Charleston, SC, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What makes a “radical” radical? Is it their message, their approach to communication, or their values? And when, if ever, does the title change from a “radical” to someone who fights for freedom, human rights, or progress?
Astute author, known only as The Commoner, dissects the term “radical” and challenges the preconceived notions often accompanying it in their new political science nonfiction title, Radical: Why you shouldn’t dismiss a Radical.
Within the pages of Radical, readers will look back at past radical groups—like abolitionists, suffragists, union leaders, and environmental activists. They’ll be prompted to reflect and answer some very important questions for themselves:
- Why is advocating for a cleaner future radical?
- Why is the pursuit of equality considered radical?
- Why is the display of compassion, dignity, and love seen as radical?
More than anything, Radical seeks to open readers’ minds and encourage more people to engage in a wider debate about the role of dissent in societal progress.
Radical: Why you shouldn’t dismiss a Radical is available for purchase online at and Barnes and
About the Author:
The Commoner, a devoted truth-seeker and justice advocate, has committed their life to educating others. With a robust background in historical research and studies, they have spent many years in the classroom passionately teaching. The Commoner believes steadfastly in the importance of truth, especially when it pertains to the American public, viewing it as their duty to expose and discuss it. Their book, Radical, draws from their wealth of knowledge and experience, appealing to history enthusiasts, political aficionados, and everyday people intrigued by current events and debates. The Commoner's work is a testament to their dedication to truth and justice.
Available for interviews: Author, The Commoner

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing