Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                          For the month of April, 2006

                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

                                  Jichang Road
                           Guangzhou, Guangdong 510405
                           People's Republic of China
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

     (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual
reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)

            Form 20-F.      X                Form 40-F.
                      ------------                      ------------

     (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the
information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to
the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of

            Yes.                 No.       X
                 -------------        -------------

     (If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-________.)

     China Southern Airlines Company Limited (the "Company") on April 27, 2006
published in two local newspapers in Hong Kong an announcement in Chinese and
English, respectively, in relation to connected transactions. A copy of the
English announcement is included in this Form 6-K of the Company.

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents
of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness
and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising
from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this

                              [CHINESE CHARACTERS]
                 (a joint stock limited company incorporated in
             the People's Republic of China with limited liability)
                                STOCK CODE: 1055

                             CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS

     In order to comply with the various requirements under Chapter 14A of the
     Listing Rules in respect of continuing connected transactions of the
     Company, the Company and CSAHC (or its associates) have entered into
     Continuing Connected Transaction Agreements, each of which constitutes a
     continuing connected transaction for the Company under the Listing Rules.
     Pursuant to the Listing Rules, each percentage ratio (other than the
     profits ratio) for each of the Continuing Connected Transaction Agreements
     is on an annual basis less than 2.5%. Each of the Continuing Connected
     Transaction Agreements falls under Rule 14A.34 and is only subject to the
     reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47
     of the Listing Rules and is exempt from the independent shareholders'
     approval requirements.

     In order to expand the assets size and competitive advantage of the
     Company's airline operations and completely remove competition with CSAHC
     in the airline industry, the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the
     acquisition by the Company of the assets ("Core Assets") and liabilities
     ("Core Liabilities") in relation to the airline operations of Hainan Co.,
     Ltd. As Hainan Co., Ltd. is a connected person of the Company under the
     Listing Rules, the Acquisition constitutes a connected transaction for the
     Company under the Listing Rules. Pursuant to the Listing Rules, each
     percentage ratio (other than the profits ratio) for the Acquisition is on
     an annual basis less than 2.5%. The Acquisition falls under Rule 14A.32 and
     is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in
     Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 of the Listing Rules and is exempt from the
     independent shareholders' approval requirements.

     The number of Directors who participated in approving the Continuing
     Connected Transaction Agreements and the Acquisition, and the procedures
     involved were in compliance with the relevant requirements of Company Law
     of the PRC and the Articles of Association of the Company.

China Southern Airlines Company Limited (the "Company") and all members of its
board ("Board") of directors ("Directors") confirm the truthfulness, accuracy
and completeness of the contents in this announcement and accept full
responsibility for any false representation, misleading statement or material
omission contained herein.

This announcement is made in accordance with the requirements under Chapter 14A
of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong
Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules") in respect of connected transactions entered
into between the Company, whose principal business activity is that of civil
aviation and China Southern Air Holding Company ("CSAHC") and its associates.
CSAHC is the controlling shareholder of the Company, holding approximately
50.30% equity interest in the Company as of the date hereof, and is therefore a
connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules. The principal business
activity of CSAHC, based on its business licence, is that of operating and
managing, on behalf of the PRC government, certain state-owned assets, including
properties, and state-owned shareholdings in various PRC companies.


     (A)  In order to comply with the various requirements under Chapter 14A of
          the Listing Rules in respect of continuing connected transactions of
          the Company, the Company and CSAHC (or its associates) have entered
          into new agreements in respect of the following continuing connected


               The Company and SAIETC entered into an agreement dated 22 May,
               1997 for the import and export of aircraft, flight equipment,
               special vehicles for airline use, communication and navigation
               facilities, and training facilities for a term from 22 May, 1997
               to 22 May, 2000 which was subsequently extended to 22 May, 2006
               by mutual agreement between the parties. The principal business
               activity of SAIETC is that of import and export of aircraft,
               flight equipment and facilities, and custom clearing services.

