our Company as a whole. For each of Messrs. McConnaughey
and Weber, 30% of their respective target bonuses was based on
the performance of our Company as a whole, and the remaining 70%
was based on the performance of their respective business group.
Mr. Barker, who joined our Company in December 2008, was
eligible to receive a 2008 annual cash incentive payment
prorated based on hire date.
The 2008 annual incentive bonuses paid to our other named
executive officers (excluding Ms. Kushner and
Mr. Guile who were not eligible to receive an annual
incentive bonus for 2008 as a result of their departures) were
as follows:
Company or
Group Failure
to Meet
2008 Actual
Award of 20%
Value Bonus
of target
Award /
bonus based
Estimated Payouts Under Non-
Bonus Amount
Equity Incentive Plan (Economic Value
as a Percentage
Total Annual
and Individual
of Annual Base
Incentive Bonus
Goals ($)
Salary (%)
William H. Osborne(1)
James E. Goodwin(1)
William G. Barker, III(1)
David R. McConnaughey(2)
Jennifer L. Sherman(2)
Mark D. Weber(2)
(1) |
The amounts stated for Messrs. Osborne, Goodwin and Barker
as estimated future payments and actual bonus payments are
prorated based upon term of service. |
(2) |
Maximum and target payouts include potential carry-forward
amounts under the Economic Value program. In order to support
the achievement of long-term goals, executives are given the
opportunity to carry forward the unmet portion of their maximum
annual incentive opportunity. Please see the Section titled
Annual Cash Incentive Payments under the
heading Economic Value Program beginning on
page 23. |
These discretionary bonus payments were based on a numeric
rating received during the annual performance review process.
Participants who earned a score greater than 2.74 out of a
possible score of 5 received the full bonus payment. Each of the
Named Executive Officers received a score greater than 2.74 and,
accordingly, each such named executive officer received the full
20% bonus opportunity.
Equity Incentives
In connection with his appointment as interim President and
Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Goodwin received an option to
purchase 50,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise
price of $11.84 per share, the closing price of our common stock
on December 11, 2007, the date of grant. Mr. Goodwin
also received an award of 20,000 shares of restricted stock
of our Company on December 11, 2007. These options and
restricted shares became fully vested and exercisable on
Mr. Goodwins last day as our interim President and
Chief Executive Officer (i.e., September 15, 2008).
Considering his interim status, Mr. Goodwin did not receive
additional equity awards in 2008.
For equity awards granted to Messrs. Osborne and Barker in
2008 upon appointment as executive officers of our Company,
please see the section titled Executive Compensation in
the Last Fiscal Year under the heading
Additional Information About the Compensation Paid to
the Named Executive Officers beginning on page 36
of this proxy statement.
In February 2008, the Compensation and Benefits Committee
granted equity incentive awards based on the
35th percentile target level to the other named executive
officers as follows:
Ms. Kushner, Mr. Guile, Mr. McConnaughey,
Ms. Sherman and Mr. Weber received options to purchase
29,600, 19,200, 25,400, 16,100 and 27,500 shares of our
common stock, respectively, at an exercise price of $10.59, the
closing share price on the date of grant. The options vest in
three equal annual installments on the first three anniversaries
of the date of the grant.
Ms. Kushner, Mr. Guile, Mr. McConnaughey,
Ms. Sherman and Mr. Weber received restricted stock
awards of 9,300, 6,100, 8,000, 5,100 and 8,600, respectively.
The restricted shares vest fully on the third anniversary of the
date of the grant.
Ms. Kushner, Mr. Guile, Mr. McConnaughey,
Ms. Sherman and Mr. Weber received performance-based
restricted stock units of 8,900, 5,800, 7,600, 4,800 and 8,200,
respectively. Each performance-based restricted stock unit
represents a right to receive up to two shares of our common
stock based upon achieving a three-year performance metric.
Performance-based restricted stock units targets were determined
for the performance period
based upon an overall award value targeted at the
50th percentile of the value of long-term incentives paid
to comparable executives at the comparator group.
All unvested stock options, restricted stock awards and
performance-based restricted stock units held by
Ms. Kushner and Mr. Guile were forfeited in connection
with their departures. Ms. Kushner has until March 30,
2009 to exercise previously vested stock option awards.
Mr. Guiles right to exercise vested stock option
awards expired November 14, 2008.
In February 2009, the Compensation and Benefits Committee
granted equity incentive awards in the form of 40% stock
options, 30% restricted stock and 30% performance-based
restricted stock units as specified below. The Compensation and
Benefits Committee determined, as a result of the uncertain
macroeconomic conditions, to award the same number of options in
2009 as was awarded in 2008, resulting in a slightly higher
weighting of the mix of options as compared to the 2008 awards
which were one-third options, one-third restricted stock and
one-third performance-based restricted stock units.
Mr. Osborne, Mr. Barker, Mr. McConnaughey,
Ms. Sherman and Mr. Weber received options to purchase
107,400, 29,600, 25,400, 16,100 and 27,500 shares of our
common stock, respectively, at an exercise price of $6.68, the
closing share price on the date of grant. The options vest in
three equal annual installments on the first three anniversaries
of the date of the grant.
Mr. Osborne, Mr. Barker, Mr. McConnaughey,
Ms. Sherman and Mr. Weber received restricted stock
awards of 33,600, 9,300, 8,000, 5,100 and 8,600 shares of
our common stock, respectively. The restricted shares vest fully
on the third anniversary of the date of the grant.
Mr. Osborne, Mr. Barker, Mr. McConnaughey,
Ms. Sherman and Mr. Weber received performance-based
restricted stock units of 32,000, 8,900, 7,600, 4,800 and
8,200 shares of our common stock, respectively. Each
performance-based restricted stock unit represents a right to
receive up to two shares of our common stock based upon
achieving a three-year performance metric during the performance
and Other Benefits
Vehicle Allowances In 2008, on an annualized
basis, Ms. Kushner, Mr. McConnaughey, Ms. Sherman
and Mr. Weber each received a vehicle allowance totaling
$11,400. Mr. Guile received a vehicle allowance totaling
$6,736. Messrs. Osborne and Barker received vehicle
allowances of $4,025 (or $13,800 on an annualized basis per
year) and $655 (or $11,400 on an annualized basis), respectively.
Relocation Assistance In 2008, in connection
with Mr. Osbornes relocation from Melbourne,
Australia to the greater Chicago, Illinois area, we reimbursed
Mr. Osborne for relocation, temporary living and moving
expenses totaling $127,151 and a related tax
gross-up in
the amount of $39,947. Mr. Guile received additional
relocation reimbursement in the amount of $36,400 during 2008
related to his 2007 relocation, $35,100 of which was
attributable to our Companys carrying cost of
Mr. Guiles home, a portion of which we expect to
recoup upon the sale of the home.
Signing Bonus/Housing Allowance In 2008, in
connection with Mr. Osbornes purchase of a permanent
residence in the greater Chicago, Illinois area,
Mr. Osborne received $500,000 as a signing bonus and
housing allowance.
Indemnification for Repayment of Retention
Bonus In 2008, we reimbursed Mr. Osborne the
amount of $263,000 for the retention bonus he was required to
repay to his former employer.
Financial/Tax Preparation Services Pursuant to
his employment agreement, we reimbursed Mr. Osborne for the
services of a financial and estate planning advisor in the
amount of $7,500.
Ownership Guidelines for Executive Officers
Our executive officers are required to acquire substantial
holdings of our common stock while employed by us. Individual
stock ownership targets are based on a multiple of between two
and five times the executives base salary and executives
generally have between three and seven years from the date they
become subject to the stock ownership guidelines to comply with
the guidelines. While serving as an interim officer,
Mr. Goodwin was exempt from this policy, although he
remained subject to the director stock ownership program
described on page 16 of this proxy statement.
Messrs. Osborne and Barker have not met their respective
requirements for stock ownership and have 6.5 and 7 years,
respectively, to comply. Messrs. McConnaughey and Weber
have not met their requirements for stock ownership and have 4
and 2.5 years, respectively, to comply. Ms. Sherman
has also not met her requirements for stock ownership and has
2 years to comply.
Policy Regarding Tax
Payments and Limitation of Severance Benefits
On February 20, 2009, the Board adopted a compensation
policy regarding tax
payments and limitations of severance benefits. This
compensation policy provides, among other things:
in connection with any employment agreement, severance agreement
or change in control agreement entered into with any named
executive officer subsequent to the adoption of this
compensation policy, we will not make or agree to make any tax
payments to such named executive officer, except for such
provided pursuant to a relocation or expatriate tax equalization
plan, policy or arrangement; and
unless approved by a vote of our stockholders entitled to vote
in an election of directors, we will not enter into any
compensation agreement with a named executive officer that
provides for severance payments (excluding the value of any
accelerated vesting of equity based awards) in an amount
exceeding 2.99 times the sum of: (i) the named executive
officers highest annual base salary for the year of
termination (determined as an annualized amount) or either of
the immediate two preceding years; plus (ii) either the
named executive officers current target bonus, or the
highest annual bonus awarded to the named executive officer in
any of the three-years preceding the year in which the named
executive officers termination of employment occurs
(excluding the value of any accelerated vesting of equity based
This compensation policy will not alter the terms of any
agreement or compensation or benefit plan in effect on the date
of adoption of the policy.
