WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                AMENDMENT NO. 2

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): October 24, 2002

                                SOYO GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

          Nevada                       333-42036                95-4502724
(State of Other Jurisdiction          (Commission           (I.R.S. Employer
      of Incorporation)               File Number)        Identification Number)

                 41484 Christy Street, Fremont, California 94538
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (510) 226-7696

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits

     This  Form  8-K/A  contains  the  financial   statements   related  to  the
Registrant's  acquisition of Soyo, Inc. on October 24, 2002,  which  acquisition
was reported on Form 8-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
October 30, 2002.

     (a) Financial statements of businesses acquired

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors
  Soyo, Inc.
  Fremont, California

We have audited the accompanying  balance sheet of Soyo, Inc. as of December 31,
2001 and 2000, and the related  statements of operations,  stockholders'  equity
(deficit),  and cash  flows  for  each of the  three  years  then  ended.  These
financial  statements are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial position of Soyo, Inc. as of December 31,
2001 and 2000,  and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of
the three years then ended, in conformity with accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States of America.

Malone & Bailey, PLLC
Houston, Texas

July 1, 2002

                                   SOYO, INC.
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                           December 31, 2001 and 2000

                                                            2001            2000
                                                        ------------    ------------

Current assets
  Cash                                                  $    168,450    $    260,868
  Certificate of deposit, restricted                       1,000,000            --
  Accounts receivable, net                                 9,977,648       9,250,768
  Inventories                                             14,601,420       5,476,381
  Note receivable                                               --           734,911
  Income taxes receivable                                       --            63,000
  Prepaid expenses                                            25,261          24,445
                                                        ------------    ------------
    Total current assets                                  25,772,779      15,810,373

Property and equipment, net                                   38,711          45,816
Goodwill, net                                                389,307         806,412
Deposits                                                     109,000          90,122
                                                        ------------    ------------
                                                        $ 26,309,797    $ 16,752,723
                                                        ============    ============


Current liabilities
  Accounts payable:
    Parent                                              $ 21,191,294    $ 14,973,952
    Trade                                                  4,204,343       1,746,982
  Accrued expenses                                            57,853          60,122
  Note payable                                             1,200,000            --
  Income taxes payable                                        75,044            --
                                                        ------------    ------------
    Total current liabilities                             26,728,534      16,781,056
                                                        ------------    ------------


  Common stock, $1.00 par value, 1,000,000
    shares authorized, 500,000 shares issued
    and outstanding                                          500,000         500,000
  Retained earnings (deficit)                               (918,737)       (528,333)
                                                        ------------    ------------
    Total stockholders' equity (deficit)                    (418,737)        (28,333)
                                                        ------------    ------------

                                                        ============    ============

                See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
              For the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999

                                           2001            2000            1999
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
Net revenues                           $ 63,091,190    $ 62,173,829    $ 15,494,828
Cost of revenues                         58,714,548      59,197,437      14,349,456
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
Gross margin                              4,376,642       2,976,392       1,145,372
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------

Costs and expenses:
  General and administrative              3,609,925       2,761,778       1,103,504
  Sales and marketing                       682,840         447,303            --
  Depreciation and amortization             425,950         425,892          27,807
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
    Total costs and expenses              4,718,715       3,634,973       1,131,311
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------

Income (loss) from operations              (342,073)       (658,581)         14,061

Other income (expense)
  Interest income                            37,576          53,430            --
  Other income                               13,846          12,447            --
  Interest expense                          (25,190)           --              --
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
                                             26,232          65,877            --
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------

Income (loss) before income taxes          (315,841)       (592,704)         14,061

Provision (benefit) for income taxes         74,563         (70,275)         19,965
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------
Net loss                               $   (390,404)   $   (522,429)   $     (5,904)
                                       ============    ============    ============

Net loss per share:
  Net loss basic and diluted           $      (0.78)   $      (1.04)   $      (0.01)
                                       ============    ============    ============