               In order to comply with the requirements under Rule 14A.35 of the
               Listing Rules so that SAIETC can continue to provide import and
               export services and custom clearing service after the expiry of
               the original agreement, the Company and SAIETC entered into a new
               import and export agency framework agreement (the "Import and
               Export Agency Framework Agreement") on 1 January, 2006, which
               became effective on 25 April, 2006, having been approved by the
               Board of Directors of the Company.

               The Import and Export Agency Framework Agreement is valid for a
               term of three years, commencing from the date of the agreement,
               subject to compliance with the relevant provisions of the Listing
               Rules by the Company. Both parties agreed that the agency fee for
               import and export shall be determined after arm's length
               negotiation and shall not be higher than the market rate. The
               agency fee is payable within the time period set out in the
               invoice to be delivered to the Company. The Company will fund the
               agency fee wholly by its internal resources.


               For the year ended 31 December, 2004 and 31 December, 2005, the
               amount incurred by the Group for the import and export of the
               above equipment was RMB1,117,289,000 and RMB31,714,000
               respectively. The difference was due to the larger number import
               and export of aircraft, flight equipment, communication and
               navigation facilities handled by SAIETC for the Company in 2004
               than in 2005. Based on historical figures, and with regard to
               current market prices and the approximate amount of import and
               export required for the business development of the Company, the
               annual cap for the Import and Export Agency Framework Agreement
               is set at RMB80,000,000 per annum for the entire term of the
               Import and Export Agency Framework Agreement. The Import and
               Export Agency Framework Agreement is considered to be on normal
               commercial terms, in the ordinary and usual course of business,
               fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and its
               shareholders as a whole by the independent non-executive
               Directors of the Company and has been approved by the independent
               non-executive Directors.


               The Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") have entered into
               ticket agency agreements for the sale of the Group's air tickets
               with several subsidiaries of CSAHC (the "Agents"). The Agents
               charge commission on the basis of the rates stipulated by the
               Civil Aviation Administration of China ("CAAC") and International
               Air Transport Association ("IATA"). The Agents charge a
               commission in the amount of 3% of the ticket price for domestic
               tickets and 5% to 12% of the ticket price for Hong Kong
               regional/international tickets. The Group has other air ticket
               sales agents in the PRC who also charge commission at the same
               rates. The Agents also act as air ticket sales agents for other
               Chinese airlines and charge the same rates of commission to such
               other airlines as those charged to the Group.

               In order to comply with the requirements under Rule 14A.35 of the
               Listing Rules so that PCACL can continue to provide ticket agency
               services, the Company and PCACL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
               CSAHC whose principal business activity is that of acting as an
               air ticket agent and airfreight forwarding agent, entered into a
               new ticket agency framework agreement (the "New Ticket
               Agreement") and a new airfreight forwarding agency framework
               agreement (the "New Airfreight Agreement", together with New
               Ticket Agreement, the "Two Sales Agency Framework Agreements") on
               1 January, 2006, which became effective on 25 April, 2006, having
               been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

               The Two Sales Agency Framework Agreements are valid for a term of
               three years commencing from 1 January, 2006, subject to the
               compliance of relevant requirements of the Listing Rules by the
               Company. The parties agreed that the agency fee shall be
               determined after arm's length negotiation and shall not be higher
               than the market rate. The agency fee is payable within the time
               period set out in the invoice to be delivered to the Company. The
               Company will fund the agency fee wholly by its internal

               For the year ended 31 December, 2004 and 31 December, 2005, the
               aggregate amount of ticket sales of the Group conducted through
               PCAC was RMB32,008,000 and RMB36,719,000 respectively. The
               increase was due to the rise in ticket sales conducted through
               PCAC as the Group expanded its business operations. Based on the
               approximate amount of ticket sales and airfreight forwarding
               services to be provided by PCAC, the annual cap under each of the
               Two Sales Agency Framework Agreements is set at RMB10,000,000 per
               annum for the entire term of each of the Two Sales Agency
               Framework Agreements. Each of the Two Sales Agency Framework
               Agreements is considered to be on normal commercial terms, in the
               ordinary and usual course of business, fair and reasonable and in
               the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole by
               the independent non-executive Directors of the Company and has
               been approved by the independent non-executive Directors.