Impact of
Accounting and Tax Treatment on Forms of Compensation
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code provides that
compensation in excess of $1 million paid to the chief
executive officer and the other most highly compensated
executive officers of a public company will generally be
nondeductible for federal income tax purposes, subject to
certain exceptions. The Compensation and Benefits Committee
intends to structure compensation arrangements in a manner that
will avoid the deduction limitations imposed by
Section 162(m) in appropriate circumstances. However, the
Compensation and Benefits Committee believes that it is
important and necessary that the Compensation and Benefits
Committee retain the right and flexibility to provide and revise
compensation arrangements, such as base salary and cash bonus
incentive opportunities, that may not qualify under
Section 162(m) if, in the Compensation and Benefits
Committees view, such arrangements are in the best
interests of our Company and our stockholders.
The responsibilities of the Compensation and Benefits Committee
are provided in its Charter, which has been approved by our
Board of Directors.
In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the
Compensation Disclosure and Analysis included in this Report,
the Compensation and Benefits Committee, among other things, has:
reviewed and discussed the Compensation Disclosure and Analysis
with management; and
following such review, the Compensation and Benefits Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors (and the Board has
approved) that the Compensation Disclosure and Analysis be
included in this proxy statement.
Notwithstanding anything set forth in any of our previous
filings under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 that might incorporate future filings,
including this proxy statement, in whole or in part, the
preceding report shall not be deemed incorporated by reference
in any such filings.
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth information concerning
compensation earned during the fiscal years ended
December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 for James E. Goodwin, our
former interim President and Chief Executive Officer, William H.
Osborne, our new President and Chief Executive Officer,
appointed September 15, 2008, Stephanie K. Kushner, our
former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
William G. Barker, III, our new Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer appointed December 10, 2008, and
the three other most highly compensated executive officers of
our Company. Additionally, the table sets forth compensation
information for the stated periods for Mr. Guile, who would
have been among the top three highly compensated executive
officers in 2008 had Mr. Guile been an executive officer as
of December 31, 2008. For compensation provided to
Mr. Goodwin for service as a director of our Company after
his resignation as our interim President and Chief Executive
Officer on September 15, 2008, please see the section
titled Information Concerning the Board of
Directors under the heading titled Director
Compensation in the Last Fiscal Year beginning on
page 15 of this proxy statement.
Compensation Table for Fiscal Years 2006, 2007 and
Change in
Pension Value
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Total ($)
William H. Osborne,
President and Chief
Executive Officer
James E. Goodwin,
Former Interim
President and Chief
Executive Officer
William G. Barker, III,
Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial
Stephanie K. Kushner,
Former Senior Vice
President and Chief
Financial Officer
Peter R. Guile,
President of former
David R. McConnaughey,
President, Safety and
Securities Systems
Jennifer L. Sherman,
Senior Vice President,
Human Resources and
General Counsel
Mark D. Weber,
Solutions Group
(1) |
Includes with respect to Mr. Osborne, a signing bonus and a
housing allowance of $500,000 and reimbursement of $263,000 for
a retention bonus Mr. Osborne repaid to his former
employer. Mr. Guile received a bonus of $400,000 upon the
sale of
E-ONE, Inc.
and resulting termination of his employment with our Company.
Ms. Sherman received a special bonus in the amount of
$25,000 as a performance award and in connection with her April
2008 promotion to the position of Senior Vice President, Human
Resources (in addition to her existing position as our General
Counsel). |
(2) |
The stock award values represent the dollar amount of
compensation cost recognized for financial statement reporting
purposes for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006, 2007
and 2008, in accordance with SFAS 123(R). These figures
include amounts related to unvested restricted stock awards and
performance- |
based restricted stock units awarded for the three-year period
beginning on January 1, 2008 granted under our long-term
incentive plan and discussed in further detail on page 25
in the section titled Compensation Discussion and
Analysis - Elements of Executive Compensation
under the heading Long-Term Equity
Incentives. Assumptions used in the calculation of
these amounts for fiscal years ended December 31, 2006,
2007 and 2008 are included in Note 8 to our Companys
audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008, included in our Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
February 27, 2009. Assumptions used in the calculation of
these amounts for fiscal years ended December 31, 2004 and
2005 are included in Note 9 to our Companys audited
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2006, included in our Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
February 22, 2007. Assumptions used in the calculation of
these amounts for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003
are included under the heading Stock-based compensation
plans in
Note A-
Significant Accounting Policies included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on March 16, 2005. |
(3) |
The option award values represent the dollar amount of
compensation cost recognized for financial statement reporting
purposes for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008, in
accordance with SFAS 123(R). These amounts include amounts
related to unvested stock option grants awarded under our
long-term incentive plan, discussed in further detail on
page 25 in the section titled Compensation
Discussion and Analysis - Elements of Executive
Compensation under the heading Long-Term
Equity Incentives. Assumptions used in the calculation
of this amount for fiscal years ended December 31, 2006,
2007 and 2008 are included in Note 8 to our Companys
audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008, included in our Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
February 27, 2009. Assumptions used in the calculation of
this amount for fiscal years ended December 31, 2004 and
2005 are included in Note 9 to our Companys audited
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2006, included in our Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
February 22, 2007. |
(4) |
Reflects the cash awards to the named individuals under our
management incentive plan that is discussed in further detail
beginning on page 23 in the section titled
Compensation Discussion and Analysis - Elements
of Executive Compensation under the heading
Annual Cash Incentive Payments. |
(5) |
Reflects the actuarial increase in the present value of the
named executive officers benefits under all pension plans,
including supplemental pension plans, established by our Company
determined using interest rate and mortality rate assumptions
consistent with those used in our Companys financial
statements, and includes amounts which the named executive
officer may not currently be entitled to receive because such
amounts are not vested. Earnings on deferred compensation are
not reflected in this column because the return on earnings is
calculated in the same manner and at the same rate as earnings
on externally managed investments of salaried employees
participating in the tax-qualified 401(k) savings plan, and
dividends on our common stock are paid at the same rate as
dividends paid to stockholders. |
(6) |
All Other Compensation includes the following aggregate
perquisites and other items that equaled or exceeded $10,000: |
Contribution to
including 401(k)
Match ($)
William H. Osborne
James E. Goodwin(x)
William G. Barker, III(y)
Stephanie K. Kushner
Peter R. Guile
David R. McConnaughey
Jennifer L. Sherman
Mark D. Weber
(t) |
Reflects a tax
for amounts paid to Mr. Osborne with respect to his
relocation, moving and temporary living expenses.
Ms. Sherman received a tax
on the taxes associated with her special bonus in the amount of
$25,000. |
(u) |
Mr. Osborne received $127,151 in relocation, moving and
temporary living expenses in accordance with his employment
agreement. Mr. Guile received additional relocation
assistance in the amount of $36,400 in 2008 related to moving
and the sale of his home in connection with his 2007 relocation,
$35,100 of which was attributable to the carrying cost of
Mr. Guiles former home, a portion of which we expect
to recoup upon the sale of the home to a third party. |
(v) |
Under Mr. Osbornes employment agreement, our Company
agreed to credit his Savings Restoration Plan account in the
amount of $200,000. In 2008, Messrs. Guile and Weber and
Mesdames Kushner and Sherman participated in our Companys
Savings Restoration Plan. Ms. Kushner was previously
eligible to receive a supplemental payment upon retirement at or
after age 57 under our pension plan. She was entitled to a
$25,000 annual supplemental payment after five years of
employment with us, increasing by $5,000 for each year she
worked after five years of employment, up to a maximum of
$50,000 per year. In March of 2007, Ms. Kushner entered
into a Satisfaction and Release Agreement with our Company
regarding her supplemental pension agreement in exchange for the
receipt of six discretionary, supplemental and additional
contributions to the new Federal Signal Savings Restoration Plan
(SRP). Accordingly, Ms. Kushner received the following
payments: March 1, 2007 $308,472 and
March 1, 2008 $30,322. The remaining payments
were forfeited as of her last day of employment. |
(w) |
Includes with respect to Mr. Osborne, $7,500 for
financial/tax preparation services and a life insurance premium
payments of $273. With respect to Ms. Kushner, includes
$5,000 as a Company match to a United Way Pledge, $5,210 as
vacation pay, and $566 in life insurance premium payments. For
Mr. Weber, includes $300 for the United Airlines Red Carpet
Membership program and $507 for insurance premiums. With respect
to the other named executive officers, amounts represent the
dollar value of life insurance premiums paid by our Company for
the benefit of such named executive officer. |
(x) |
Mr. Goodwin, while serving as our interim President and
Chief Executive Officer, did not receive any perquisites or
other such items during 2008 except for the contribution to our
Companys Retirement Savings Plan and dollar value of
insurance premiums. |
(y) |
Mr. Barker began his employment with our Company on
December 10, 2008. Mr. Barker did not have aggregate
perquisites and other items that equaled or exceeded $10,000 in
2008. |
(z) |
Includes the following severance components: cash severance,
$745,140; continuation of health and welfare benefits, $9,918;
life insurance and death benefit payments, $854; and
outplacement services, $17,500. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth information concerning grants of
plan-based awards earned for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008 for the named executive officers.