Weighted average shares outstanding:
  Basic and diluted                         500,000         500,000         500,000
                                       ============    ============    ============

                 See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.
              For the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999

                                     Common stock        Retained
                                 ---------------------   Earnings
                                  Shares       Amount    (Deficit)      Total
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------
  December 31, 1998                500,000   $ 500,000   $    --      $ 500,000

Net loss                              --          --        (5,904)      (5,904)
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------

  December 31, 1999                500,000     500,000      (5,904)     494,096

Net loss                              --          --      (522,429)    (522,429)
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------

  December 31, 2000                500,000     500,000    (528,333)     (28,333)

Net loss                              --          --      (390,404)    (390,404)
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------

  December 31, 2001                500,000   $ 500,000   $(918,737)   $(418,737)
                                 =========   =========   =========    =========

                 See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
              For the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999

                                         2001           2000           1999
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
  Net loss                            $  (390,404)   $  (522,429)   $    (5,904)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss
  to net cash used in operating
      Depreciation and amortization         8,844        425,892         27,807
      Amortization of goodwill            417,106           --             --
      Provision for doubtful accounts     781,791         25,982           --
        Changes in operating assets
          and liabilities:
          (Increase) decrease in:
          Accounts receivable          (1,508,671)    (1,663,940)    (7,451,407)
          Inventories                  (9,125,039)       (67,039)    (2,666,009)
          Prepaid expenses                   (816)         3,725       (118,292)
          Note receivable                 734,911         70,560         78,120
          Income taxes receivable          63,000           --             --
          Deposits                        (18,878)          --             --
          Increase (decrease) in:
          Accounts payable              2,457,361     (4,373,273)       922,912
          Accounts payable - Parent     6,217,342      6,229,793      8,744,159
          Accrued expenses                 (2,269)      (103,711)       163,833
          Income taxes payable             75,044        (82,965)        19,965
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
  ACTIVITIES                             (290,678)       (57,405)      (284,816)
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------

  Capital expenditures                     (1,740)        (9,583)        (9,500)
  Investment in Soyo, net of cash            --             --          122,172
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
  INVESTING ACTIVITIES                     (1,740)        (9,583)       112,672
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------

  Increase in note payable              1,200,000           --             --
  Proceeds from sale of common stock         --             --          500,000
  Increase in restricted cash          (1,000,000)          --             --
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
  ACTIVITIES                              200,000           --          500,000
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH           (92,418)       (66,988)       327,856

Cash, beginning of period                 260,868        327,856           --

                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
Cash, end of period                   $   168,450    $   260,868    $   327,856
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========

  Interest paid                              25,190           --             --
  Income taxes paid                            --              800           --

                 See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



Nature of Business

Soyo, Inc. ("Soyo") was incorporated in Nevada on October 22, 1998, to engage in
the import and wholesale  distribution of computer components and peripherals to
other distributors in the United States of America.

Soyo is wholly owned by Soyo Computer,  Inc. (SCI) of the Republic of China. SCI
is the principal vendor of Soyo.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States of America requires  management to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities at the date of the balance  sheet.  Actual results could differ from
those estimates.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash  equivalents  include highly  liquid,  temporary  cash  investments  having
original  maturity dates of three months or less. For reporting  purposes,  cash
equivalents are stated at cost plus accrued  interest,  which  approximates fair


Inventories  are valued at the lower of cost or market.  Cost is  determined  by
using the average cost method.  Inventories  consist primarily of computer parts
and  components.  Soyo's  parent  company  SCI offers Soyo price  protection  on
certain  inventory  items  purchased  from SCI.  Accordingly,  Soyo has  minimal
reserves for slow moving or obsolete inventories.

Long-Lived Assets

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated  depreciation.
Major renewals and improvements are capitalized; minor replacements, maintenance
and  repairs  are  charged to current  operations.  Depreciation  is computed by
applying the  straight-line  method over the estimated useful lives of machinery
and equipment (three to seven years).  Leasehold improvements are amortized over
the  shorter of the useful  life of the  improvement  or the life of the related
lease.  Soyo performs  reviews for the impairment of long-lived  assets whenever
events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset
may not be recoverable.


