Our financial results improved considerably this quarter driven primarily by better operating performance and
lower costs, aided by currency movements. The results were impacted by a number of largely offsetting
abnormal items which are more fully discussed below.
Global demand was positive but in Europe coated fine paper apparent consumption fell slightly in relation
to a strong quarter a year ago. Coated fine paper prices in Europe were lower in comparison to both the
prior quarter and last year. Modest price increases were achieved in North America during the quarter.
Pulp demand and prices continued to improve.
Group sales were US$1.296 billion, an increase of 7% in comparison to the prior quarter due to improved
sales volumes. The 7% reduction in group sales in comparison to the same quarter last year was mainly due
to the inclusion of an additional week in the accounting period last year.
Over the past 2 years, the price impact of higher raw materials and energy costs has reduced our operating
earnings in aggregate by more than US$250 million. In this fiscal quarter the negative effect was
approximately US$30 million compared to the same quarter last year, bringing the total price impact for the
year to more than US$130 million compared to the prior year. We have recently seen some easing of certain
input costs and compared to the June quarter there was a modest favourable impact.
The operating profit of US$51 million was negatively impacted by a net pre-tax amount of US$24 million
comprising a restructuring charge of US$40 million in Europe in respect of the planned reduction of the
workforce by approximately 650 (12%), a US$15 million negative plantation fair value charge (net of fellings)
and US$9 million of miscellaneous impairments of replaced assets partly offset by a US$40 million impairment
reversal at Usutu Mill.
The South African businesses benefited from the weaker Rand. The average rate for the quarter of
R7.25 per US Dollar was 10% weaker than a year earlier.
Finance costs for the quarter were US$37 million, US$11 million higher than the same quarter last year,
mainly due to higher interest paid and changes in the fair value of financial instruments. There was an
unfavourable change in the fair value of financial instruments of US$4 million compared to a favourable
change of US$5 million in the equivalent quarter last year.
Tax was favourable this quarter due to tax credits from loss making entities and the release of allowances
for prior years' assessments more than offsetting taxable earnings.
Earnings per share for the quarter were 18 US cents compared to a loss of 13 US cents per share last year.
Headline earnings per share, which exclude the impairment reversal and asset write-offs but include the
plantation revaluation and European restructuring charges, were 2 US cents compared to a 5 US cent loss
a year ago.
For the full fiscal year, the loss per share was 2 US cents per share compared to a loss of 81 US cents per
share in the prior year. The headline loss per share was 11 US cents for the year compared to earnings of
20 US cents in the prior year.
sappi limited – fourth quarter page 2