               The Company and CSA Travel, whose principal business activity is
               that of operating tourism related business, entered into a
               framework agreement on Lease, Operation and Management
               ("Framework Agreement on Lease and Operation") on 1 January, 2006
               in order to allow Company to lease certain hotels belonging to it
               to CSA Travel for it to operate, and to provide certain relevant
               services in compliance with the requirements under Rule 14A.35 of
               the Listing Rules for a term of three years, commencing from the
               date of the agreement. The Framework Agreement on Lease and
               Operation became effective on 25 April, 2006, having been
               approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. Pursuant to
               the agreement, the Company shall lease Guangzhou Airlines Hotel,
               Zhuhai Pilot Mansion and certain portions of CSA Guangzhou Hotel
               and Beijing CSA Hotel to the CSA Travel for operation and
               management of such hotels. The Framework Agreement on Lease and
               Operation would become effective upon approval by the Board of
               Directors of the Company.

               The relevant fee charging schedule was determined on an arm's
               length between both parties and the price shall not be higher
               than the market rate. The fee is payable within the time period
               set out in the invoice to be delivered to CSA Travel.

               With regard to the amount of rent payable under the agreement,
               the annual cap for the Framework Agreement on Lease and Operation
               is set at RMB6,000,000 per annum for the entire term of the
               agreement. The Framework Agreement on Lease and Operation is
               considered to be on normal commercial terms, in the ordinary and
               usual course of business, fair and reasonable and in the
               interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole by the
               independent non-executive Directors of the Company and has been
               approved by the independent non-executive Directors.


               The Company and SAAC, whose main business activity is that of
               advertising, have entered into an agreement dated 22 May, 1997
               for the provision of advertising services for a term extending
               from 22 May, 1997 to 22 May, 2000. After


               extension of three years, the parties have mutually agreed to
               extend the agreement for another three years to 22 May, 2006.

               In order to comply with the requirements under Rule 14A.35 of the
               Listing Rules, so that SAAC can continue to provide advertising
               service after the expiry of the original agreement, the Company
               and SAAC entered into a new advertising agency agreement
               ("Advertising Agency Agreement") on 1 January, 2006 for a term of
               three years commencing from the date of the agreement, which
               became effective on 25 April, 2006, having been approved by the
               Board of Directors of the Company.

               Under the Advertising Agency Agreement, SAAC will produce
               advertisement script, graphic and music to the Company with the
               copyright of such products belonging to the Company provided that
               the Company shall comply with all relevant provisions under the
               Listing Rules.

               Both parties agreed that the agency rate for advertising under
               the Advertising Agency Agreement shall be determined after arm's
               length negotiation and shall not higher than the market rate. The
               agency fee is payable within the time period set out in the
               invoice to be delivered to the Company. The Company will fund the
               agency fee wholly by its internal resources.

               For the year ended 31 December, 2004 and 31 December, 2005, the
               amount incurred by the Group to SAAC for advertising services was
               RMB1,166,000 and RMB3,062,000 respectively. The increase was due
               to the increase in advertising services provided to the Group as
               it expanded its business operations. Based on historical figures
               and with regard to current market prices, the new hub of the
               Company in Beijing, and the expanding business of the Group, the
               annual cap for Advertising Agency Agreement is set at
               RMB30,000,000 per annum for the entire term of the agreement. The
               Advertising Agency Agreement is considered to be on normal
               commercial terms, in the ordinary and usual course of business,
               fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and its
               shareholders as a whole by the independent non-executive
               Directors of the Company and has been approved by the independent
               non-executive Directors.