Goodwill relates to the value of a company acquired. The cost of the goodwill is
amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over the  estimated  life of three  years.
Goodwill is reviewed for impairment  whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable.

Revenue Recognition

Soyo  recognizes  revenue when  persuasive  evidence of an  arrangement  exists,
delivery  has  occurred,   the  sales  price  is  fixed  or   determinable   and
collectibility is probable.

Product sales are  recognized by Soyo  generally at the time product is shipped.
At the time  revenue is  recognized,  Soyo  provides for the  estimated  cost of
product  warranties and reduces  revenue for estimated  product  returns.  Sales
incentives are generally classified as a reduction of revenue and are recognized
at the later of when revenue is  recognized  or the  incentive is offered.  When
other significant  obligations  remain after products are delivered,  revenue is
recognized  only after such  obligations  are  fulfilled.  Shipping and handling
costs are included in cost of goods sold.

Income Taxes

Income taxes are computed using the asset and liability method.  Under the asset
and liability method,  deferred income tax assets and liabilities are determined
based on the differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets
and liabilities and are measured using the currently enacted tax rates and laws.
A valuation  allowance  is provided  for the amount of deferred tax assets that,
based on available evidence, are not expected to be realized.

Basic Loss Per Share

Basic loss per share has been calculated based on the weighted average number of
shares of common stock outstanding during the period.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In June 2001, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued FAS 142, Goodwill
and Other Intangible Assets.  Under FAS 142, goodwill and intangible assets with
indefinite  lives are no longer amortized but are reviewed at least annually for
impairment.  The  amortization  provisions  of FAS 142  apply  to  goodwill  and
intangible  assets  acquired  after June 30, 2001.  With respect to goodwill and
intangible  assets acquired prior to July 1, 2001, Soyo is required to adopt FAS
142 effective January 1, 2002. Application of the non-amortization provisions of
FAS 142 for goodwill is expected to result in an increase in operating income of
approximately  $389,000  in  2002.  Changes  in the  estimated  useful  lives of
intangible  assets are not expected to result in a material effect on net income
in 2002.  At December 31, 2001,  Soyo had  goodwill of  approximately  $389,000.
Pursuant to FAS 142,  Soyo will test its goodwill for  impairment  upon adoption
and, if impairment is indicated,  record such impairment as a cumulative  effect
of an  accounting  change.  Soyo is  currently  evaluating  the effect  that the
adoption may have on its results of operation and financial position.


Soyo's  trade  accounts  receivable  are shown  net of  allowance  for  doubtful
accounts of $653,259 and $364,199 at December 31, 2001 and 2000 as follows:

                                                       2001            2000
                                                   ------------    ------------
      Accounts receivable                          $ 10,630,907    $  9,614,967
      Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts            (653,259)       (364,199)
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                   $  9,977,648    $  9,250,768
                                                   ============    ============

Soyo  records  estimated  reductions  to revenue  for  incentive  offerings  and
promotions  If market  conditions  were to  decline,  Soyo may take  actions  to
increase  customer  incentive  offerings  possibly  resulting in an  incremental
reduction  of revenue  at the time the  incentive  is  offered.  Soyo  maintains
allowances  for  doubtful  accounts  for  estimated  losses  resulting  from the
inability of its customers to make required payments. If the financial condition
of Soyo's  customers  were to  deteriorate,  resulting in an impairment of their
ability to make payments,  additional allowances may be required.  Soyo provides
for the estimated cost of product  warranties at the time revenue is recognized.
While  Soyo  engages  in  extensive  product  quality  programs  and  processes,
including  actively  monitoring  and  evaluating  the  quality of its  component
suppliers,  Soyo's warranty  obligation is affected by product failure rates and
material  usage and service  delivery  costs  incurred in  correcting  a product
failure. Should actual product failure rates, material usage or service delivery
costs  differ  from  Soyo's  estimates,  revisions  to  the  estimated  warranty
liability would be required.