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards in 2008
All Other
All Other
Grant Date
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Number of
or Base
Fair Value
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards
Estimated Future Payouts Under Equity
of Shares
Price of
of Stock
Incentive Plan Awards(3)
of Stock
and Option
or Units
Threshold ($)
Target ($)
Maximum ($)
Threshold (#)
Target (#)
Maximum (#)
William H. Osborne(5)
James E. Goodwin(6)
William G. Barker, III(7)
Stephanie K. Kushner(8)
Peter R. Guile(8)
David R. McConnaughey
Jennifer L. Sherman
Mark D. Weber
(1) |
See the section titled Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Elements of Executive Compensation
under the heading Annual Cash Incentive
Payments in this proxy statement beginning on
page 23. |
(2) |
These estimated future payouts include potential carry forward
amounts, if any earned. |
(3) |
These columns include information regarding only
performance-based restricted stock unit grants. The
Threshold column represents the minimum amount
payable when threshold performance is met. If performance is
below the threshold performance, no amount is paid. The
Target column represents the amount payable if the
specified total stockholder return (TSR) performance target
relative to the comparator group is reached. The
Maximum column represents the full payout potential
under the plan if our three-year TSR is highest among all of the
companies in the comparator group. Shares are awarded, if any,
as a percentage of the pre-determined target shares for that
executive officer ranging from 0% to 200% determined by
percentile rank. For a more detailed discussion of the
performance-based restricted stock unit grants, see the section
titled Compensation Discussion and Analysis -
Elements of Executive Compensation under the
heading titled Long-Term Equity Incentives
beginning on page 25 of this proxy statement. |
(4) |
The grant date fair values are calculated based upon the
provision of SFAS 123(R). Shares in the form of restricted
stock are valued at the closing prices of our Companys
common stock on the date of the grant. The Black-Scholes model
is used to estimate the fair value of stock options, resulting
in an estimated value of $3.42 for options granted on
February 22, 2008, $4.88 for options granted on
September 15, 2008, and $2.14 for |
options granted on December 10, 2008. A Monte
Carlo simulation model is used to estimate the fair value
of performance-based restricted stock units, resulting in an
estimated value of $12.78 for performance-based restricted stock
units granted on February 22, 2008 and $17.47 for
performance-based restricted stock units granted on
September 15, 2008. |
(5) |
Mr. Osbornes awards were made on his first day of
employment pursuant to his employment agreement with our Company
further described below under the heading titled
Additional Information About the Compensation Paid to
the Named Executive Officers. |
(6) |
Annual incentive award provided in connection with
Mr. Goodwins service as our interim President and
Chief Executive Officer through September 15, 2008. Please
see page 15 for equity awards granted to Mr. Goodwin
in connection with his service as a director after
September 15, 2008. |
(7) |
Mr. Barkers awards were made pursuant to the terms of
his offer letter with our Company as further described below
under the heading Additional Information About the
Compensation Paid to the Named Executive Officers. |
(8) |
Neither Ms. Kushner nor Mr. Guile had incentive plan
awards outstanding at year-end as a result of their departures. |
Information About the Compensation Paid to the Named Executive
On December 11, 2007, our Board of Directors appointed
Mr. James E. Goodwin as interim President and Chief
Executive Officer of our Company. Mr. Goodwin served in
this capacity through September 15, 2008, when the Board of
Directors appointed William H. Osborne as the President and
Chief Executive Officer of our Company. Mr. Goodwin serves
as a director of our Company. In connection with his appointment
as interim President and Chief Executive Officer,
Mr. Goodwin received an option to purchase
50,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of
$11.84 per share, the closing price of our common stock on
December 11, 2007, the date of grant. Mr. Goodwin also
received an award of 20,000 shares of restricted stock of
our Company. These options and restricted shares became fully
vested and exercisable on Mr. Goodwins last day as
our interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
On September 15, 2008, our Board of Directors appointed
William H. Osborne as the President and Chief Executive Officer
of our Company, effective immediately. Pursuant to his
employment agreement, Mr. Osbornes initial annual
base salary was set at $650,000. Mr. Osborne is eligible
for a prorated annual incentive bonus in 2008. His 2008 target
annual incentive bonus is 90% of his annual base salary. In
connection with his employment, Mr. Osborne received an
option to purchase 75,137 shares of our common stock at an
exercise price of $14.93 per share, the closing price of our
stock on September 15, 2008, the date of grant. The option
will vest and become exercisable as to one-third of the shares
subject thereto on each of September 15, 2009, 2010 and
2011. Mr. Osborne also received an award of
24,559 shares of our Companys restricted stock that
will fully vest on September 15, 2011 and a
performance-based restricted stock unit award for
20,991 shares of our common stock, the vesting of which is
tied to the attainment of three-year performance metrics
relative to our Companys designated comparator group for
the performance period beginning on January 1, 2008 and
ending on December 31, 2010. Additionally, our Company
credited $200,000 to a Savings Restoration Plan account
established on behalf of Mr. Osborne. Upon each anniversary
date of Mr. Osbornes employment, we will contribute
an additional $200,000 to this account through 2017. These
amounts vest over three-years at a rate of one-third of the
amount in each year. We paid Mr. Osborne a signing bonus
and housing allowance of $500,000 with respect to his purchase
of a permanent residence in the Chicago, Illinois area, subject
to prorated repayment to the extent he does not continue his
employment with our Company for at least 24 months. We also
reimbursed Mr. Osborne for reasonable relocation costs and
for his repayment of a retention bonus to his former employer in
the amount of $263,000. Mr. Osborne is also entitled to an
automobile allowance of $13,800 per year and an allowance of
$7,500 per year for financial and estate planning services.
Mr. Osborne is eligible to participate in our
Companys group benefit plans generally available to all
employees. Additionally, Mr. Osborne is eligible to
participate in all Company sponsored health and welfare benefits
available to our executive officers, except to the extent such
benefits may be duplicative with those provided under his
employment agreement. Mr. Osborne is also entitled to
certain post-employment payments under his employment agreement,
as set forth in this proxy statement on page 41 in the
section titled Executive Compensation in the Last
Fiscal Year under the heading titled Other
Potential Post-Employment Payments.
Effective December 10, 2008, Stephanie Kushner no longer
served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of our Company and her last day of employment was
December 30, 2008. Pursuant to an agreement entered into on
January 6, 2009 with our Company, Ms. Kushner received
a cash payment of $541,920, which is the sum of
Ms. Kushners annual base salary (i.e., $338,700) and
her target annual bonus for 2008 (i.e., 60% of her base salary,
or $203,220). Additionally, Ms. Kushner received $203,220,
the amount equal to her unpaid 2008 target annual bonus.
Ms. Kushner is entitled to receive health and welfare
benefits at the same coverage level
and cost as in effect prior to her termination of services for
up to an additional eighteen months, as well as a life insurance
and death benefit payout covering an eighteen month period.
Further, Ms. Kushner is entitled to receive $17,500 in
outplacement services. Ms. Kushner has until March 30,
2009 to exercise previously vested stock options. Unvested stock
options totaling 52,412, restricted stock awards totaling
29,900, and 8,900 performance-based restricted stock units were
forfeited. Pursuant to the agreement, Ms. Kushner waived
any rights to receive any severance pay under any
severance/separation plan, policy or program maintained by our
Company. Additionally, in consideration of the amounts paid to
Ms. Kushner, Ms. Kushner signed a general release with
respect to her employment with and separation from employment
with our Company and agreed not to compete with our Company for
a period of one year or to solicit our employees for such period.
Effective December 10, 2008, the Board of Directors
appointed William G. Barker, III as our Senior Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Barkers
annual base salary was set at $325,000 in 2008. Mr. Barker
was eligible for a prorated annual incentive bonus in 2008 in
which his target annual incentive bonus was 60% of his annual
base salary with a maximum bonus potential of 120% of base
salary. Beginning in 2009, Mr. Barker became eligible to
participate in our Companys group benefit plans generally
available to all employees. In connection with his employment,
Mr. Barker received an option to purchase 3,888 shares
of our common stock at an exercise price of $7.60 per share, the
closing price of our common stock on December 10, 2008, the
date of grant. The option will vest and become exercisable as to
one-third of the shares on each of the first three anniversaries
following the date of grant. Mr. Barker also received an
award of 3,290 shares of our Companys restricted
stock that will fully vest on the third anniversary of the date
of grant. Mr. Barker will receive a $950 monthly
automobile allowance. Additionally, Mr. Barker is eligible
to participate in all of our Company-sponsored health and
welfare benefits available to our executive officers beginning
January 1, 2009, including the right to participate in the
Executive General Severance Plan and to enter into a standard
Change in Control Agreement.