               The Company and GCSAPMC, whose principal business activity is
               that of management of real property, entered into a framework
               agreement for the Engagement of Property Management ("Property
               Management Framework Agreement") on 1 January, 2006 in respect of
               engaging GCSAPMC to provide property management and improvement
               services in compliance with the requirements under Rule 14A.35 of
               the Listing Rules for a term of three years, commencing from the
               date of the agreement. The Property Management Framework
               Agreement became effective on 25 April, 2006, having been
               approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Property
               Management Framework Agreement would become effective upon
               approval by the Board of Directors of the Company. Pursuant to
               the agreement, the Company has appointed GCSAPMC to provide
               management and maintenance services for the Company's
               headquarters in Guangzhou and to provide maintenance and
               management services for the 110KV transformer substation at the
               new Baiyun International Airport to ensure the ideal working
               conditions of the Company's production and office facilities and
               physical environment, and the normal operation of equipment. The
               fee charging schedule shall be determined at an arm's length
               between both parties. The agency fee is payable within the time
               period set out in the invoice to be delivered to the Company. The
               Company will fund the agency fee wholly by its internal

               With regard to the approximate amount of agency fee payable for
               property management and improvement services under the agreement
               likely to be incurred each year during the term of the agreement,
               the annual cap for the Property Management Framework Agreement is
               set at RMB47,010,000 per annum for the entire term of the
               agreement. The Property Management Framework Agreement is
               considered to be on normal commercial terms, in the ordinary and
               usual course of business, fair and reasonable and in the
               interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole by the
               independent non-executive Directors of the Company and has been
               approved by the independent non-executive Directors.


          As each of SAIETC, PCACL, CSA Travel, SAAC and GCSAPMC is a connected
          person of the Company under the Listing Rules, each of the Import and
          Export Agency Framework Agreement, Two Sales Agency Framework
          Agreements, Framework Agreement on Lease and Operation, Advertising
          Agency Agreement and Property Management Framework Agreement (together
          the "Continuing Connected Transaction Agreements") constitutes a
          continuing connected transaction for the Company under the Listing
          Rules. The Board of Directors, including the independent non-executive
          Directors, considers the Continuing Connected Transaction Agreements
          to be on normal commercial terms, in the ordinary and usual course of
          business, fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and
          its shareholders as a whole.

          Among the 10 Directors of the Company, four Directors, namely Liu Shao
          Yong, Wang Quan Hua, Zhao Liu An and Zhou Yong Qian, who were duly
          appointed to the Board of Directors of the Company by CSAHC and were
          therefore required to abstain from voting in respect of the Continuing
          Connected Transaction Agreements. All remaining six Directors who were
          entitled to vote unanimously approved the Continuing Connected
          Transaction Agreements on 18 April, 2006. The number of Directors who
          participated in approving the Continuing Connected Transaction
          Agreements and the procedures were in compliance with the relevant
          requirements of Company Law of the PRC and the Articles of Association
          of the Company.

          Pursuant to the Listing Rules, each percentage ratio (other than the
          profits ratio) for each of the Continuing Connected Transaction
          Agreements is on an annual basis less than 2.5%. Each of the
          Continuing Connected Transaction Agreements falls under Rule 14A.34
          and is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set
          out in Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 of the Listing Rules and is exempt from
          the independent shareholders' approval requirements. The Company
          undertakes to comply with the rules in relation to annual review of
          continuing connected transactions set out in Rule 14A.37 to Rule
          14A.41 of the Listing Rules.



     (A)  In order to expand the assets size and competitive advantage of the
          Company's airline operations and completely remove competition with
          CSAHC in the airline industry, the Board of Directors reviewed and
          approved the acquisition (the "Acquisition") by the Company of the
          assets ("Core Assets") and liabilities ("Core Liabilities") in
          relation to the airline operations of CSAHC Hainan Co., Ltd. ("Hainan
          Co., Ltd."), a subsidiary of CSAHC from Hainan Co., Ltd., whose main
          business is that of civil aviation, on 18 April, 2006:

          (i)  Scope of Acquisition: Core Assets and Core Liabilities of Hainan
               Co., Ltd. as set out in the valuation reports
               (Zhongqihuapingbaozi (2006) Report No. 024) on the transfer of
               business and assets of Hainan Co., Ltd. dated 30 June, 2005
               issued by China Enterprise Appraisal Co., Ltd. and finalised in
               the Auditor's Report of KPMG Huazhen.