Components  of  property  and  equipment  at  December  31, 2001 and 2000 are as

                                                             2001        2000
                                                           --------    --------
     Automobile                                            $  8,675    $  8,675
     Computer and equipment                                  19,651      17,911
     Furniture and fixtures                                  18,516      18,516
     Leasehold improvements                                   9,500       9,500
                                                           --------    --------
                                                             56,342      54,602
     Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization        (17,631)     (8,786)
                                                           --------    --------
                                                           $ 38,711    $ 45,816
                                                           ========    ========

Depreciation  expense  totaled  $8,844,  $4,827  and $0 in 2001,  2000 and 1999,

NOTE 4 - Related Party Transactions

Substantially  all  of  Soyo's  inventories  are  manufactured  by SCI  and  are
purchased either directly from SCI or from an affiliate of SCI.

Soyo is a wholly owned  subsidiary  of SCI and is dependent on its support.  SCI
manufactures and supplies the majority of, and finances all of Soyo's inventory.
SCI has  represented  to Soyo that for 2002 it will  continue to make  available
such products and financing.

The following transactions have occurred for the years ended December 31:

                                                         2001            2000
                                                    ------------    ------------
    Purchases from SCI                              $ 41,633,352    $ 52,273,218
    Accounts payable                                $ 21,191,294    $ 14,973,952
    Payments to SCI                                 $ 35,416,010    $ 46,043,425

NOTE 5 - Note Payable

Soyo entered into a loan agreement with a financial institution on June 4, 2001.
The note bears  interest at 5.3% and is secured by a $1,000,000  certificate  of
deposit  that matures in June 2003.  The note  payable  matures on June 2, 2003.
$200,000 of the note payable is guaranteed by SCI.

NOTE 6 - Income Taxes

For the years ended December 31, 2001,  2000 and 1999,  Soyo incurred net losses
and,  therefore,  had no tax liability.  The net deferred tax asset generated by
the loss carryforward has been fully reserved. The cumulative net operating loss
carryforward is approximately  $265,000 at December 31, 2001, and will expire in
the years 2019 through 2021.

The provision for federal income taxes consists of the following for the years
ended December 31:

                                          2001           2000           1999
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
     Current provision (benefit)      $    74,563    $   (70,275)   $    19,965
     Deferred provision                      --             --             --
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
                                      $    74,563    $   (70,275)   $    19,965
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========

Deferred income taxes consist of the following at December 31:

                                          2001           2000           1999
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
       Deferred tax assets            $   375,000    $   237,000    $     2,000
       Valuation allowance               (375,000)      (237,000)        (2,000)
                                      -----------    -----------    -----------
                                      $      --      $      --      $      --
                                      ===========    ===========    ===========

The  following is a  reconciliation  of income  taxes,  calculated at the United
States  federal  statutory  rate to the income tax  provision  (benefit) for the
years ended December 31:

                                                2001        2000         1999
                                             ---------   ---------    ---------
     Provision (benefit) for income
       taxes at U.S. statutory rate               (34%)       (34%)         34%
     Depreciation recorded in excess of
       tax depreciation                            24%         24%         110%
     Effect of Section 263a                        16%         --          --
     Effect of utilization of net
       operating loss                              20%         --          --
     Other items, net                              (2%)        (2%)         (2%)
                                             ---------   ---------    ---------
     Income tax provision (benefit)                24%        (12%)        142%
                                             =========   =========    =========

The Company had taxable income (loss) of approximately $228,000,  $(265,000) and
$201,000 for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.


The Company had two customers and one customer that  accounted for more than 10%
of net revenues, and collectively,  these customers accounted for 11% and 12% of
net  revenues  for the year ended  December 31, 2001 and 13% of net revenues for
the year ended December 31, 2000. The breakdown is as follows at December 31:

  Customer                  2001         2000
  --------               ----------   ----------
     A                   $7,122,235   $8,314,581
     B                   $7,319,665         --


Soyo  currently  leases  its  office and  warehouse  premises  under a five year
non-cancelable  agreement  which expires  September 30, 2003. The lease provides
for  monthly  payments  of base  rent and an  unallocated  portion  of  building
operating costs.