In connection with the sale of
E-ONE, Inc.,
a former Company subsidiary, on August 5, 2008, Peter Guile
was no longer employed by our Company. Pursuant to an agreement
entered into on March 20, 2008 between Mr. Guile and
our Company, we paid Mr. Guile a one-time bonus of $400,000
in exchange for his waiver of any rights to receive any
severance pay under any severance or separation plan, policy or
program maintained by us. Mr. Guile had until
November 14, 2008 to exercise previously vested stock
options. Unvested stock options totaling 29,216, restricted
stock awards totaling 14,700, and 5,800 performance-based
restricted stock units were forfeited.
as to Stock Options
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal
Year-End The following table sets forth
information concerning outstanding equity awards, as of the
completed 2008 fiscal year, held by the named executive officers:
Equity Awards at 2008 Fiscal Year-End
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Market or
Number of
Value of
Number of
Plan Awards:
Value of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Shares or
Units, or
Shares or
Units of
Units, or
Units of
Stock that
Rights that
Options (#)
Stock that
Have Not
Have Not
Rights that
Options (#)
Have Not
Have Not
Grant Date
Vested (#)(3)
Vested ($)
William H. Osborne
James E. Goodwin
William G. Barker, III
Stephanie K. Kushner(6)
Peter R. Guile(7)
David R. McConnaughey
Jennifer L. Sherman
Mark D. Weber
(1) |
Stock options granted from 2005 to 2008 are subject to graded
vesting over a three-year period from the date of grant except
that the equity awards granted to Mr. Goodwin upon his
appointment as an interim executive officer became fully vested
and exercisable on September 15, 2008,
Mr. Goodwins last day as our interim President and
Chief Executive Officer. |
(2) |
Prior to 2007, the exercise price for each option grant was the
lowest sale price of our common stock on the date of grant as
opposed to our current methodology of using the closing price
for our common stock, as reported by the New York Stock
Exchange, on the date of the grant of the option. |
(3) |
Restricted stock awards granted from 2005 through 2008, provide
for vesting in full on the third anniversary of the grant date. |
(4) |
Based on the closing price of $8.21 per share of our common
stock on December 31, 2008. |
(5) |
The shares in this column will vest if we achieve the threshold
target relative to total stockholder return (TSR). The goal is
based on our TSR compared to the TSR of the comparator group
over the three-year performance period. The final relative TSR
goal will not be determined until the end of the three-year
performance period, and the payout of this award could range
from 0% to 200% of the performance-based restricted stock unit
amount originally granted. The performance-based restricted
stock units vest in full at the conclusion of the three-year
performance period in 2010. For a more detailed discussion of
the performance-based restricted stock unit grants, see the
section titled Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Setting Actual Compensation for the Named
Executive Officers under the heading
Long-Term Equity Incentives beginning on
page 29 of this proxy statement. |
(6) |
Ms. Kushner has until March 30, 2009, to exercise
previously vested stock options. Unvested stock options totaling
52,412, restricted stock awards totaling 29,900, and 8,900
performance-based restricted stock units were forfeited. |
(7) |
With the sale of our former subsidiary,
E-ONE, Inc.,
and Mr. Guiles resulting termination of employment
with our Company, Mr. Guile had no awards outstanding at
fiscal year-end. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested in
2008 The following table sets forth
information concerning amounts received or realized upon
exercise of options or similar instruments, and the vesting of
stock or similar instruments, by the named executive officers.
Option Awards(1)
Stock Awards(2)
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
Vesting (#)
Vesting ($)
William H. Osborne
James E. Goodwin(3)
William G. Barker, III
Stephanie K. Kushner(4)
Peter R. Guile(5)
David R. McConnaughey
Jennifer L. Sherman
Mark D. Weber
(1) |
None of the named executive officers exercised any stock options
during the year ended December 31, 2008. |
(2) |
Reflects the lapse of time-based restrictions pursuant to the
terms of grant under our long-term incentive plan for the 2004
and 2005 grant cycles, with the exception of Mr. Goodwin as
noted in (3) below. No amounts were deferred by any of the
named executive officers. |
(3) |
The stock award reflected was granted to Mr. Goodwin as a
result of his service as an interim executive officer and vested
in full upon his resignation as an interim executive officer
pursuant to the employment arrangement between the parties. |
(4) |
Ms. Kushner has until March 30, 2009 to exercise
previously vested stock options. |
(5) |
With the sale of our former subsidiary,
E-ONE, Inc.,
and the resulting termination of employment of Mr. Guile
effective August 5, 2008, Mr. Guile had no awards
outstanding at fiscal year-end. |
Retirement Benefits
Pension Benefits Table The following
table sets forth information concerning the present value of
accumulated pension benefits accrued by and any payments made to
the named executive officers:
Present Value of
Number of Years
Payments During
Plan Name
Credited Service
Last Fiscal Year
William H. Osborne
James E. Goodwin
William G. Barker, III
Stephanie K. Kushner
FSC Retirement Plan
Peter R. Guile
FSC Retirement Plan
David R. McConnaughey
Jennifer L. Sherman
FSC Retirement Plan
Mark D. Weber
(1) |
This retirement plan, which has been frozen, provides retirement
benefits for many salaried and hourly employees, including
executive officers. Contributions were made on an actuarial
group basis, and no specific contribution was set aside for any
individual participant. The approximate annual pension benefit
set forth in the table is based on years of service and
compensation, and reflects dollar limitations under the Internal
Revenue Code, as amended, which limits the annual benefits which
may be paid from a tax-qualified retirement plan. Participants
under this plan are eligible to receive a supplemental
transitional contribution to our new Retirement Savings Plan and
Savings Restoration Plan equal to 1% to 2% of their eligible
compensation. |
The normal retirement age under our retirement plan is
age 65. The annual pension earned by an eligible named
executive officer is equal to 50% of the named executive
officers average monthly compensation (up to a maximum of
$180,000), less one-half of Social Security payments, times the
named executive officers credited service years (to a
maximum of 30 years). For purposes of the FSC Retirement
Plan, a named executive officers compensation is his or
her salary plus non-equity incentive plan compensation as set
forth in the Summary Compensation Table. Under the FSC
Retirement Plan, the named executive officers are eligible to
retire after age 55 if they have completed at least
10 years of service with our Company. However, in the event
of such early retirement, the pension benefits payable are
reduced by
for each month up to 60 months, and
for each month over 60 months, by which the actual
retirement age is less than 65 years.
Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Table in
2008 The following table sets forth
information concerning contributions, earnings, and balances
under non-qualified deferred contribution plans with assets held
in the Rabbi Trust for the named executive officers:
Contribution in
Contributions in
Earnings/Loss in
Balance at Last
Last FY ($)
Last FY ($)
Last FY ($)(2)
Distributions ($)
FYE ($)
William H. Osborne
James E. Goodwin
William G. Barker, III
Stephanie K. Kushner
Peter R. Guile
David R. McConnaughey
Jennifer L. Sherman
Mark D. Weber
(1) |
Prior to July 2005, eligible named executive officers were
permitted to defer up to 100% of his or her annual bonus in our
Supplemental Savings and Investment Plan including participation
by Ms. Kushner and |
Messrs. Guile and Weber. Participation in this plan was
frozen in July of 2005 and no additional deferrals were made
after 2006. |
(2) |
The earnings/loss reported under this column have not been
reported as compensation in the last completed fiscal year in
the Summary Compensation Table because these earnings were not
above market. The earnings on the named executive officers
deferred compensation are calculated in the same manner and at
the same rate as earnings on externally managed investments of
salaried employees participating in the tax-qualified 401(k)
savings plan. Dividends on our common stock held by the named
executive officers are paid at the same rate as dividends paid
to our stockholders. |
Potential Post-Employment Payments
Mr. Osborne is party to an employment agreement which
provides him with post-employment payments in various scenarios.
Additionally, Mr. Osborne is entitled to additional
benefits under other applicable plans or programs to the extent
such benefits are not duplicative with those received under his
employment agreement. Except with respect to Mr. Goodwin
who did not participate as a result of his interim status, our
Company, pursuant to an Executive General Severance Plan, is
obligated to make payments to our named executive officers if
our Company terminates the executive without Cause
or the executive leaves our Company for Good Reason.
Except with respect to Messrs. Osborne and Goodwin, our
Company has entered into
Agreements which require certain payments to our other named
executive officers upon a change in control of our Company.
Mr. Osbornes
Under Mr. Osbornes employment agreement, he is
entitled to certain benefits upon termination.
