File No. 70-9543

                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                          Washington, D.C. 20549

Application of Northeast   )       CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO
Utilities  and Northeast   )       RULE 24 UNDER THE PUBLIC
Generation Services        )       UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT
Company on Form U-1        )       OF 1935

     Pursuant to the requirements of Rule 24 under the Public Utility Holding
Company Act of 1935, Northeast Utilities ("NU"), a registered holding company,
hereby files this quarterly report as required by the Securities and Exchange
Commission's order authorizing the use of proceeds of financing transaction
for investment in Exempt Wholesale Generators.  (HCAR No. 35-27148, March 7,
2000, File No. 70-9543) ("Order").

     For the quarter ended March 31, 2001, the following information is
reported pursuant to the Order.

1)  A computation in accordance with rule 53(a) (as modified by the
Commission's order in this proceeding) of  NU's aggregate investment in EWGs.

As of  March 31, 2001,  NU's aggregate investment in EWGs was approximately
$469.5 million, or 78% of its average Consolidated Retained Earnings of
approximately $605.2 million.

2)   Consolidated capitalization ratios of NU as of the end of that quarter,
with consolidated debt to include all short-term debt and non-recourse debt
of the EWG:

NU Consolidated Capitalization

                                      As of March 31, 2001
                                      of dollars)     %
                                      -----------   -----

Common shareholders' equity           $2,319,082     31.0%
Preferred stock                          240,468      3.2
Long-term and short-term debt          3,479,304     46.6
Rate reduction bonds                   1,438,400     19.2
                                      ----------    -----
                                      $7,477,254    100.0%
                                      ==========    =====

3)  Analysis of the growth in consolidated retained earnings which
segregates total earnings growth of Northeast Generation Company (NGC) from
that attributable to other subsidiaries of NU.

Retained Earnings statement as of March 31, 2001

                                                     NGC          CONSOLIDATED
                                                     ---          ------------
                                                       (Thousands of Dollars)

Beginning balance as of December 31, 2000           $23,260          $495,873
   Net income                                        10,721           112,163
   Dividends declared-common shares                    -              (14,390)
                                                    -------          --------
Ending balance as of March 31, 2001                 $33,981          $593,646
                                                    =======          ========

4) A statement of revenues and net income for the EWG for the twelve months
ending as of the end of that quarter.

Twelve months ended March 31, 2001

(Thousands of  Dollars)

Revenues        $135,639

Net Income      $ 34,581


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act
of 1935, the undersigned company has duly caused this Certificate to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

/s/ John J. Roman
    John J. Roman
    Vice President and Controller
    Northeast Utilities
    P.O. Box 270
    Hartford, CT 06141-0270
    May 29, 2001