Minimum future lease rentals are as follows:

    December 31,
    2002                                                         $       270,717
    2003                                                                 210,375
                                                                 $       481,092

Rent expense was $308,422, $298,246 and $67,456 for the years ended December 31,
2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

                                   SOYO, INC.
                   CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET (Restated - Note 2)
                               September 30, 2002


Current assets
  Cash                                                             $    291,537
  Certificate of deposit, restricted                                  1,000,000
  Accounts receivable, net                                            8,770,128
  Inventories                                                         9,648,621
  Prepaid expenses                                                       42,840
    Total current assets                                             19,753,126

Property and equipment, net                                              64,130
Goodwill, net                                                           389,307
Deposits                                                                 67,918
                                                                   $ 20,274,481


Current liabilities
  Accounts payable:
    Parent                                                         $ 20,587,930
    Trade                                                             3,021,312
  Accrued expenses                                                      324,246
  Note payable                                                        1,200,000
    Total current liabilities                                        25,133,488


  Common stock, $1.00 par value, 1,000,000
    shares authorized, 500,000 shares issued
    and outstanding                                                     500,000
  Retained earnings (deficit)                                        (5,359,007)
  Total stockholders' equity (deficit)                               (4,859,007)


                 See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.

                                      Three Months Ended               Nine Months Ended
                                         September 30,                   September 30,
                                  ----------------------------    ----------------------------
                                      2002            2001            2002            2001
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                   (Restated                       (Restated
                                    - Note 2)                       - Note 2)

Net revenues                      $ 13,625,372    $ 13,746,980    $ 39,924,692    $ 48,514,465
Cost of revenues                    13,485,301      12,746,261      39,972,073      45,544,212
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Gross margin (deficit)                 140,071       1,000,719         (47,381)      2,970,253
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Costs and expenses:
  General and administrative         1,243,933         873,323       3,478,898       2,264,062
  Sales and marketing                  383,372         170,012       1,025,595         516,485
  Depreciation and amortization          3,891          85,618           9,633         256,853
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Total costs and expenses         1,631,196       1,128,953       4,514,126       3,037,400
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Loss from operations                (1,491,125)       (128,234)     (4,561,507)        (67,147)
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Other income (expense):
  Interest income                          404           9,992          42,204          36,783
  Other income                            --              --            55,225           4,855
  Interest expense                      (8,863)         (8,108)        (37,871)        (12,878)
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                        (8,459)          1,884          59,558          28,760
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Loss before income taxes            (1,499,584)       (126,350)     (4,501,949)        (38,387)

Provision (benefit) for
  income taxes                            --              --           (61,679)        101,595
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Net loss                          $ (1,499,584)   $   (126,350)   $ (4,440,270)   $   (139,982)
                                  ============    ============    ============    ============

Basic and diluted loss per
  common share                    $      (3.00)   $      (0.25)   $      (8.88)   $      (0.28)
                                  ============    ============    ============    ============

Weighted average common
  shares outstanding                   500,000         500,000         500,000         500,000
                                  ============    ============    ============    ============

                 See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.
                   (Unaudited) Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                  2002 and 2001

                                                        2002           2001
                                                     -----------    -----------
                                                      (Restated      (Restated
                                                      - Note 2)      - Note 2)

  Net loss                                           $(4,440,270)   $  (139,982)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
   net cash provided by operating
      Depreciation and amortization                        9,633        256,853
      Provision for doubtful accounts                  1,225,001        250,000
      Changes in operating assets
        and liabilities:
        (Increase) decrease in:
          Accounts receivable                            (17,481)       363,648
          Inventories                                  4,952,799     (6,075,877)
          Prepaid expenses and other
            assets                                        23,503        (34,572)
          Note receivable                                   --          734,911
        Increase (decrease) in:
          Accounts payable                            (1,183,031)    (1,151,179)
          Accounts payable - Parent                     (603,364)     5,831,427
          Accrued expenses                               266,393        (10,789)
          Income taxes payable                           (75,044)       163,795
                                                     -----------    -----------