Mr. Osbornes employment agreement provides, that, in
addition to any accrued and unpaid salary and prorated annual
cash incentive bonus target, if our Company terminates
Mr. Osbornes employment without Cause or
he resigns for Good Reason (as defined in his
employment agreement): a) on or prior to September 15,
2010, Mr. Osborne will receive two times his annual base
salary paid in equal monthly installments over a period of two
years, and one times his annual cash incentive bonus target paid
in equal monthly installments over a period of one year; or
b) after September 15, 2010, Mr. Osborne will
receive one times the sum of his annual base salary plus his
annual cash incentive bonus target paid in equal monthly
installments over a period of one year. Mr. Osborne will
also be eligible to continue to receive health benefits at the
same coverage level and cost as in effect prior to his
termination for an additional eighteen months.
If our Company terminates Mr. Osbornes employment
without Cause or he resigns for Good
Reason within 24 months following a
of our Company (as defined in his employment agreement), then,
in addition to any accrued and unpaid salary and prorated annual
cash incentive bonus target, Mr. Osborne will receive an
amount equal to two times the sum of his annual base salary and
annual cash incentive bonus target, including certain
payments, as necessary. In addition, Mr. Osbornes
equity awards will become immediately vested and all
restrictions on such awards shall lapse including
(i) immediate vesting of all outstanding unvested stock
options, (ii) immediate vesting and lapse of restrictions
on all restricted stock and restricted stock units, and
(iii) immediate vesting of all performance-based restricted
stock units with performance shares distributed based on target
performance on the date of the change in control, prorated
through the change in control date. Further, the Company will
have an obligation to fund a trust equal to 100% of the amounts
necessary to satisfy its liabilities under the Savings
Restoration Plan; our Company will have an obligation to vest
and cash-out all outstanding cash-based long-term incentive
awards held by Mr. Osborne; and, as consideration for the
non-compete covenant contained in his employment agreement,
Mr. Osborne will also receive an amount equal to one times
the sum of his annual base salary and annual cash incentive
bonus target. In addition, Mr. Osborne will be eligible to
continue to receive medical, dental and prescription benefits at
the same coverage level and cost as in effect prior to his
termination for an additional 36 months as well as life
insurance coverage for a period of 18 months.
Mr. Osborne is also entitled to receive $50,000 in
outplacement services.
The agreement provides that Mr. Osborne shall not be
entitled to receive duplicative severance or other benefits
under any other Company related plans or programs if such
benefits are triggered under his employment agreement. To the
extent required to comply with Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code, any severance benefits would not be paid to
Mr. Osborne prior to the date that is six months from the
date of termination.
If, however, Mr. Osborne is terminated by our Company for
Cause or if he voluntarily terminates his employment
without Good Reason, our Company shall not provide
Mr. Osborne with post-termination payments or benefits
other than those vested and accrued under our Companys
various compensation plans and programs.
Under Mr. Osbornes employment agreement,
Cause means: (1) Mr. Osbornes
willful and continued failure to substantially perform his
duties; (2) Mr. Osbornes conviction of a felony;
or (3) Mr. Osbornes material breach of any
provision of the employment agreement. Good Reason
means: (1) a material reduction in or assignment of duties
materially inconsistent with Mr. Osbornes authority,
duties and responsibilities; (2) a reduction in or
cancellation of Mr. Osbornes salary, bonus,
compensation or other benefit plans; (3) the failure of our
Company to obtain a satisfactory agreement from any successor to
our Company to assume and agree to perform our Companys
obligations under the agreement; (4) material reduction in
Mr. Osbornes budget; (5) material change in
geographic location over which Mr. Osbornes performs
his duties; or (6) any other action or inaction that
constitutes a material breach of the agreement.
As a condition to the receipt of post-employment payments under
the employment agreement, Mr. Osborne is required to
execute a general release in favor of our Company.
Mr. Osborne has also agreed (i) not to compete with
our Company or solicit Company employees for, in each case, a
period of eighteen months following termination of employment;
(ii) not to use or disclose confidential information of our
Company; (iii) not to disparage or otherwise make
derogatory statements about our Company; and (iv) to
cooperate with our Company in connection with claims and
of Other Named Executive Officers
The tables on the following pages reflect the incremental cost
to our Company of providing payments and benefits under the
Executive General Severance Plan and the Change in Control
Agreements, which are generally not available on a
non-discriminatory basis, in connection with each of the
aforementioned circumstances. The amounts shown in the tables
assume that such termination occurs on December 31, 2008,
and thus, only includes amounts earned through such time. Except
with respect to Ms. Kushner and Mr. Guile, for whom
the tables reflect actual payments received upon their
respective departures from our Company, the actual value of the
payments and benefits received can only be determined at the
time of separation.
Material Conditions to Receipt of
Payments The receipt of payments and benefits
upon separation from service in the event of involuntary
termination without Cause or voluntary termination
with Good Reason are conditioned on the named
executive officers compliance with the following
restrictive covenants set forth in the Executive General
Severance Plan:
Execution of a general release;
Non-disclosure of confidential information to a third party;
Non-competition with our Company for a twelve month period; and
Non-solicitation of employees for a twelve month period.
Payments under Executive General Severance
Plan Our Company has adopted an Executive
General Severance Plan covering Messrs. Barker,
McConnaughey, and Weber and Ms. Sherman that provides for
the payment of severance in the event of involuntary termination
without Cause or voluntary termination with
Good Reason. Mr. Osborne may also be entitled
to benefits under this plan to the extent such benefits are not
duplicative with benefits under his employment agreement.
Mr. Barkers eligibility under this plan began
January 1, 2009. Mr. Goodwin did not participate as a
result of his interim status with our Company, although the
equity awards he received in connection with his appointment as
an interim executive officer became fully vested and exercisable
on September 15, 2008, his last day as our interim
President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Guile and
Ms. Kushner no longer participate by reason of their
departure from our Company and have received certain severance
payments pursuant to agreements entered into with our Company,
as more fully described in the section titled Executive
Compensation in the Last Fiscal Year under the heading
Additional Information about Compensation Paid to the
Named Executive Officers beginning on page 36 of
this proxy statement set forth in the Summary Data Charts below.
In 2008, we amended our Executive General Severance Plan in
light of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. To the
extent required to comply with Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code, any severance benefits would not be paid to the
executive officer prior to the date that is six months from the
date of termination (other than due to death).
Termination of the Executive by our Company without
Cause or by the Executive for Good
Reason If an executives
employment is terminated by our Company without
Cause or by the executive for Good
Reason, he or she shall receive the following payments and
A cash payment equal to the sum of the named executive
officers base salary and current target annual bonus;
Payment of a portion of the targeted annual bonus based on the
number of days worked in the current year;
Continuation of health and welfare benefits for up to eighteen
months following termination at the same premium cost, and at
the same coverage level to the executive, as in effect as of the
executives date of termination (with the value of medical
coverage treated as taxable income to the executive to the
extent necessary to comply with Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code);
Right to exercise vested options within three months from date
of termination (unvested options, performance-based restricted
stock units, restricted stock awards and restricted stock units
are forfeited); and
Earned amounts under our Retirement Savings Plan and Savings
Restoration Plan.
If, however, the named executive officer is terminated by our
Company for Cause or if the named executive officer
voluntarily terminates his or her employment without Good
Reason, our Company shall not provide the named executive
officer with post-termination payments or benefits other than
those vested and accrued under our Companys various
compensation plans and programs.
Payments Made Upon Retirement Our
Company provides the following post-termination payments and
benefits under the Executive General Severance Plan and award
documents upon retirement:
Accrued and unpaid base salary through the date of retirement;
Right to exercise vested options within three years from date of
termination (unvested options, restricted stock and restricted
stock unit awards are forfeited);
Immediate vesting of all performance-based restricted stock
units with performance shares distributed at the end of the
performance period based on actual performance and prorated
through the date of termination of employment; and
Earned amounts under our Retirement Savings Plan and Savings
Restoration Plan.
Payments Made Upon Death or
Disability In the event of death or
disability, named executive officers shall receive the following
payments and benefits from our Company, under the Executive
General Severance Plan and award documents:
Accrued and unpaid base salary through the date of termination;
Immediate vesting of all outstanding and unvested stock options.
Named executive officers or their designated beneficiaries shall
have the right to exercise such options for one year from the
date of disability or death;
Immediate vesting or lapse of restrictions on all restricted
stock and restricted stock units, as applicable;
Immediate vesting of all performance-based restricted stock
units with performance shares distributed at the end of the
performance period based on actual performance and prorated
through the date of termination of employment; and
Earned amounts under our Retirement Savings Plan and Savings
Restoration Plan.
In addition to the benefits listed above, named executive
officers will receive benefits under our non-discriminatory
disability plan or payments under our group life insurance plan
in the event of death or disability.
Payments Made Upon a Change in
Control Except with respect to
Mr. Goodwin as an interim executive officer,
Mr. Osborne who is subject to an employment agreement with
our Company, and Ms. Kushner and Mr. Guile who have
left our Company, we have entered into Executive
Severance Agreements with our other named executive officers
that provide for certain payments in the event of a Change
in Control of our Company and a qualifying termination.