          (ii) Pricing Basis and Terms and Payment: As agreed by the parties,
               the value of the Core Assets to be acquired and the Core
               Liabilities to be assumed by the Company is determined in
               accordance with the valuation reports (Zhongqihuapingbaozi (2006)
               Report No. 024) on the transfer of business and assets of Hainan
               Co., Ltd. dated 30 June, 2005 which was issued by China
               Enterprise Appraisal Co., Ltd., which sets out the estimated
               value of the Core Assets as RMB355,150,000, consisting mainly of
               RMB103,020,000 in cash, RMB55,110,000 for bill and trade
               receivables, RMB160,970,000 for airplanes, aviation equipment and
               production-related buildings and equipment, as well as
               RMB35,480,000 of land; and the Core Liabilities, which include
               airplane repair expenses, jet fuel and takeoff and landing fees,
               amount to RMB350,000,000. The Core Liabilities will be paid
               directly by the Company to the creditors in accordance with the
               terms and period as agreed by relevant parties. After deducting
               the above-mentioned liabilities, the Company shall pay
               RMB5,150,000 in cash, being the difference in the estimated
               values of the Core Assets and Core Liabilities, into the bank
               account designated by Hainan Co., Ltd. The Company will fund the
               consideration for the Acquisition wholly by its internal

          (iii)Increase in Value upon Assessment: The book value of the major
               assets of Hainan Co., Ltd. to be acquired under the Acquisition
               amounted to RMB245,200,000 while the assessed value thereof
               amounted to RMB355,150,000, an increase of 44.8%. The following
               major facts have contributed to this increase in the assessed
               value: (i) The book value of the buildings and structures
               amounted to RMB23,820,000 and the value added upon assessment
               thereof amounted to RMB10,610,000, which resulted mainly from the
               fact that most of the buildings owned by Hainan Co., Ltd. were
               purchased in 1994, when the market prices of such buildings were
               relatively low compared to the date of assessment when prices of
               such buildings have increased considerably. (ii) The book value
               of the aircraft and equipment of Hainan Co., Ltd. amounted to
               RMB27,890,000 and the value upon assessment thereof amounted to
               RMB68,440,000, the increase in value in the assessed value was
               attributed to: (A) The increase in value upon assessment of the
               aircraft, which amounted to RMB28,450,000, mainly because
               production of the MD82 aircraft has now completely stopped, with
               no follow-up or similar model available, therefore the market
               price of MD82 aircraft has fallen significantly, leading to a
               reduction in value of such aircraft in the aggregate amount of
               RMB43,789,100 upon assessment. However, as Hainan Co., Ltd. had
               previously allocated RMB72,239,400 to a reserve for the
               depreciation of such MD82 aircraft according to its accounting
               policies, as a result there is net value added of the aggregate
               amount of RMB28,450,400 upon assessment thereof. (B) The increase
               in value upon assessment of the other machinery and equipment
               amounted to RMB39,990,000, which resulted mainly from the fact
               that the period of depreciation of such machinery and equipment
               for which Hainan Co., Ltd. had made an allowance was shorter than
               the economic life as determined for this category of equipment in
               the assessment. The increase in value upon assessment of the high
               value circulating equipment resulted mainly from the fact that,
               as of the month following the purchase of such circulating,
               allowances are made for depreciation of such equipment for a
               period of eight to twelve years. However, such circulating
               equipment was assessed on the basis of their latest price during
               the assessment, so that their assessed value was higher than
               their book value. The book value of the usable parts of the
               aviation equipment is relatively low after an allowance is made
               for their depreciation, as each year Hainan Co., Ltd. pays
               expenses for repair and maintenance of the aviation equipment in
               the amount of RMB25,000,000, and the assessed value of the
               circulating equipment is determined on the basis of its actual
               condition (for example, the average assessed value of the usable
               parts accounts for 60% of the value of the new circulating
               equipment), which also contributed to the increase in value upon
               assessment. (iii) The book value of the land use right amounted
               to RMB5,600,000, which increased by RMB29,880,000 upon assessment
               thereof. The main reason for such increase is that the book value
               of the plot of land was determined on the basis of market prices
               of land prevailing at that time of entry of the book value. Close
               to the expiration date of the term of the use of the plot of
               land, Hainan Co., Ltd. renewed the term of the use of the plot of
               land to allow its business operation to continue on the land.
               Moreover, as a result of the rapid development of the tourism
               industry in Shanya in the past few years and the gradual recovery
               of the real estate market there, the price of the land use right
               has risen.