CASH FLOWS PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES              158,139        188,235
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Capital expenditures                                   (35,052)          --
                                                     -----------    -----------
CASH FLOWS USED IN INVENTING ACTIVITIES                  (35,052)          --
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Increase in note payable                                  --        1,200,000
  Increase in restricted cash                               --       (1,000,000)
                                                     -----------    -----------
CASH FLOWS PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                 --          200,000
                                                     -----------    -----------

NET INCREASE IN CASH                                     123,087        388,235

Cash, beginning of period                                168,450        260,868
                                                     -----------    -----------

Cash, end of period                                  $   291,537    $   649,103
                                                     ===========    ===========

  Interest paid                                      $    34,788    $    12,878
  Income taxes paid                                         --             --

                 See accompanying summary of accounting policies
                       and notes to financial statements.

                                   SOYO, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               September 30, 2002

Note 1 - Presentation

The condensed balance sheet of the Company as of September 30, 2002, the related
condensed statements of operations for the three and nine months ended September
30, 2002 and 2001 and the condensed statements of cash flows for the nine months
ended September 30, 2002 and 2001 included in the condensed financial statements
have been prepared by the Company  without audit.  In the opinion of management,
the  accompanying   condensed  financial   statements  include  all  adjustments
(consisting of normal,  recurring adjustments) necessary to summarize fairly the
Company's  financial  position  and  results  of  operations.   The  results  of
operations  for the three  and nine  months  ended  September  30,  2002 are not
necessarily  indicative  of the results of  operations  for the full year or any
other  interim   period.   Notes  to  the  financial   statements   which  would
substantially  duplicate  the  disclosure  contained  in the  audited  financial
statements for the most recent fiscal year 2001 as separately provided have been

Note 2 - Restatement

At December 31, 2002, the Company  reviewed the  collectibility  of its accounts
receivable,   particularly  in  light  of  the  deterioration  in  its  business
operations  during the three months ended  December 31, 2002,  and increased the
provision for doubtful accounts by $1,939,694,  to $2,009,218 for the year ended
December 31, 2002,  as compared to $69,524 as  originally  reported for the nine
months ended  September 30, 2002.  With respect to the  $2,009,218,  the Company
determined  that  $700,000  was  applicable  to the three months ended March 31,
2002,  $70,624 was applicable to the three months ended June 30, 2002,  $454,377
was  applicable to the three months ended  September 30, 2002,  and $784,217 was
applicable to the three months ended December 31, 2002.

At December  31,  2002,  the Company  also  reviewed  the  realizability  of its
inventory,  and reduced the carrying amount by $2,123,307,  of which  $1,500,000
was applicable to the three months ended March 31, 2002, $200,001 was applicable
to the three  months ended June 30, 2002,  and  $423,306 was  applicable  to the
three months ended December 31, 2002.

The Company has revised its unaudited financial  statements for the three months
and nine months ended September 30, 2002 to reflect the $1,225,001 provision for
doubtful  accounts and the $1,700,001  inventory  write-down  applicable to such
interim periods.