Additionally, certain of the equity award agreements issued
under our 2005 Executive Incentive Plan provide for accelerated
vesting or lapse of restrictions if the business segment in
which the participant is primarily employed is divested and the
divestiture results in the termination of the participants
employment with our Company. Pursuant to our Executive
Severance Agreements, in the event of a separation from service
(as defined in Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code)
24 calendar months following a Change in Control (other
than termination by us for Cause, voluntary
termination by the executive without Good Reason, or
by reason of death or disability), or if the executive
terminates his employment in certain circumstances defined in
the agreement which constitute Good Reason, we shall
provide each named executive officer with the following
severance benefits:
Payment of any accrued and unpaid salary and prorated annual
cash incentive bonus target;
A lump-sum cash payment equal to two times the sum of the
executives base salary and current annual target bonus
opportunity established under the annual bonus plan in which the
executive participates;
A lump-sum cash payment equal to one times the sum of annual
base salary and annual cash incentive bonus target as
consideration for the eighteen-month non-compete covenant;
Immediate vesting and lapse of restrictions on all equity based
long-term incentives, including (i) immediate vesting of
all outstanding unvested stock options, (ii) immediate
vesting and lapse of restrictions on all restricted stock and
restricted stock units, and (iii) immediate vesting of all
performance-based restricted stock units with performance shares
distributed based on target performance on the date of the
change in control, prorated through the change in control date;
Immediate vesting and cash-out of all outstanding cash-based
long-term incentive awards;
Continuation of medical insurance coverage for up to thirty-six
months following termination at the same premium cost and at the
same coverage level to the executive as in effect immediately
prior to the termination of the executives employment
(with the value of medical coverage treated as taxable income to
the executive to the extent necessary to comply with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code) and continuation
of other health and welfare benefits for up to eighteen months
at the same premium cost and at the same coverage level under
the Companys Executive General Severance Plan to the
extent not duplicative; and
If the value of the cash payments and the continuation or
acceleration of benefits upon termination under the severance
agreements would subject the executive officer to the payment of
a federal excise tax as excess parachute payments,
the executive would be entitled to receive an additional
payment to cover the full cost of any excise tax and all of the
executives additional federal, state and local income,
excise and employment taxes that arise on the additional payment.
In 2008, we amended our Executive
Severance Agreements in light of Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code. To the extent required to comply with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, any severance
benefits would not be paid to the executive officer prior to the
date that is six months from the date of termination (other than
due to death).
A Change in Control under the Executive
Severance Agreements is defined as the occurrence of any one or
more of the following events:
acquisition by any one person or group of beneficial ownership
of forty percent (40%) or more of the combined voting power of
our Companys then outstanding securities;
replacement of the majority of the directors during any period
of twenty-four consecutive months;
consummation of a merger or consolidation of our Company with
another corporation, other than (1) a merger or
consolidation in which the combined voting securities of our
Company immediately prior to such merger or consolidation
continue to represent more than sixty percent (60%) of the
combined voting power of the voting securities of our Company or
the surviving entity outstanding immediately after such merger
or consolidation; or (2) a merger or consolidation effected
to implement a recapitalization of our Company or similar
transaction in which no person or group acquires more than 40%
of the combined voting power of our Companys then
outstanding securities;
approval by our stockholders of a plan or an agreement for the
sale or disposition of all or substantially all of our
Companys assets; or
any other transaction that our Board of Directors designates as
being a Change in Control.
Under the Executive
Severance Agreements, Cause generally means:
(1) the executive officers willful and continued
failure to substantially perform his or her duties; (2) the
executives conviction of a felony; or (3) the
executives willful engagement in conduct that is
demonstrably and materially injurious to our Company, monetarily
or otherwise. Good Reason generally means one or
more of the following, which results in a material negative
change in the executive officers employment relationship
with our Company: (1) the
assignment of the executive officer to duties materially
inconsistent with the executives authority and duties
prior to the change in control or a material reduction in the
executives duties and authorities; (2) a reduction in
or cancellation of the executives salary, bonus,
compensation or other benefit plans; (3) relocation of the
executive to a new location in excess of 50 miles from the
executives principal office immediately prior to the
Change in Control; (4) the failure of our Company to obtain
a satisfactory agreement from any successor to our Company to
assume and agree to perform our Companys obligations under
the agreement; or (5) any material breach of the Executive
Severance Agreement by our Company.
Data Charts
Except as otherwise indicated with respect to Ms. Kushner
and Mr. Guile, the following tables illustrate the
potential payments and benefits received by our named executive
officers under various employment termination events. The
assumptions used in preparation of these tables are consistent
with the payments and benefits described above in the various
post-employment scenarios and as stated below.
Date of termination was December 31, 2008.
A value of $8.21 per share was used as the value of our common
stock consistent with the closing price of our common stock on
December 31, 2008.
Executives are assumed to be subject to a 35% federal tax rate,
a 3% state tax rate and 1.45% FICA tax rate.
With respect to performance-based restricted stock units, actual
Company performance has been assumed to equal target
performance, to the extent relevant.
H. Osborne
The following table illustrates the potential payments and
benefits received by Mr. Osborne under various employment
termination events.
Post-Employment Payments
President & Chief Executive Officer
William H. Osborne
Change in
Control and
without Cause or
Change in Control
Cause or
with Good Reason
with Good Reason
Type of Payment
Severance Compensation
Pro-Rata Bonus
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares
Life Insurance
Medical Benefits
Dental Benefits
Excise Tax &
G. Barker, III
The following table illustrates the potential payments and
benefits received by Mr. Barker under various employment
termination events.
Post-Employment Payments
Senior Vice President & Chief Financial
Officer William G. Barker, III
Change in
Control and
without Cause or
Cause or
Change in Control
with Good
Good Reason
Type of Payment
Death ($)
Disability ($)
Retirement ($)
Severance Compensation
Pro-Rata Bonus
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares
Life Insurance
Medical Benefits
Dental Benefits
Excise Tax &
K. Kushner
Effective December 10, 2008, Ms. Kushner no longer
served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
our Company, with her last day of employment on
December 30, 2008. The following table illustrates the
payments and benefits received by Ms. Kushner in connection
with her departure from our Company on December 30, 2008
pursuant to an agreement with our Company. In consideration of
the payment and benefits received by Ms. Kushner regarding
her termination of employment, Ms. Kushner signed a general
release with respect to her employment with and separation from
employment with our Company and agreed not to compete with our
Company for a period of one year or to solicit Company employees
for such period. Additionally, Ms. Kushner waived any
rights to receive any future severance pay under any severance/
separation plan, policy or program maintained by our Company.
Ms. Kushner has until March 30, 2009 to exercise
previously vested stock options. Unvested stock options totaling
52,412, restricted stock awards totaling 29,900, and 8,900
performance-based restricted stock units were forfeited.
Type of Payment
Cash Severance
Continuation of Health & Welfare Benefits
Life Insurance and Death Benefit
Outplacement Services
Peter R.
In connection with the sale of our former subsidiary,
E-ONE, Inc.,
on August 5, 2008, Mr. Guile was no longer employed by
our Company. Pursuant to an agreement entered into on
March 20, 2008 between Mr. Guile and our Company, our
Company paid Mr. Guile a one-time bonus of $400,000 in
exchange for his waiver of any rights to receive any severance
pay under any severance or separation plan, policy or program
maintained by our Company. Mr. Guile had until
November 14, 2008 to exercise previously vested stock
options. Unvested stock options totaling 29,216, restricted
stock awards totaling 14,700, and 5,800 performance-based
restricted stock units were forfeited.
David R.
The following table illustrates the potential payments and
benefits received by Mr. McConnaughey under various
employment termination events.
Post-Employment Payments
President, Safety & Security Systems Group
David R. McConnaughey
Change in
Control and
without Cause or
Cause or
with Good
Change in Control
with Good
Type of Payment
Severance Compensation
Pro-Rata Bonus
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares
Life Insurance
Medical Benefits
Dental Benefits
Excise Tax &
L. Sherman
The following table illustrates the potential payments and
benefits received by Ms. Sherman under various employment
termination events.
Post-Employment Payments
Senior Vice President, Human Resources and General
Counsel Jennifer L. Sherman
Change in
Control and
without Cause or
Cause or
with Good
Change in Control
with Good
Type of Payment
Severance Compensation
Pro-Rata Bonus
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares
Life Insurance
Medical Benefits
Dental Benefits
Excise Tax &
Mark D.
The following table illustrates the potential payments and
benefits received by Mr. Weber under various employment
termination events.
Post-Employment Payments
President, Environmental Solutions Group Mark D.
Change in
Control and
without Cause or
Cause or
with Good
Change in Control
with Good
Type of Payment
Severance Compensation
Pro-Rata Bonus
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Shares
Life Insurance
Medical Benefits
Dental Benefits
Excise Tax &
The Audit Committee of our Board of Directors is currently
comprised of five directors, none of whom are officers or
employees. All members are independent under rules
adopted by the New York Stock Exchange and the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002. The Board of Directors has adopted a charter for
the Audit Committee, which is available on our website:
In accordance with its written charter, the Audit Committee
assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibility for
monitoring the integrity of the accounting, auditing and
financial reporting practices, and compliance with legal and
regulatory requirements of our Company, including our codes of
business conduct and ethics. In addition, for each fiscal year,
the Audit Committee selects the independent registered public
accounting firm to audit the financial statements of our Company
and its subsidiaries, subject to approval by the Board of
Directors. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the
Audit Committee reviewed the audited financial statements in the
Annual Report with management, including a discussion of the
quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting
principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the
clarity of disclosures in the financial statements. The Audit
Committee also reviewed disclosures made by our Companys
management during the certification process for the
Form 10-K
Form 10-Q
about any significant deficiencies in the design or operation of
internal controls or material weaknesses therein and any fraud
involving management or other employees who have a significant
role in our internal controls.
The Audit Committee reviewed with the independent accountants,
who are responsible for expressing an opinion on the conformity
of those audited financial statements with generally accepted
accounting principles, their judgments as to the quality, not
just the acceptability, of our accounting principles and such
other matters as are required to be discussed with the Audit
Committee under generally accepted auditing standards (including
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61). In addition, the
Audit Committee has discussed with the independent accountants
the accountants independence from management and our
Company, including matters in the written disclosures pursuant
to Rule 3526 of the Public Company Accounting Oversight
Board Communicating with Audit Committees Concerning
Independence, and considered the compatibility of non-audit
services with the accountants independence.
The Audit Committee has adopted a policy for the pre-approval of
all services and fees to be provided by our independent
accountants for audit, audit-related, tax and all other
services, which are allowable under applicable rules and
regulations. The Audit Committee annually pre-approves types of
services and fees. The Audit Committee periodically approves
changes in such authorization and also delegates such periodic
approval to the Committee Chairman, who reports any such
authorizations to the Audit Committee at its next meeting.
The Audit Committee discussed with our internal auditors and
independent accountants the overall scope and plans for their
respective audits. The Audit Committee meets with the internal
auditors and independent accountants, with and without
management present, to discuss the results of their
examinations, their evaluations of our internal controls, and
the overall quality of our financial reporting.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors (and
the Board has approved) that the audited financial statements be
included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2008 for filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
Notwithstanding anything set forth in any of our previous
filings under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 that might incorporate future filings,
including this proxy statement, in whole or in part, the
preceding report shall not be deemed incorporated by reference
in any such filings.
Our Board of Directors selected Ernst & Young LLP to
serve as our independent registered public accounting firm for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008.
Ernst & Young LLP fees for 2008 and 2007 were:
($s in thousands)
Audit Fees(1)
Audit-Related Fees(2)
Tax Fees(3)
All Other Fees(4)
(1) |
Audit Fees These are fees for professional
services performed by Ernst & Young LLP for:
(a) the audit of our annual financial statements and review
of financial statements included in our
Form 10-Q
filings, and services that are normally provided in connection
with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements; and
(b) the audit of our system of internal controls over
financial reporting in accordance with Section 404 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. |
(2) |
Audit-Related Fees These are fees for the
assurance and related services performed by Ernst &
Young LLP that are reasonably related to the performance of the
audit or review of our financial statements. |
(3) |
Tax Fees These are fees for professional
services performed by Ernst & Young LLP with respect
to tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning. Fees incurred
principally relate to review of tax returns, preparation of tax
returns or supporting documentation and consultation with regard
to various tax planning issues. |
(4) |
All Other Fees These are fees for
miscellaneous other services performed by Ernst &
Young LLP that do not meet the above categories. |
The Audit Committee has adopted a policy for the pre-approval of
all services and fees to be provided by our independent
registered public accounting firm for audit, audit-related, tax
and all other services allowable under applicable rules and
regulations. This policy is described above in the Audit
Committee Report. All such services and fees provided by our
independent registered public accounting firm during 2008 were
pre-approved by the Audit Committee.
Our Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the Audit
Committee, has selected Ernst & Young LLP to serve as
our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2009. A resolution will be
presented at the Annual Meeting to ratify the appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP.
Ernst & Young LLP served as our independent registered
public accounting firm for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008. A representative of that firm will be
present at the Annual Meeting with the opportunity to make a
statement if he or she desires to do so and to respond to any
questions that you may have. The appointment of the independent
accountants is approved annually by the Audit Committee.
Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as our independent registered public accounting firm for the
year ending December 31, 2009 will require the affirmative
vote of a majority of the votes cast upon this proposal at the
Annual Meeting.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the
ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as our independent registered public accounting firm for
To our knowledge, based solely upon our review of copies of
reports received by us pursuant to Section 16(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, we believe that all of our
directors, officers and beneficial owners of more than
10 percent of our common stock filed all such reports on a
timely basis during 2008 except that Mr. Osborne had one
late filing related to one transaction and Mr. Lietz had
seven late filings related to seven transactions. All such late
filings related to the acquisition of common stock by the
reporting person under the Companys Savings Restoration
The following table provides information as of December 31,
2008 with respect to the shares of common stock that may be
issued under our existing equity compensation plans:
Number of
Securities to be
Issued upon
Number of Securities
Exercise of
Exercise Price of
Remaining Available for
Future Issuance under
Options, Warrants
Options, Warrants
Equity Compensation
Plan Category
and Rights(#)
and Rights ($)
Plans (#)
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Security Holders(1)
1996 Stock Benefit Plan
2005 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan
(1) |
Our Company has no equity compensation plans which have not been
approved by stockholders. |
In order to be considered for inclusion in the proxy statement
for the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, we must receive any
stockholder proposals on or
before ,
Our By-Laws provide that, in order for other business to be
considered at the 2010 Annual Meeting, we must receive
information relating to such other business
by ,
2010, but not
before ,
2009, which is not less than 90 days nor more than
120 days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately
preceding annual meeting. Our By-Laws also contain specific
requirements that must be complied with by stockholders who wish
to present proposals. If you would like to receive a copy of the
provisions of our By-Laws setting forth all of the requirements,
you should write to our executive offices,
c/o Corporate
Secretary. Any proposals we do not receive in accordance with
the above standards will not be voted on at the 2010 Annual
Meeting. A stockholder may nominate candidates for election as
directors at stockholder meetings by following the procedures
set forth in this proxy statement under Committees of the
Board of Directors Nominating and Governance
As of the date hereof, the foregoing is the only business which
our Board of Directors and management intend to present, or are
aware that others will present, at the meeting. If any other
proper business should be presented at the meeting, the WHITE
proxy cards will be voted in respect thereof in accordance with
the discretion and judgment of the person or persons voting such
proxy cards.
By order of the Board of Directors,
Jennifer L. Sherman
Corporate Secretary
Under applicable Securities and Exchange Commission regulations,
the members of the Board, our Companys nominees and
certain executive officers of our Company are
participants with respect to our
Companys solicitation of proxies in connection with its
2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Certain information about
the persons who may be deemed participants is
provided below.
and Nominees
The names of our Companys directors and director nominees
are set forth below. The principal occupations of our
Companys directors who are participants in our
Companys solicitation are set forth in this proxy
statement under Proposal 1 Election of
Directors. The business address for each of the below
participants is
c/o Federal
Signal Corporation, 1415 West 22nd Street,
Suite 1100, Oak Brook, IL 60523.
James C. Janning
Charles R. Campbell
Robert M. Gerrity
James E. Goodwin
Robert S. Hamada
Paul W. Jones
Dennis J. Martin
John McCartney
William H. Osborne
Brenda L. Reichelderfer
Joseph R. Wright
and Employees
Our Companys executive officers who are
participants in our Companys solicitation of
proxies are set forth below along with their position with our
Company. The business address for each of the below participants
is Federal Signal Corporation, 1415 West 22nd Street,
Suite 1100, Oak Brook, IL 60523:
Position with our Company
William H. Osborne
President and Chief Executive Officer
William G. Barker, III
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer L. Sherman
Senior Vice President, Human Resources and General Counsel
Regarding Ownership of our Companys Securities by
The number of shares of our common stock held by directors and
the named executive officers is set forth under the
Ownership of Our Common Stock section of this proxy
Regarding Transactions in our Companys Securities by
The following table sets forth all transactions that may be
deemed purchases and sales of shares of our common stock by the
individuals who are considered participants since
February 1, 2007 and prior to March ,
2009, the date this proxy statement was first mailed. Except as
described in this proxy statement, shares of our common stock
owned of record by each participant are also beneficially owned
by such participant. Unless otherwise indicated, all
transactions were in the public market and none of the purchase
price or market value of those shares is represented by funds
borrowed or otherwise obtained for the purpose of acquiring or
holding such securities.