          Hainan Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of China Northern Airlines Company
          ("Northern Airlines"). It was not included as part of the acquisition
          when the Company acquired the core airline operations of Northern
          Airlines in November 2004 (the "Northern Airlines Acquisition"), as
          the process to resolve the then existing legal uncertainties in
          respect of the shareholding in Hainan Co., Ltd was still on-going.
          Such legal uncertainties have now been resolved, with 75.9% and 24.1%
          of its current shareholding held by Northern Airlines and CSAHC
          respectively. However, as part of CSAHC's commitment not to compete in
          the similar industry with the Company, Hainan Co., Ltd. has ceased its
          airline operations since the Company signed the assets sales and
          purchase agreement in respect of the Northern Airlines Acquisition
          with CSAHC, Northern Airlines and Xinjiang Airlines, which was
          approved by the independent shareholders of the Company on 31
          December, 2004. The airline operations of Hainan Co., Ltd. were then
          taken over by the Hainan Branch and Sanya Branch of the Company.

          In order to completely remove any remaining competition in the similar
          industry between the Company and CSAHC, the Company hereby acquired
          the assets of Hainan Co., Ltd. Such acquisition has been approved by
          the relevant government authorities in the PRC.


          As Hainan Co., Ltd. is a connected person of the Company under the
          Listing Rules, the Acquisition constitutes a connected


          transaction for the Company under the Listing Rules. The Board of
          Directors, including the independent non-executive Directors,
          considers the Acquisition to be on normal commercial terms, in the
          ordinary and usual course of business, fair and reasonable and in the
          interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.

          Among the 10 Directors of the Company, four Directors, namely Liu Shao
          Yong Wang Quan Hua, Zhao Liu An and Zhou Yong Qian, who were duly
          appointed to the Board of Directors of the Company by CSAHC and were
          therefore required to abstain from voting in respect of the
          Acquisition. All remaining six Directors who were entitled to vote
          unanimously approved the Acquisition on 18 April, 2006. The number of
          Directors who participated in approving the Acquisition and the
          procedures were in compliance with the relevant requirements of
          Company Law of the PRC and the Articles of Association of the Company.

          Pursuant to the Listing Rules, each percentage ratio (other than the
          profits ratio) for the Acquisition is on an annual basis less than
          2.5%. The Acquisition falls under Rule 14A.32 and is only subject to
          the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 14A.45 to
          14A.47 of the Listing Rules and is exempt from the independent
          shareholders' approval requirements.

                                        Be order of the Board of Directors
                                      CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED
                                                     SU LIANG
                                                 Company Secretary

26 April, 2006

As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company include Liu
Shao Yong, Wang Quan Hua, Zhao Liu An, Zhou Yong Qian, Si Xian Min and Xu Jie Bo
as executive Directors; and Peter Lok, Wei Ming Hai, Wang Zhi and Sui Guang Jun
as independent non-executive Directors.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED

                                    By   /s/   Su Liang
                                         Name:  Su Liang
                                         Title: Company Secretary

Date: April 28, 2006