The Company  also  revised its  unaudited  statement  of cash flows for the nine
months ended  September 30, 2001 to reflect a $1,000,000  increase in restricted

A summary of the effect of these adjustments is as follows:

                                           Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                           September 30, 2002    September 30, 2002
                                           ------------------    ------------------

Net loss, as reported                      $       (1,050,992)   $       (1,555,174)

Provision for doubtful accounts                      (454,377)           (1,225,001)
Inventory write-down                                     --              (1,700,001)
Other                                                   5,785                39,906
                                           ------------------    ------------------
Net loss, as revised                       $       (1,499,584)   $       (4,440,270)
                                           ==================    ==================

Basic and diluted loss per common share:

  As reported                              $            (2.10)   $            (3.11)

  Provision for doubtful accounts                       (0.91)                (2.45)
  Inventory write-down                                   --                   (3.40)
  Other                                                  0.01                   .08
                                           ------------------    ------------------
  As adjusted                              $            (3.00)   $            (8.88)
                                           ==================    ==================

Weighted average common
  shares outstanding                                  500,000               500,000
                                           ==================    ==================

         (b)  Pro Forma Financial information

Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

The following pro forma balance sheet has been derived from the balance sheet of
Vermont Witch Hazel Company,  Inc. ("Vermont") at July 31, 2002 and adjusts such
information to give effect to the acquisition of Soyo, Inc. ("Soyo"),  as if the
acquisition  had occurred at December 31, 2001.  The pro forma  balance sheet is
presented for informational  purposes only and does not purport to be indicative
of the financial  condition that would have resulted if the acquisition had been
consummated  at December 31, 2001. The pro forma balance sheet should be read in
conjunction  with the notes thereto and the Company's  financial  statements and
related notes thereto contained elsewhere in this document.

Since  Vermont's  balance  sheet  is   insignificant,   a  pro  forma  condensed
consolidated  balance sheet is essentially the same as Soyo's balance sheet, and
is presented below.

                                         Vermont           Soyo
                                         7/31/02         12/31/01       Adjustments     Pro Forma
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Current Assets:
Cash                                   $       --      $    168,450    $       --      $    168,450
Certificate of deposit, restricted             --         1,000,000            --         1,000,000
Accounts receivable, net                       --         9,977,648            --         9,977,648
Inventories                                    --        14,601,420            --        14,601,420
Prepaid expenses                               --            25,261            --            25,261
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
  Total current assets                         --        25,772,779            --        25,772,779

Property and equipment, net                    --            38,711            --            38,711
Goodwill                                       --           389,307            --           389,307
Deposits                                       --           109,000            --           109,000
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                       $       --      $ 26,309,797            --      $ 26,309,797
                                       ============    ============    ============    ============

Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable:
  Parent                               $       --      $ 21,191,294            --      $ 21,191,294
  Trade                                        --         4,204,343            --         4,204,343
Accrued expenses                               --            57,853            --            57,853
Note payable                                   --         1,200,000            --         1,200,000
Income taxes payable                           --            75,044            --            75,044
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
  Total current liabilities                    --        26,728,534            --        26,728,534
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Stockholders' Equity (Deficit):
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value,
  10,000,000 shares authorized,
  1,000,000 shares issued and
  outstanding                                  --              --             1,000           1,000
Common stock, $0.001 par value,
  75,000,000 shares authorized,
  40,000,000 shares issued and
  outstanding                               668,042         500,000      (1,128,042)         40,000
Additional paid-in capital                     --              --           459,000         459,000
Accumulated deficit                        (668,042)       (918,737)        668,042        (918,737)
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
  Net stockholders' equity (deficit)           --          (418,737)       (418,737)
                                       ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                       $       --      $ 26,309,797    $               $ 26,309,797
                                       ============    ============    ============    ============

Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet:

(1)  Purchaser  "Ming  Tung Chok and  Nancy  Chu" paid  $300,000  to seller  for
     6,026,798 shares or 51% of the outstanding common stock of Vermont.

(2)  Issuance of 1,000,000 shares of convertible  preferred stock and 28,182,750
     shares of common stock of Vermont for all of the outstanding stock of Soyo.

After the  reorganization  and stock  purchase,  the  combined  entity will have
40,000,000 shares of common stock and 1,000,000 shares of convertible  preferred
stock outstanding.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       SOYO GROUP, INC.

Date:  June 24, 2003               By: /s/ Ming Tung Chok
                                      Name: Ming Tung Chok
                                      Title:  President, Chief Executive Officer
                                      and Director