Date of
Number of Shares of Common Stock
Acquired, Purchased or Sold(*)
James C. Janning
Acquired option to purchase 4,146 shares (1)
Acquired 1,537 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 1,561 shares (1)
Purchased 10,000 shares
Acquired 5,416 shares (1)
Charles R. Campbell
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Robert M. Gerrity
Acquired 523 shares (2)
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 481 shares (2)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 603 shares (2)
Acquired 970 shares (2)
Acquired 713 shares (2)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Acquired 825 shares (2)
James E. Goodwin
Acquired 475 shares (2)
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 434 shares (2)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 571 shares (2)
Acquired option to purchase 50,000 shares (3)
Acquired 20,000 restricted shares (3)
Purchased 1,000 shares
Acquired 759 shares (4)
Withheld 5,890 shares as payment for tax liability (5)
Date of
Number of Shares of Common Stock
Acquired, Purchased or Sold(*)
Robert S. Hamada
Acquired 564 shares (2)
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 520 shares (2)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 661 shares (2)
Acquired 1,036 shares (2)
Acquired 767 shares (2)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Acquired 888 shares (2)
Acquired 709 shares (2)
Acquired 1,264 shares (2)
Paul W. Jones
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Dennis J. Martin
Acquired option to purchase 5000 shares (6)
Acquired 109 shares (2)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Acquired 742 shares (2)
Acquired 602 shares (2)
Acquired 1,081 shares (2)
John McCartney
Acquired 950 shares (2)
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired 898 shares (2)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 1,176 shares (2)
Acquired 1,872 shares (2)
Acquired 1,372 shares (2)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Acquired 1,590 shares (2)
Date of
Number of Shares of Common Stock
Acquired, Purchased or Sold(*)
Brenda L. Reichelderfer
Acquired 451 shares (2)
Acquired 1,229 restricted shares (1)
Acquired option to purchase 3,317 shares (1)
Acquired 410 shares (2)
Acquired 1,240 shares (1)
Acquired 530 shares (2)
Acquired 1,738 shares (2)
Acquired 1,200 shares (2)
Acquired 4,333 shares (1)
Acquired 1,714 shares (2)
Acquired 1,257 shares (2)
Acquired 2,253 shares (2)
Joseph R. Wright
Acquired option to purchase 5,000 shares (6)
Acquired 881 shares (2)
Acquired 1,509 shares (2)
Acquired 2,070 shares (2)
William H. Osborne
Acquired 24,559 restricted shares (7)
Acquired option to purchase 75,137 shares (7)
Acquired 20,991 shares of performance-based restricted
stock units (7)
Acquired option to purchase 107,400 shares (8)
Acquired 32,000 shares of performance-based restricted
stock units (8)
Acquired 33,600 restricted shares (8)
Purchased 10,000 shares
William G. Barker, III
Acquired option to purchase 3,888 shares (9)
Acquired 3,290 restricted shares (9)
Acquired option to purchase 29,600 shares (8)
Acquired 8,900 shares of performance-based restricted stock
units (8)
Acquired 9,300 restricted shares (8)
Purchased 5,000 shares
Date of
Number of Shares of Common Stock
Acquired, Purchased or Sold(*)
Jennifer L. Sherman
Withheld 402 shares as payment for tax liability (5)
Acquired 5,500 restricted shares (8)
Acquired option to purchase 11,700 shares (8)
Withheld 2,084 shares as payment for tax liability (5)
Acquired 5,100 shares (8)
Acquired option to purchase 16,100 shares (8)
Acquired 4,800 shares of performance-based restricted stock
units (8)
Withheld 1,997 shares as payment for tax liability (5)
Acquired 5,100 shares (8)
Acquired option to purchase 16,100 shares (8)
Acquired 4,800 shares of performance-based restricted stock
units (8)
* |
Does not include shares acquired under the Companys
Savings Restoration Plan. Also excludes 5,818 shares
acquired by Ms. Sherman, during the period from
February 1, 2007 through March 3, 2009, pursuant to
bi-monthly payroll deductions under the Companys
Retirement Savings Plan (i.e., 401(k) plan). |
(1) |
Awarded in connection with annual director compensation. |
(2) |
Stock awarded in lieu of annual cash director compensation
pursuant to director stock ownership program. |
(3) |
Awarded in connection with service as interim President and
Chief Executive Officer for the period from December 11,
2007 through September 15, 2008. |
(4) |
Stock awarded in lieu of annual cash director compensation
pursuant to director stock ownership program pro-rated through
December 11, 2007 in connection with his appointment as
interim President and Chief Executive Officer. |
(5) |
Payment of tax liability by withholding of stock related to
vesting of restricted stock award. |
(6) |
Initial stock option grant upon appointment or election to Board
of Directors. |
(7) |
Awarded in connection with appointment as President and Chief
Executive Officer. |
(8) |
Annual award of incentive compensation. |
(9) |
Awarded in connection with appointment as Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer. |
Information Concerning Participants
Except as described in this Appendix A or in this proxy
statement, to the best knowledge of our Company, none of the
participants nor any of their respective affiliates or
associates (together, the Participant Affiliates)
(i) directly or indirectly beneficially owns any shares of
Common Stock of our Company or any securities of any subsidiary
of our Company or (ii) has had any relationship with our
Company in any capacity other than as a stockholder, employee,
officer or director. Furthermore, except as described in this
proxy statement, to the best knowledge of our Company, neither
any participant nor any Participant Affiliate, is either a party
to any transaction or series of transactions since the beginning
of fiscal 2008, or has knowledge of any currently proposed
transaction or series of proposed transactions, (i) to
which our Company was or is to be a participant, (ii) in
which the amount involved exceeds $120,000, and (iii) in
which any participant or Participant Affiliate had, or will
have, a direct or indirect material interest.
Except as described in this proxy statement, to the best
knowledge of our Company, no participant or Participant
Affiliate has any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by
security holdings or otherwise, in any matter to be acted upon
at the 2009 Annual Meeting.
Except as described in this proxy statement, no participant or
Participant Affiliate has entered into any agreement or
understanding with any person respecting any future employment
by our Company or any of its affiliates or any future
transactions to which our Company or any of its affiliates will
or may be a party. Except as described in this proxy statement,
there are no contracts, arrangements or understandings by any
participant or Participant Affiliate within the past year with
any person with respect to any securities of our Company,
including, but not limited to, joint ventures, loan or option
arrangements, puts or calls, guarantees against loss or
guarantees of profit, division of losses or profits, or the
giving or withholding of proxies. During the past 10 years
no participant has been convicted of a crime more serious than a
traffic violation or similar misdemeanor.
Please take a moment now to vote your shares of Federal Signal Corporation
Common Stock for the upcoming Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
1. |
Vote by TelephoneCall toll-free in the U.S. or Canada at 1-866-776-5643, on a touch-tone
telephone. If outside the
U.S. or Canada, call 1- 215-521-4899. Please follow the simple instructions. You will be
required to provide the unique
control number printed below. |
2. |
Vote by InternetAccess and follow the simple
instructions. Please note, you
must type an s after http. You will be required to provide the unique control number
printed below. |
You may vote by telephone or on the Internet 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Your telephone or
Internet vote authorizes
the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you had marked, signed and
returned a proxy card.
3. |
Vote by MailIf you do not wish to vote by telephone or on the Internet, please complete,
sign, date and return the
proxy card in the envelope provided, or mail to: Federal Signal Corporation, c/o Innisfree M&A
Incorporated, FDR
Station, P.O. Box 5155, New York, NY 10150-5155. |
x |
Please mark your vote as in this example |
Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR ALL the nominees
listed and FOR Proposal 2. |
1. Election of Directors: |
01 James E. Goodwin |
o |
o |
o |
02 William H. Osborne |
03 Joseph R. Wright |
INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark the FOR ALL,
WITH EXCEPTION box and write the number of the excepted nominee(s) in the space provided below: |
2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors for the year ending December 31, 2009 |
o |
o |
o |
This proxy also may be voted, in the discretion of the proxies, on any matter that may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. Should a nominee be unable to serve, this proxy
may be voted for a substitute selected by the Board of Directors. |
Signature (if held jointly)
Note: Please sign exactly as your name or names appear
on this Proxy. When shares are held jointly, each holder
should sign. When signing as executor, administrator,
attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such.
If the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate
name by an authorized officer. If signer is a partnership,
please sign in partnership name by an authorized person.
The undersigned having received the notice of the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
Federal Signal Corporation (the Company) and the proxy statement, appoints William G. Barker
III and Jennifer L. Sherman, and each of them acting individually, as the undersigneds proxies
with full power of substitution, for and in the name, place and stead of the undersigned, to vote
and act with respect to all of the shares of the Companys Common Stock standing in the name
of the undersigned or with respect to which the undersigned is entitled to vote and act, at the
Annual Meeting and at any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof, and the undersigned
directs that this proxy be voted as specified on the reverse side.
If no direction is made for a proposal, the proxy will be voted: (a) FOR all of the
Companys director nominees in Proposal 1 and (b) FOR Proposal 2, as applicable. The
undersigned hereby revokes any proxy or proxies heretofore given to vote upon or act with
respect to such stock.
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)