- The last thing anyone should ever question when considering an outpatient procedure is their safety. After all, you trust that the facility performing your procedure has gone through rigorous standards to ensure the unthinkable never happens. Unfortunately, the unthinkable not only can happen, but does, particularly when healthcare facilities aren’t held accountable.
Since 1980, The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) has worked with thousands of healthcare facilities to standardize and improve the quality of health care they provide – believing that patient safety should always come first.
Recently, AAAASF completed a rebranding initiative that included a name change, from AAAASF to QUAD A.
The rebranding is part of an extensive review process of the organization’s mission, which has continued to grow not only in the United States, but worldwide, according to a press release from the organization.
“As we continue to expand into new domestic and international markets, we thought it was a good time to take a closer look at our internal and external identity,” says QUAD A CEO Thomas Terranova.
“We eventually decided on an updated name and look that not only honored our past but also positioned us as the globally recognized accreditation organization that we have become,” Terranova adds.
In 2020, the leadership team and board of directors of QUAD A began to reassess the organization’s internal processes. They sought feedback from their accredited facilities to help them understand what works and what could be improved. The result was a confirmation that QUAD A’s mission remains the same -- a commitment to the core belief that patient safety always comes first.
QUAD A was founded by physicians in 1980. The non-profit, physician-led organization provides accreditation and establishes standards for thousands of outpatient and rural health facilities to improve the quality of patient care. QUAD A is a global accreditation authority and remains committed to providing its members with an efficient and easy process that focuses on education, reliability, and communication.
One of the keys to maintaining high standards for patient care with QUAD A is the process of Patient Safety Data Reporting (PSDR). Accredited facilities contribute to this important work by sharing their data and allowing QUAD A to identify trends in patient outcomes and adjust their standards as needed. This collaborative effort helps set QUAD A apart from other accreditation organizations, according to the organization’s website.
In addition, patients can feel secure in knowing that the facilities where they receive care meet the highest standards, and that the privacy of their data is protected.
For more information, visit www.quada.org.