Charleston, SC, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In Flavor Flimflammery, author Gerry Nicholls explains how flavor is perceived by EVERY living person—something which, stunningly, has never been attempted before. Combined with his journalistic ability to break down problems in research, politics, and finance, Nicholls expertly exposes the miscommunication in this multi-industry issue. Yes—flavor science has been skewed by corporate and government interests, bad reporting, and misrepresented experiments. It’s more complex than we think, involving multiple brain regions that create a symphony of experiences beyond simple sensory input.
Flavor Flimflammery is perfect for science classrooms, college neuroscience and biology departments, and fans of Penn and Teller’s Bullshit! Essentially, anyone who eats and drinks! With a sharp wit and a strong voice, Nicholls is a Bill Nye the Science Guy for a new generation, bringing a fun, informative read to anyone who loves a . . . digestible bite of content.
Flavor Flimflammery is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about the author, please visit any of his social media platforms.
About the Author:
Gerry Nicholls has worn many hats throughout his life, which includes having hands-on experience in medical operating rooms on three continents. An astute, unsponsored researcher, Gerry has an encyclopedic knowledge of science, medicine, and the human body. His rigor makes him a wise and pedantic medical journalist—yes, a polymath with a sesquipedalian title list. At the same time, Gerry’s friends know him for his outlandish sense of humor and his qualities as a teacher and communicator. His powerful, skeptical, non-conforming voice sheds light on some of healthcare’s best-kept secrets.
Media Contact:
Gerry Nicholls
Available for interviews: Author, Gerry Nicholls

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing